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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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ok... so let's use your strategy here.

we are supposed to NOT believe an active DL FA but believe people who post an internet forum who can't even be verified as having EVER been DL FAs, let alone now?

I think not. I'll take Baba's word.

and this just further validates why the IAM has no credibility when they make statements that everyone at DL who is involved knows is not true.
WorldTraveler said:
ok... so let's use your strategy here.

we are supposed to NOT believe an active DL FA but believe people who post an internet forum who can't even be verified as having EVER been DL FAs, let alone now?

I think not. I'll take Baba's word.

and this just further validates why the IAM has no credibility when they make statements that everyone at DL who is involved knows is not true.
I am not speaking for the IAM, unlike you who claims to speak for DL and ALL its employees, yet only five come on here to post.
And a response I have gotten:
two explained it to me! They said they have to do it in "DEERS" and its extremely burdensome. You have to use your own funds and it can take weeks to recover.
where did I EVER say that I speak for ALL DL employees or even 20 or 30? look hard but don't break a fingernail using google.

it isn't a surprise that AA or WN FAs make more ON AVERAGE - since AA has hired very few people over the past ten years and has an almost entirely topped out workforce.

DL has hired thousands of FAs since 2005 which brings their average down.

WN FAs are facing the same problem they have faced in other departments - labor costs that are too high relative to their revenues which are now more and more competitive with the legacies.

the bigger question is how DL managed to beat the compensation levels for UA and US' UNIONIZED FAs. suppose you can explain that?

never mind. DL FAs know the reasons and they aren't voting for a union - esp the IAM - to "fix" the problem with their higher salaries.
What is the big deal with filing for reimbursement? I mean seriously some of these people are never pleased. But of course if the IAM or another union negotiated a reimbursement they would think its great.

They wouldnt have to negotiate reimbursement as it would already be paid for and not have to come out of the employees pocket.
Parking at any of the three NYC Area airports can be quite expensive.
AA gives parking to all NY crew members who fly the three airports which is owned by Port Authority NY.If you are on reserve and don't have a permit you are reimburse with a receipt.Delta needs to pay P.A. the parking !
737823 said:
But of course if the IAM or another union negotiated a reimbursement they would think its great.

That's 'cause it would be...

DEERS is okay, but it can be kinda wonky. It also depends on how fast your manager can be bothered to approve/deny your request.

F/A's have enough to be worried about with out adding whether or not (or when) they're going to get reimbursed to their plate...
Other than the satisfaction of knowing such a benefit was obtained through the collective bargaining process how would it be any different? If your response is going to be "there would be a procedure, accountability in place and the company isn't able to eliminate it at anytime" I know that already so save the bandwidth.
It is different as you arent laying out cash and waiting for it to be reimbursed, and NYC bases are usually quite junior so those not making a lot of money wouldnt be outlaying cash that they need to live on.
And I will post whatever and whenever, so stop wasting bandwidth on telling me what I can post and cant.
And Kevin and I are still waiting for you to explain your first hand experience on unions in regard to your family business, you know the questions asked over a week ago that you said you would answer, guess just another lie from you.
so now the IAM is taking on the plight of NYC FAs and their parking situation since every other lie that the IAM has been debunked?

That's 'cause it would be...

DEERS is okay, but it can be kinda wonky. It also depends on how fast your manager can be bothered to approve/deny your request.

F/A's have enough to be worried about with out adding whether or not (or when) they're going to get reimbursed to their plate...
wonky? can you tell me what reimbursement approval program at another existing airline is preferable?

and do you have any evidence that DL FA supervisors sit on reimbursement requests?

and more significantly, how many NYC FAs do you know who REGULARLY fly out of all 3 NYC airports?

remember, DL provides free ground transportation and many NYC FAs are commuters... so how big is the population of FAs that own cars in NYC AND fly out of ALL 3 airports?

I'm guessing this is yet another of the "let's try and make hay out of a few kernels of grass seed and see how it turns out" by a couple of union advocates that aren't even active NYC FAs.

and you worry about retired employees getting involved in representation discussions?
The only one who is lying is you, everything the IAM has put out is factual, dont you know they know everyone would be tearing about the information.
You havent debunked any official IAM Campaign material.

Kindly show me where the IAM put out anything official about the parking at the three NYC airports?
They didnt, so once again the liar is you.
I dont speak for the IAM, nor am I employed by them.
What is your motivation that you put so much time and effort to be DL's official Anti-Union spokesman and the official spokesman for ALL DL employees, because that is how you act.
From a DL FA:
Put this recently on another post. 2 weeks ago assigned A days to EWR. I only have parking to JFK & LGA. it cost me $18 in tolls, &69 to park and $4 for extra gas. The trip was $105 out of my pocket. I applied for DEERS, which is a reimbursement form and was rejected. I now have to find out why this was declined and start all over. It is a PIA and I resent the funds having to come out of my pocket to go to work. When we were under contract I had parking to all 3.
Yes, wonky. You can substitute an equivalent word in there if you'd prefer. Glictchy would be a good pick.

and do you have any evidence that DL FA supervisors sit on reimbursement requests?
I didn't say they did. I said when one gets reimbursed (F/A or not) is wholly dependent on when their manager approves the request.

Do you have any evidence that the process is expedient 100% of the time?

At any rate, this isn't something the IAM has ginned up; it's something actual DL employees have brought up on FB. it may not matter to you or Baba, but it clearly does to them...
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