How the IAM district 141 level runs a election.
To Our Flight Attendants that took the time to Vote,
It makes me very sad to inform you that the Atlanta vote did not count in the district election. Apparently, within the IAM, there are many rules on how to handle paper ballots depending on whether it is a local, district or international election. With both the International and local elections, instructions were included with the ballots and tally sheets. Not so with the District election. The person in charge of the election was told to do as she was trained. She was trained for a local election as this was our first district election. She worked very hard to insure that all rules were followed that she was aware of. Unfortunately, no one told her she had to send in the paper ballots with the tallies. How would she know? The district was aware of this error almost immediately but chose not to make her aware of it until yesterday when they were almost finished the count. She offered many solutions including flying them out there on the next plane but all were turned down by the District. Our local was not the only local that was not counted. We are trying to find out how many were disqualified because of a lack of instructions. Frustrating? Yes, indeed but direct your anger and frustration at the IAM, specifically to David Supplee - Secretary Treasurer
Air Transport District 142
400 NE 32nd St.
Kansas City, MO 64116
Office - 816-452-6646
Fax - 816-455-4793
Cell - 727-415-6628
This was not a local error but an error by omission on the district level. We will be protesting this election.
So, the IAM wants my business ?