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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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I doubt if the Target and Michael's cases could have happened if chipped cards had been the norm.

still, the merchants paid the price - although I am fully aware that consumers were inconvenienced at the minimum.

I've been the victim of credit card twice and asked for a chipped card each time and was told they don't offer it yet but in both cases they replaced my card immediately and reversed the fraudulent charges just as fast.

I've been with both companies for over 20 years.

OTOH I had credit card fraud involving Cap One and they never would fix the problem. Guess what card I don't use any more?
europe and ASIA???? use micro chipped cards  dont hear too much about theirs being hacked...    i hear ya about cap one
The bank fees are in place to pass along the higher costs of doing business thanks to the misguided financial reforms. I'm not condoning all practices among financial services companies towards consumers but for the most part if you are a savvy consumer and carefully read and ask questions about the products you use you won't be stuck with any surprises or unnecessary fees. The reality is banks don't make money off customers who require vast amounts of staff time and perform many marginal transactions with debit cards thanks to the Durbin amendment. Debit cards aren't nearly as lucrative as they were 4-5 years ago hence why banks aren't pushing them as much as before and virtually all mile/reward earning debit cards have become extinct (Delta SkyMiles Suntrust is still around).

them bank fees came after the American People revolted during the melt down caused by none other than the big so called no fail banks...  the banks got p.ss.d bec of that and the govt stepped in and so the banks figured theyre gonna revolt back against the peeps and charge them  
737823 said:
The bank fees are in place to pass along the higher costs of doing business thanks to the misguided financial reforms. I'm not condoning all practices among financial services companies towards consumers but for the most part if you are a savvy consumer and carefully read and ask questions about the products you use you won't be stuck with any surprises or unnecessary fees. The reality is banks don't make money off customers who require vast amounts of staff time and perform many marginal transactions with debit cards thanks to the Durbin amendment. Debit cards aren't nearly as lucrative as they were 4-5 years ago hence why banks aren't pushing them as much as before and virtually all mile/reward earning debit cards have become extinct (Delta SkyMiles Suntrust is still around).

As well as all the fines they all have been fined for the false loans crises.
Kev3188 said:
That'll depend on what sort of mood RK & com are in when it happens...
Hmmm, in 16 years I don't remember any money deducted from my pay, because the company "Lost" money, other than BK, which also negates "ALL" union contracts!
Bankruptcy doesnt negate all union contracts.
You are truly ignorant.
Go read and try to comprehend Section 1113 C of the bankruptcy code.
"OUTRAGEOUS! Union Organizers Expose Psychological Warfare Used On Workers...and Themselves!"
...[P]ink sheeting is actually a serious problem in the union. It entails union staff gathering sensitive personal information about the lower-level staff that they directly supervise, as well as unorganized workers and members, in order to discover their personal weaknesses. This information is then used at a later point to "push" them to follow the union's program if they are resistant. For example (and this is a scenario we have heard about from multiple organizers in different cities), a lead organizer will share personal struggles that they have experienced in their life with a new organizer. The lead will then ask the new organizer about hardships they have experienced. Thinking that their fellow staff is simply opening up to them, the new organizer often shares sensitive information of their own. The information that the new organizer shares is then remembered by the lead (and in many cases actually recorded on a form that was originally pink). Down the line, if the organizer is told to do something on a campaign that they feel uncomfortable doing, the lead will put this information to use. They will bring up the sensitive information to convince the new organizer that, by following the lead's direction, they are confronting their fears and insecurities and becoming a stronger person, just like when they dealt with personal hardship in the past. While the details of how the practice is used vary, the constant is that emotionally vulnerable information is methodologically gathered on workers and staff. Later, if they express doubt about the union program, it is used to convince them to follow the union's plan.

This practice is a cynical and manipulative system of control. It creates a cult-like relationship of dependency between staff and their supervisors because staff who are successfully subjected to this come to see their supervisors as playing an important role in helping them develop emotionally.
Be careful what you wish for!
The site Southwind has been duped into linking is run by a company called Kulture (yes, with a K) Inc., which is owned by a guy named Peter List. Shadowmen like him are cowards who make millions by selling fear.

Southwind should walk over to the G.O., and use his "direct relationship" to find out just how much of our Profit Sharing money goes to outfits like this...
Kev3188 said:
The site Southwind has been duped into linking is run by a company called Kulture (yes, with a K) Inc., which is owned by a guy named Peter List. Shadowmen like him are cowards who make millions by selling fear.
Southwind should walk over to the G.O., and use his "direct relationship" to find out just how much of our Profit Sharing money goes to outfits like this...
Southwind was no more duped than you were "duped into standing with AMFA" according to Roach.

700UW said:
And that has what to do with this topic?
#1 A union is a union is a union!
#2 Why is it ok to change the topic to the banking system, then question me!
Go back to your union office!
Kev3188 said:
The site Southwind has been duped into linking is run by a company called Kulture (yes, with a K) Inc., which is owned by a guy named Peter List. Shadowmen like him are cowards who make millions by selling fear.

Southwind should walk over to the G.O., and use his "direct relationship" to find out just how much of our Profit Sharing money goes to outfits like this...
and selling fear isn't exactly what the IAM does with its campaign of trying ton convince DL employees what they can lose because they are "at will" employees as compared to what other carrier employees have lost even with a contract?
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