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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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So why did Delta arbitrarily cut the profit sharing by 33% from 15% to 10%?
How is that looking out for employees?
Why do some people get a 2% raise while others get a 3% raise doing the same job?
Why is Delta treating 50% of its workforce in ACS with only one raise and no benefits?
Yep thats taking care of employees.
and yet in 9 out of 9 (or was it 8 out of 8) votes, DL people decided to eliminate union and within the space of just a couple weeks, more union memberships were cancelled than ever in the history of the US airline industry and perhaps ever in American business.

in fact, the unions' defeats at DL look surprisingly like what happened to the Brazil national soccer team today.

well, Brazil fared better. they actually scored one gol. not so much the union movement in its attempts to organize DL.

tout the accomplishments that the IAM made at Spirit.

DL people aren't buying. yesterday, today, or in the future.

The World Cup will be played again and Brazil will play.

the IAM is circling the drain.
How many votes were there held for ACS?
And how many times do I have to tell you it isnt an easy process.
It took four votes at US for the ramp to become unionized.
Why did dl spend millions to lobby to change the threshold?
Keep avoiding answering:
So why did Delta arbitrarily cut the profit sharing by 33% from 15% to 10%?
How is that looking out for employees?
Why do some people get a 2% raise while others get a 3% raise doing the same job?
Why is Delta treating 50% of its workforce in ACS with only one raise and no benefits?
Yep thats taking care of employees.
What is Delta's history of outsourcing of ramp work?
Before the merger with Northwest Airlines, Delta had their own ramp employees at only 15 stations. All other stations were outsourced. Northwest Airlines employed their own ramp workers in 40 stations. They were prevented from outsourcing any of these because of the union contract. Once Delta and Northwest became one carrier Delta brought all ramp work in Northwest union stations back in house.
Delta did not outsource all ramp work in the former Northwest stations because that would have provided too big a target for union supporters. In addition, because of Ready Reserve, Delta could operate these stations very cheaply.
Bottom line? Without the legal protection provided by a union contract, any part of Delta's operation can be outsourced at any time
robbedagain said:
im not saying that  south.   I may not be an employee of DL but its just my wish to see DL folks become union.   Ill tell you this about 700  he knows his stuff when it comes to the IAM  He the one who helped me get the ball moving further along the flight path for my grievance case  to the point some changes had to be made.  So While I do understand your against the unions  and I understand your dislike of him I do gotta hand it to him for helping me out and I think all he trying to do is just simply help and all   Yes he and I have had our fair share of disagreements  esp back in the dark days at US but the man knows his stuff regarding the union.
As for Josh  he just flame baits 700 every shot he gets and I would think you would be tired of it just like me.
And I don't have a problem with work groups, having votes in order to decide if they want a union or not, of course if one was going on in maintenance, you know which way I would lean, I just believe the "People" this affects, should know both sides of the story!
700UW said:
Thanks Robbed for the kind words.
Suck up!
Kev3188 said:
DL gives raises because there's no price too high to maintain autocracy...

WT's attempts at framing it any other way are about as solid as Brazil's back 4...
Sounds like DL's damned if they do and damned if they don't....in your book!
700UW said:
Then why dont you say the same to 737823, he is a passenger, and has nothing to do with Delta?
Why dont you say the same to WT who is collecting is frozen retirement check and hasnt been at DL in years?
Why dont you say the same about yourself, you are not ACS nor Inflight?
#1 The way I look at it, what affects DL, affects me..........period!

#2 Like I stated earlier, no matter which way the vote goes , you not affected........period!
WT  let me be clear to you since you cannot seem to "grasp" crap....
i never once said i was loyal to 700..  youre more than welcome to look for any of my posts where i said i am a loyal person to 700.   it just happens he knows a hell of a lot more about unions  esp the inner workings and all   he has repeatedly stated he is a trade unionist    im just a union member and im dam proud to be a member of the union regardless of the past   the past is the past cant dwell on the past gotta move fwd  and for me ive done dam good with that.    and regardless of what US has done in the past I at least know where I stand and 700 was kind enough to help me with some of that.  secondly DL may have given raises but the point of the fact is  they do not have to   why?  bec NON UNION DL can do whatever they want however they please at any given time.  Id be willing to bet they dont go by seniority when it comes to things such as shift bids.. but Ill let Kev answer that one.   While Im a PMUS employee I am a bystander in seeing DL folks becoming UNION so that they can have a say in matters   Times have change WT  
yeah, you're right it was Kevin who said it would be proud to stand beside 700. no comment.

The fact is that you have a grievance against US and 700 and the IAM is helping to bail you out.

I want you to win because I want that for you as a person.

but let's be clear that US screwed you even with a union present and they aren't going to do anything to make your life easier because airline mgmts. LOVE to screw with unions every chance they can get.

It is precisely because of that adversarial relationship that exists between labor and mgmt. that DL's current non-union people repeatedly say they want nothing to do with.

DL people dn't want a union. they have better pay and better PROVEN job protection that you or their unionzed peers.

There is nothing a union can offer.
The IAM isnt helping him out, they are doing their job as his collective bargaining agent and are holding the company to the CBA which they violated, he is standing up for his contractual rights, as for myself I pointed him in the right direction and made a few calls to people I know.
If DL ACS of FAs didnt want a union, why did they approach the IAM and why are DL employees leading a grassroots effort to unionize?
And at least if there is a violation, a US unionized employee has a grievance procedure, DL doesnt.
Everyone in ACS or FAs are employees at will.
Why do DL FAs fly out JFK, LGA and EWR and have to pay for parking since DL only covers two of the three airports that are in the NYC base?
Is that taking care of its employees by making them pay to come to work?
Your living in the past, how many years ago did you leave DL, see I asked many times yet you cant answer?
You dont work the ramp, nor are you a flight attendant, you dont know what they want, now do you?
There are like five DL employees who post on here, how do you claim to speak for the thousands and you are just a retiree collecting a frozen pension check?
No one has to be in or out of a company to recognize that DL employees handed the unions the single largest defeat in the history of the US airline industry and perhaps in all of US business.

deal with the facts. they aren't my opinion and they aren't secret.
WorldTraveler said:
No one has to be in or out of a company to recognize that DL employees handed the unions the single largest defeat in the history of the US airline industry and perhaps in all of US business.

deal with the facts. they aren't my opinion and they aren't secret.
Single largest defeat?
Care to show us the facts on that?
You are grasping at refusing to answer what is asked of you again.
Why are there three different pay scales for the same classification?
Why do some earn more at the same level in the pay progression than others?
Why did DL cut the profit sharing by 33% from 15% to 10%?
Why do some DL employees get a 2% raise vs a 3% raise?
Why isnt DL bringing CLT, RDU and MIA in-house since those are the three largest operations still vendored out?
Why do FAs in NYC have to pay for parking to go to work?
If I drove to work in BOS I would pay for parking but live close enough to walk. In many major cities that is standard.

You dont get it, figures.
FAs assigned to the NYC base are required to fly out of JFK, LGA and EWR, DL will only pay for two of the three airports.
And it is standard in the airline industry, union or non-union that if you are based at the airport the company will provide and pay for parking.
thanks for the kind words 700.   Lets see here WT... either youre living in the past or you have not caught up to the future.  If DL employees have pay issues  Id be willing to bet they dont have a recourse as much as you claim they do   Even Kev pointed that out.  At least with a union regardless of which union the job of the union is to keep the company from violating cba and we all know US violates but Im pretty dam sure the other unionized carriers also violate it.  DL can do as they please any time with lit regard to the employees...
Do the IAM reps free ride on non revs passes received from DL employees to get to the event?

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