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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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we have far more credibility than you will ever be willing to admit.   700 I agree with you bro.    i sure can handle a lot more  considering what I have been thru both in work and in my life.   700 is simply telling his side and what happens in unions vs non unions   Ive been on both sides of the fence as has kev   and if you think im gonna take your word over kev who is an active employee then i got news for you   ill take kev's words before i take yours  I also respect southwind   baba and other active delta folks regardless of whether theyre for or against unions  at least they don't turn every thread into a dl is the best airline thread
Kev3188 said:
The first step is to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and just focus on your own actions.
He will never get it, he accuses people of doing certain actions, yet he does the same.
And your post Kev is the post of the year.
Remember to WT he has to "WIN".
Kev3188 said:
The first step is to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and just focus on your own actions.
and that would be true but you only bet burned so many times before you realize that you do what you have to do to protect yourself.

I've agreed to focus on the issues only to have people here post my personal information and then tell me I have no skin in the game.

Let's once again focus on what matters here but with that requires that 700 and robbed understand that posting that DL people have repeatedly voted out unions because they know what they have and because it is the same as what it was when I was at DL doesn't make me any less credible.

it is a hurdle which they have to overcome and they aren't going to get there by telling me that I have no knowledge of what is going on or by breaching my personal privacy.

I'll focus on the topic but I don't believe in unilateral disarmament and I also will not refuse to speak about the situation of labor at DL.

if those two can't handle the reality which I clearly posted on here five years ago and which continues to be true without trying to shut me out of the conversation in one of multiple ways, then they either need to stay out of it or be prepared that I will escalate it as I need to.
And yet I asked you numerous times to answer things relevant to the topic and you refuse.
Funny you been asked several times from me and you refuse to answer.
So let me ask again.
How many times has ACS voted in a union election at DL?
When was the last time ACS voted for a union at DL?
We all know the FAs have voted several times with the last one being very close.
When did you retire from DL?
Why are you so hellbent on an anti-union message when you are just collecting a frozen pension check?
And as you stated there are only like five active DL employees who post on here and two of them arent ACS nor FAs, so why such a concern?
And you are the one who tries to censor people and control the conversation, how many times have you said "you dont work for Delta" "You are a third party" "you dont belong her posting"
You are such a  hypocrite that its pathetic.
700UW said:
When did you retire from DL?
Why are you so hellbent on an anti-union message when you are just collecting a frozen pension check?
And as you stated there are only like five active DL employees who post on here and two of them arent ACS nor FAs, so why such a concern?
And you are the one who tries to censor people and control the conversation, how many times have you said "you dont work for Delta" "You are a third party" "you dont belong her posting"
You are such a  hypocrite that its pathetic.

the only way that you can get your message across is by trying to marginalize anyone else that disagrees with you.

you are the worst POSSIBLE excuse for a labor promoter that wants to convince DL people that the unions are a viable alternative

DL employees have repeatedly refused to vote for unions precisely because of the attitude which you portray and which DL people want nothing to do with - that anyone that refuses to toe the line the union wants to draw is out of line.

DL people aren't about going to trust their money to people like you.

GO celebrate your success at Spirit.

DL people aren't buying.
Once again you avoid the questions.
Still waiting for you to knock on my door, or is it another empty threat from the internet keyboard warrior?
They wont be trusting their money with me, I dont work for the IAM nor do I receive any compensation from them.
I dont know its so hard for you to answer a few simple questions, what are you hiding
Funny you been asked several times from me and you refuse to answer.
So let me ask again.
How many times has ACS voted in a union election at DL?
When was the last time ACS voted for a union at DL?
We all know the FAs have voted several times with the last one being very close.
When did you retire from DL?
Why are you so hellbent on an anti-union message when you are just collecting a frozen pension check?
And as you stated there are only like five active DL employees who post on here and two of them arent ACS nor FAs, so why such a concern?
And you are the one who tries to censor people and control the conversation, how many times have you said "you dont work for Delta" "You are a third party" "you dont belong her posting"
You are such a  hypocrite that its pathetic.
so he repeats the same thing in bold italic print as if that changes the answer.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason you don't get the results you want is because what you have to offer is flawed and has nothing to do with how hard you yell?

DL people have repeatedly voted to NOT unionize because unions can't demonstrate that they can add anything that DL employees don't already have.

yelling at the top of your lungs won't change that.
You are hiding something.
What are you scared of?
How many times has ACS voted in a union election at DL?
When was the last time ACS voted for a union at DL?
We all know the FAs have voted several times with the last one being very close.
When did you retire from DL?
Why are you so hellbent on an anti-union message when you are just collecting a frozen pension check?
And as you stated there are only like five active DL employees who post on here and two of them arent ACS nor FAs, so why such a concern?
And you are the one who tries to censor people and control the conversation, how many times have you said "you dont work for Delta" "You are a third party" "you dont belong her posting"
You are such a  hypocrite that its pathetic.
700UW said:
How many times has ACS voted in a union election at DL?
Who cares...
When was the last time ACS voted for a union at DL?
Again, who cares, last time union lost.  Period (even with the new rules).
We all know the FAs have voted several times with the last one being very close.
​Good for them, but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
When did you retire from DL?
I'm still tossing lugage...
Why are you so hellbent on an anti-union message when you are just collecting a frozen pension check?
401K for me.  You can keep the crappy  IAMPF.
And as you stated there are only like five active DL employees who post on here and two of them arent ACS nor FAs, so why such a concern?
You will never get it, being Delta is a state of mind.
And you are the one who tries to censor people and control the conversation, how many times have you said "you dont work for Delta" "You are a third party" "you dont belong her posting"
Pot calling the kettle black.
You are such a  hypocrite that its pathetic.
Stay away from mirrors...
Such a mature and intelligent reply.
And those questions are asked of WorldTraveler, not you, as they dont apply to you.
Did DL update the chip in your brain or did you just have your daily dose of Koolaid?
I heard you saying this "Must protect Delta at all costs"
And that picture is one of many F/A's see.   It  turns SO MANY OFF to the IAM.  Keep it up its working! 
Many cards are expiring whiteout re-signs.  Wonder why?  Perhaps change tactics, Argue the FACTS and leave the childish pictures to .......I don't know..... the children ?   
Such a mature and intelligent reply.
and once again, any one that DARES challenge you or points out the hypocrisy of your strategies is the one at fault.

the brainwashed sheep are the few people in the US with unions who continue to think they are getting something when the evidence is OVERWHELMING that unions have delivered nothing.

don't worry... in a couple more decades, the union movement in America will be completely dead. 6% union membership in private US companies, is that right?

any other organization would be figuring out how to restructure and survive - but they just turn you lose on the internet in your attempts to trash other people.

congrats for doing your part to kill the labor movement in America.

I'm sure you'll get a star on the walk of shame.
only reason the laws were changed was bec dl got it changed to suit their agenda in not being able to get their employees unionized at that time.    yoyo  baba  and southwind  just fyi   I do respect your not wanting a union  but should you become union (which is my wish to see)  I hope you can respect that  
yet DL doesn't make the laws and can't change them on its own.

take your frustration out against the government that allowed it.

apparently they see the changes as just as fair as the changes that were made for the benefit of unions.
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