IAM Stepping Up campaign

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So what people can have whatever political beliefs they want this is America, unlike some places people have the opportunity to elect and support the parties and politicians they so choose. Richard Anderson and the executive council have contracts because they have special responsibilities, access to proprietary non-public information and the rights and obligations for such an arrangement need to be spelled out, that is commonplace.

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So a flight attendant isn't important?

Go ask the survivors of 1549 how important they are.

And during my time on the negotiating committees at US and CO I was privy to confidential information and I didn't have to make a new contact with either of them.

And neither does middle management and other people at airlines who have access to confidential information.

So spin it another way.
So, I do research myself,  but I don't "actually really educate" myself because my conclusion differs from yours?
Therein lays the problem.  You can't fathom the idea that someone has different beliefs than yours.  
again, the mentality projected that we all must be uneducated and naive is GETTING OLD.  
Again, thanks for making our point with every post.  
ignore you?  Why should your biased uninformed lies be ignored?
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You dont, your posts show it, a union isnt a third party.
I dont post lies unlike yourself and others.
Your so blinded and brainwashed its pathetic.
737823 said:
Just funny that he relates right to work to human/civil rights. Let me guess you believe the right to collective bargaining is a fundamental human right. Granted the UN recognizes it as such but how many other fundamental human rights declared by the UN aren't fulfilled to people even in the United States?

Right to work doesn't stop people from joining unions it just gives those of us that don't want to join these scams the right to abstain.

Delta Ramp and F/A's had their human/civil rights last time and voted "NO"!
I'm sure they'll have another chance at their human/civil rights and once again, if a "NO" vote comes back, you'll see the same people, like 700, whining, b!tching and maoning !
700UW said:
I really dont care what you think.
This is a message board, do you understand the concept?
People can post facts and their opinions.
Silly question, of course she doesn't understand, she is a happy Delta Drone, and in her world, as she made clear in this thread-you and everyone else who doesn't work for her corporate lover are "irrelevant".
737823 said:
Never said any of that, you are putting words in my mouth. I am very fond of Dr. King myself, although I disagree on this area. I believe people should be paid a fair days wage for a fair days work, have a workplace free of discrimination on any basis, and people should have the right to join or abstain joining a union (or be forced to pay agency fee). Right to work accomplishes all this.
So do you believe that any sort of exclusivity in contracts should be abolished? That if Citifield strikes a deal with Coke they can also sell Pepsi? You seem to believe that people should be entitled to Union representation and not have to pay a fair share for the costs associated with it because thats what in fact RTW does, and thats the intent. Do you believe that all taxation should be abolished and allow people to pay if and what they feel like as far as maintaining government, the military, police, roads, Fire Department, aide to Israel etc? Or do you feel that society needs for all people to contribute and allocation should be determined through democratic means? Unions come in when the majority decides thats the way to go. Nobody is forced to join, just like if your town board decides to upgrade the public park or build a new school, you don't have to use it, but if you are going to stay you will have to pay for it.
Thomas Paine said:
Silly question, of course she doesn't understand, she is a happy Delta Drone, and in her world, as she made clear in this thread-you and everyone else who doesn't work for her corporate lover are "irrelevant".
so anyone who enjoys their job is a mgmt suckup and one has to be unionized and unhappy? no wonder DL employees want nothing to do with the union movement and why DL is succeeding while its peer airlines continue to lose revenue to DL.
WorldTraveler said:
so anyone who enjoys their job is a mgmt suckup and one has to be unionized and unhappy? no wonder DL employees want nothing to do with the union movement and why DL is succeeding while its peer airlines continue to lose revenue to DL.
When you permanently lose at least 20% of your pay, see what you pay for medical go up several thousands of dollars a year, see your pension and retiree medical taken away to boost up profits and executive compensation then rejoice because they give you a tiny share back, and yes one month is a tiny share when you add up the value of the concessions , then something is wrong with you.
Thomas Paine said:
So do you believe that any sort of exclusivity in contracts should be abolished? That if Citifield strikes a deal with Coke they can also sell Pepsi? You seem to believe that people should be entitled to Union representation and not have to pay a fair share for the costs associated with it because thats what in fact RTW does, and thats the intent. Do you believe that all taxation should be abolished and allow people to pay if and what they feel like as far as maintaining government, the military, police, roads, Fire Department, aide to Israel etc? Or do you feel that society needs for all people to contribute and allocation should be determined through democratic means? Unions come in when the majority decides thats the way to go. Nobody is forced to join, just like if your town board decides to upgrade the public park or build a new school, you don't have to use it, but if you are going to stay you will have to pay for it.
Big difference. Stadium owners/concessionaires voluntarily enter these agreements and often receive considerable incentives in both cash and other considerations for signing such an agreement. An average joe working who doesn't want to be subject to forced unionization does not have the same opportunity. Besides isn't it a bit dramatic to compare billionaire stadium enterprises to the "99%" trying to make an honest living?

