Maybe you should explain this to 700.
everyone here understands, though, that 700 and robbed have NO CHOICE but to argue that anyone that has an opposing view to them has no right to participate while they are entitled to spew their union propaganda wherever they want and where it DL employees have repeatedly told them their views are not wanted.
It isn't me on this site. it's Babba and you if no one else.
And yet they keep pushing endlessly.
If they had half the respect for DL employees that they say they do, they would leave the decision regarding unionization to DL employees to discuss AMONG THEMSELVES.
but they clearly don't have respect.
if you honestly think that you are threatened by my comment about an A330 then you are not anywhere near as smart as you want to believe. A330s don't show up on just any residential street. and anyone who has worked at an airport knows it is the responsibility of humans to get out of the way of aircraft - not the other way around - as long as aircraft stay where they are supposed to. Nowhere did I ever say or infer that the pilots of the aircraft should turn it against a building or anywhere else where it isn't supposed to be.
what is clear is that, just like in this conversation, you continually stick your nose into places they shouldn't be so the notion of you getting in the path of jetblast from an A330 runs right alongside your insatiable need to justify your presence in a conversation about unionization of DL employees that should be left to them and no one else.
If you can't take the advise of Kev to isolate yourself from the conversation if you can't include others, then you shouldn't be surprised when you are repeatedly called out for your own behavior.
I live with those that enjoy life. there are plenty of parties that are still taking place. It's a game, not an application for citizenship. And there are a whole lot of people who get it.
too bad the IAM fan club here can't get what the people at the FIFA Fan Fest can.