On Wed, Jul 09, 2014 at 09:16 AM, Santos wrote:
As you probably heard, the Lombardo meeting was packed with explosions at JFK yesterday. I was committed to staying in the background, and watching my coworkers cower to Lombardo. It was quite the contrary. Almost immediately anger and profanity erupted. I was proud of them, even though at times the discussion wondered or rehashed the same topic over and over. Lombardo looks like a street fighter. He didn't quiver and traded curses with the best of them. At one point a mechanic called out Alex Garcia and had to be restrained from going after the treasurer.
Lombardo's best moments came when he told the assembled group to be more militant. He repeated this often. This has been my ideology from day 1. However, my coworkers, subconsciously, chose the lazy route while blaming others for our misfortune. It didn't help that there was never any leadership from the Intl on the subject. There must be a blizzard in hell because I thought I'd never live to see a day when the Intl President openly advocated a job-action.
Afterwards I pulled aside Lombardo, Samuelsen, and Garcia and spoke to them individually without an audience. I thanked Lombardo for coming and told him his remarks on militancy was right on mark. That led me to the e-mail thread posted on the 591 web-site. He slinked for a moment. I reiterated some of the points from the e-mails. Shockingly, Lombardo said there was a prevalent cowardliness in the ATD. "They're terrified of management," he commented. He preceded to rail against the ATD without mentioning names. I assume he was referring to Drummond. Lombardo grabbed my hand and said that e-mail thread was his most embarrassing moment and his caustic reply to me was out of frustration with the ATD. I assured Lomdardo that my e-mail was not designed to antagonize but rather constructive criticism. Grabbing my hand again, he came closer, and with a smirk said, "if you really want to boil me over -- compare me to Jim Little."
I spoke to Garcia about corporate compensation and the TWU's inactivity on the subject. He replied that legal has been looking into whether they are accountable to an agreement made by Jim Little. "Just fire off a few comments and tell the company you'll see them in court," I scoffed. Garcia replied, "that may be the direction we're heading."
Sammuelsen gave me his phone # and expressed interest in continuing a conversation with me on militancy.