Unions are a third party that interfere with ones relationship with their employer. Government spending, taxation, etc are part of the democratic process. Unions aren't democratically run nor are they held accountable for their performance (see discussion of the IAM/TWU on these forums).

Thomas Paine said:
Silly question, of course she doesn't understand, she is a happy Delta Drone, and in her world, as she made clear in this thread-you and everyone else who doesn't work for her corporate lover are "irrelevant".
That mindset is simply proof of just how good DL is a manufacturing opinion, and conditioning people. Those that have yet to outsource their cognition, or dare to speak up are permanently branded not being "team players." In group/out group is alive & well at the Widget...
Thomas Paine said:
When you permanently lose at least 20% of your pay, see what you pay for medical go up several thousands of dollars a year, see your pension and retiree medical taken away to boost up profits and executive compensation then rejoice because they give you a tiny share back, and yes one month is a tiny share when you add up the value of the concessions , then something is wrong with you.
So, make it a choice.

Most civilized countries outlawed the closed shop. It's illegal in Europe. Forcing agency fee? Even that seems to be a rare practice anymore, with the airlines and railroads in the US being amongst the few labor groups left where that is practiced.

They served a purpose in the sweatshop days. They've forced the creation of a half-dozen different federal agencies and statutes, and made themselves irrelevant in the process.

But it's time to stop forcing compulsory membership. If someone thinks there's a benefit to belonging to a union, let them. It would force the unions to be responsive, accountable, and relevant.

Today, it's too easy to just continue to collect the dues and do the bare minimum to prevent 51% from being outraged enough to force a representation election.
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737823 said:
Big difference. Stadium owners/concessionaires voluntarily enter these agreements and often receive considerable incentives in both cash and other considerations for signing such an agreement. An average joe working who doesn't want to be subject to forced unionization does not have the same opportunity. Besides isn't it a bit dramatic to compare billionaire stadium enterprises to the "99%" trying to make an honest living?

Unions are a third party that interfere with ones relationship with their employer. Government spending, taxation, etc are part of the democratic process. Unions aren't democratically run nor are they held accountable for their performance (see discussion of the IAM/TWU on these forums).

It's quite clear when someone takes a job in a closed shop, which the company agrees too in the CBA which is legal under the RLA, so the person doesnt have to take the job if they dont want to be in the union.  Or they can become a dues objector and only pay whats germane to the CBA.
And if you really do work for JP Morgan I am gonna come in and use your services and not pay you, how does that sound?
737823 said:
Big difference. Stadium owners/concessionaires voluntarily enter these agreements and often receive considerable incentives in both cash and other considerations for signing such an agreement. An average joe working who doesn't want to be subject to forced unionization does not have the same opportunity. Besides isn't it a bit dramatic to compare billionaire stadium enterprises to the "99%" trying to make an honest living?
Unions are a third party that interfere with ones relationship with their employer. Government spending, taxation, etc are part of the democratic process. Unions aren't democratically run nor are they held accountable for their performance (see discussion of the IAM/TWU on these forums).
Voluntarily? hmm, sure either you agree or leave, voluntary right? Dramatic? So big corporations can lock the 99% and each other into deals but Unions should not be allowed to lock corporations into similar deals on behalf of their members? You are the one saying that people should not be forced to pay dues but are still entitled to representation. With only a small percentage of the workforce unionized its not as if people don't have the opportunity to work somewhere else, they usually choose to work in a Union shop because of the pay and benefits negotiated by the Union then some don't want to pay dues. Even then they have the option of going into management. Like 700 said how would you like it if you were legally obliged to provide services to people who can pay but choose not to pay? On the one hand you rail about Welfare and entitlements (for people who cant pay) but when it comes to Unions you flip around and say the opposite.
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