IAM Stepping Up campaign

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700UW said:
And some wonder why there is a low participant rate on this site.....
The maturity level is astounding.   
Again, if all you do is troll the WCDFA face book page and believe everything you read, then maybe you
should get out in the real world get some fresh air and meet some real people.  From your postings
i'm convinced you don't even know anyone at Delta, or at least any Delta Flight Attendants.  
BTW, way to go trying to convince us that we need representation.  You are one of many great  examples as to why
many of us say NO to inviting a THIRD PARTY in.   The Union supporters are bending over backwards trying to explain
that the Union is not a third party, however you prove them wrong with every post you make.   
I don't want you, or any of your outside cronies trying to tell me or my fellow f/a's whats best for us.  
We GOT THIS...We voted NO three times and if need be, a fourth.  
But PLEASE KEEP POSTING, your childish rants are comical and again, quite convincing as to why we don't need your 
drama laden, outsider pot sitriring trouble causing, childish behavior, incoherient rhetoric  anywhere near us.
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  • #257
Keep believing the Ford and Harrison talking points.

A union is not a third party, it would be delta flight attendants representing themselves along with guidance.
It seems to me you dont take the time and educate yourself.
Ask yourself why every other major carrier is very highly unionized.
And why is it ok for Richard Anderson and is executives to have a contract and not the workers?
700UW said:
Keep believing the Ford and Harrison talking points.
A union is not a third party, it would be delta flight attendants representing themselves along with guidance.
It seems to me you dont take the time and educate yourself.
Ask yourself why every other major carrier is very highly unionized.
And why is it ok for Richard Anderson and is executives to have a contract and not the workers?
Your the biggest bullsh!tter on these forums!
You sit there, chastising WT, for not answering questions, then when I call you out on the lies your telling here, i.e. recall rights.............not a peep from you!
1. You #### and moan about Anderson having a contract.  The ramp and F/A's had a vote (by the NEW rules) to determine if they want a contract and the "Majority vote "NO"!
2. They will, again, get a chance to vote for a contract and union representation and again, if the "Majority" votes no, you and others here will whine, b!tch and moan until the next vote !
3. So take your union propaganda and lies and peddle your wares elsewhere!
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  • #259
Dont you have someone to call a bigot or racist?
And WT is the one who stated that if you dont move to take your job you get a termination package, not a layoff or furlough.
He hasnt answered questions that were posted yesterday morning, yet wants me to answer something of his.
Doesnt work that way in my book.
And take your backward thinking back to the Water Cooler, and pay off your bet.
And once again, when you buy the message board you can make the rules, if you dont like what I post, dont read it.
700UW said:
Dont you have someone to call a bigot or racist?
And WT is the one who stated that if you dont move to take your job you get a termination package, not a layoff or furlough.
He hasnt answered questions that were posted yesterday morning, yet wants me to answer something of his.
Doesnt work that way in my book.
And take your backward thinking back to the Water Cooler, and pay off your bet.
And once again, when you buy the message board you can make the rules, if you dont like what I post, dont read it.
And once again, you dodge the "LIE" you told about recalls!
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  • #261
Do you have a comprehension problem?

Go back and read it again, and read it S L O W L Y.
And some wonder why there is a low participant rate on this site.....
The maturity level is astounding.   
Again, if all you do is troll the WCDFA face book page and believe everything you read, then maybe you
should get out in the real world get some fresh air and meet some real people.  From your postings
i'm convinced you don't even know anyone at Delta, or at least any Delta Flight Attendants.  
BTW, way to go trying to convince us that we need representation.  You are one of many great  examples as to why
many of us say NO to inviting a THIRD PARTY in.   The Union supporters are bending over backwards trying to explain
that the Union is not a third party, however you prove them wrong with every post you make.   
I don't want you, or any of your outside cronies trying to tell me or my fellow f/a's whats best for us.  
We GOT THIS...We voted NO three times and if need be, a fourth.  
But PLEASE KEEP POSTING, your childish rants are comical and again, quite convincing as to why we don't need your 
drama laden, outsider pot sitriring trouble causing, childish behavior, incoherient rhetoric  anywhere near us.
Good points.
Unions were very important when they acted like Unions.
They don't act that way anymore.
The NWA strike opened my eyes about 'Union Solidarity', there is none?
JMHO, industrial unions are the worst. Once you sign on to an Industrial Union, the 'International' owns your contract, not you.
Strength in numbers doesn't mean sh11t if everyone has 'no sympathy strike' and 'must cross' clauses in their contract.
Really, what's the point?
When Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers, where was the outrage and union support?
The NWA IAM could have honored the AMFA strike and not cross the picket line, but chose not to because of their hatred of AMFA as a 'raider' of IAM.
Industrial Union actions have left a very bad taste in my mouth, and yes, I believe that Unions brought most of the employee protection laws that we enjoy today.
But their myopic, self-serving actions have negated any benefit.
IMHO, unions have to move into this century. Have to be dynamic and understand what the dynamics are.
Scope clauses appear great but when it hinders dynamic flexibility to market forces, it's a company killer.
Unions should not be able to hinder a company’s flexibility to adjust to market forces.
From most of the workers perspective that I have seen is that they want the ‘union’ to protect them without involvement for any time and/or effort (other than dues) from them.  No social involvement, no personal ‘skin in the game. Cannot walk picket lines, attend meetings, pass out flyers or even talk to coworkers.
IMHO, unions have to wait to be dissolved and workers go back to working 80 hour work weeks for half pay, no benefits until people wake up again.
B) xUT
P.S. I was an AMFA proponent/Shop Rep, walked the IAM Eastern Picket line and NWA Picket Line.
xUT said:
The NWA IAM could have honored the AMFA strike and not cross the picket line, but chose not to because of their hatred of AMFA as a 'raider' of IAM.

Even unions don't respect unions!
The IAM is a SCAB union that his also led the industry in the Walmartization of middle class airline careers. I mean what other union in the airline industry represents more $9/hr no benefit workers at Air Serve, Swissport, Hudson General? To add insult to injury IAM dues structure is regressive and requires them to pay dues based on the top out wage. The IAMs clout and relevance has diminished and will continue to do so.

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  • #266
Keep up the lies.
The TWU led the concession train starting back in 1983.
But since when would you let the facts get in your way.
And its not based on top out wage, its based on the hourly weighted wage.
Why must you always lie?
Man you must have been spurned by an IAM member, cause you have hatred for something that your not part of and never will be.
Now go back to work and make some more fraud like your company promotes.
Is the IAM proud of all the regional and ground handling employees they represent that qualify for food stamps? Did the TWU ever scab another union and say their members wouldn't be "duped standing in solidarity"? Did the TWU facilitate their own members losing seniority?

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  • #268
Keep up the lies, go make some fraud so you can pay billions in fines.
All you do is lie.
Your not worth it and everyone sees you for who you really are.

Guess your parents are proud of you.
TWU crossed the picket line at US Airways and went to work when we were on strike and did the same at NW and AA.
Josh can u tell us if the twu has represented aa mechanics well too? While ur hatred of the iam is well beyond clear I would not want to be an employee of jp Morgan given they been nailed several times this yr in the news for bad practice.
robbedagain said:
Josh can u tell us if the twu has represented aa mechanics well too? While ur hatred of the iam is well beyond clear I would not want to be an employee of jp Morgan given they been nailed several times this yr in the news for bad practice.
Not especially well,no, but how has the IAM or IBT done? All three unions haven't delivered for their members that is the sad reality. 700 will say the US IAM contract is better but the fact is they both suck.

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