IAM Stepping Up campaign

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        Well said sir.  Almost everything you said still happens today, I see it daily...
While they suck as u say they do josh.. the reality is if u look at contracts of the iam, twu, and ibt its my own opin only that the iam has a better contract than say the ibt and the twu. Also ibt representing the ups look at the percentage of pt vs ft and id betnits a sharp difference. Again its just my own personal opin that the iam has a better contract. However now that weve merged w AA I do think we are poised to get better deals.

xut very well said sir
      Both you and 700 are correct (as far as the unions are concerned).  As far as I know (and no, I don't know everything like others think they do out here)  the TWU, IAM and ibt all 3 unions have and did cross picket lines.  One thing I will say about the ibt, at least the truckers ibt NOT aviation ibt, is the truckers did in fact honor the AMFA strike at NW by refusing to deliver goods by crossing the picket line.  We saw many trucks with ibt union members "U" turn and go away.  Yet other ibt, TWU and yes the IAM crossed the picket lines one after another.  Like xUT posted very well above, I have never seen such an utter betrayal of union solidarity, it was pathetically sad indeed.  All this action was due to the fact that these 3 unions are scared to death what might and will happen if AMFA gets in big in the airline industry, they will all be gone.  The antics pulled by TWU, IAM, ibt, and AA just shows how bad they will all work together to keep AMFA out.  All 3 of them are scab unions in my eyes.  As far as all the concessions, as far as I know the TWU did start them well over 30 years ago, but I also know no history of the IAM prior to the TWU, this is why I said 700 was correct that the TWU started it way back in 1983.
swamt said:
      Both you and 700 are correct (as far as the unions are concerned).  As far as I know (and no, I don't know everything like others think they do out here)  the TWU, IAM and ibt all 3 unions have and did cross picket lines.  One thing I will say about the ibt, at least the truckers ibt NOT aviation ibt, is the truckers did in fact honor the AMFA strike at NW by refusing to deliver goods by crossing the picket line.  We saw many trucks with ibt union members "U" turn and go away.  Yet other ibt, TWU and yes the IAM crossed the picket lines one after another.  Like xUT posted very well above, I have never seen such an utter betrayal of union solidarity, it was pathetically sad indeed.  All this action was due to the fact that these 3 unions are scared to death what might and will happen if AMFA gets in big in the airline industry, they will all be gone.  The antics pulled by TWU, IAM, ibt, and AA just shows how bad they will all work together to keep AMFA out.  All 3 of them are scab unions in my eyes.  As far as all the concessions, as far as I know the TWU did start them well over 30 years ago, but I also know no history of the IAM prior to the TWU, this is why I said 700 was correct that the TWU started it way back in 1983.
Thanks. I don't want to get in a pissing match of which union is worse/started the downward spiral the fact is they have both done plenty to set back and hinder the advancement of airline careers. However, if you look closely though the IAM does have a good concentration of low wage vendors, regional carriers, that are taking the once solid middle class airline careers and turning them into $9/hr McJobs. So yes we can blame bankruptcies from 8-12 years ago but the fact is leadership starts at the top. Until the current leaders can look past this and engage the membership they will only see the same result. The whole situation at UAL for ramp and PCE is concerning, 700 hasn't said much more than "the membership ratified it" and that "141 is not [his] district".

swamt said:
        Well said sir.  Almost everything you said still happens today, I see it daily...
thanks for confirming yet again why the majority of DL employees have repeatedly said they want nothing to do with further unionization.

given the lack of any gains relative to their peers and the setback they would suffer by going union, it isn't a surprise why DL employees continue to say they are better off maintaining what they have.
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Happy Birthday Dr Martin Luther King:
“In our glorious fight for civil rights, we must guard against being fooled by false slogans, such as ‘right to work.’ It is a law to rob us of our civil rights and job rights.
Its purpose is to destroy labor unions and the freedom of collective bargaining by which unions have improved wages and working conditions of everyone…Wherever these laws have been passed, wages are lower, job opportunities are fewer and there are no civil rights. We do not intend to let them do this to us. We demand this fraud be stopped. Our weapon is our vote.” —Martin Luther King, speaking about right-to-work laws in 1961
Must you keep dumping content from the World Class FB group? Seriously if people want to read that nonsense it's an open group anyone with an account can access. You aren't a DL F/A, let the DL employees decide.

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737823 said:
Must you keep dumping content from the World Class FB group? Seriously if people want to read that nonsense it's an open group anyone with an account can access. You aren't a DL F/A, let the DL employees decide.

Once again, if you dont like what I post, ignore it.
No go back under your bridge.
And its MLK day, dont minimize the impact he had on the world, you do realize he was with striking workers when he was assassinated?
Are you a Delta flight attendant?
And if thats how you feel dont post here either.
it doesn't take being a DL FA to realize that your supposed target audience is not interested in what you are selling - and for good reason.

rather than go back and figure out why DL employees aren't interested in the labor movement and allow them to decide based on labor offering them something superior to what they already have, you just keep hammering away.

It still doesn't change that you haven't ever been an FA and DL FAs are not about to allow a union supporter who has never been an FA to have anything to do with their future.

DL employees, on their own and among themselves, are more than capable of deciding their own future.

Respect what has been said by active DL employees including FAs on this thread.

Move on.
700UW said:
Once again, if you dont like what I post, ignore it.
No go back under your bridge.
And its MLK day, dont minimize the impact he had on the world, you do realize he was with striking workers when he was assassinated?
Are you a Delta flight attendant?
And if thats how you feel dont post here either.
Just funny that he relates right to work to human/civil rights. Let me guess you believe the right to collective bargaining is a fundamental human right. Granted the UN recognizes it as such but how many other fundamental human rights declared by the UN aren't fulfilled to people even in the United States?

Right to work doesn't stop people from joining unions it just gives those of us that don't want to join these scams the right to abstain.

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MLK was a big union supporter, his words not mine.
So now you want to attack the US' Greatest Civil Rights leader?
People have died to have the right to organize, represented and be a union member.
What do you want the US to be an indentured servants again or would you be happy with company towns, getting paid in company script and being forced to pay for everything back to the company you work for?
And once again, your own words, your not a flight attendant so let them decide, oh wait, you would just rather be a hypocrite.
Never said any of that, you are putting words in my mouth. I am very fond of Dr. King myself, although I disagree on this area. I believe people should be paid a fair days wage for a fair days work, have a workplace free of discrimination on any basis, and people should have the right to join or abstain joining a union (or be forced to pay agency fee). Right to work accomplishes all this.

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Right to work for less and statistics prove this.
You are pro-business at the expense of labor, you dont care about the middle class.
Guess you would be happy with no labor laws, and let kids work instead of going to school too.
And since your not a DL FA, why are you posting here when you said I shouldnt?
Union scams?
Gimme a break, Richard Anderson has an employment contract, so thats ok and its not ok for workers to have rules that the company has to follow, and just an FYI the company agrees to whats in the CBA also, maybe you dont know that fact.

States with "Right to Work" Laws Have:
Lower Wages and Incomes
  • The average worker in states with "right to work" laws makes $1,540 a year less when all other factors are removed than workers in other states.1
  • Median household income in states with these laws is $6,437 less than in other states ($46,402 vs. $52,839).2
  • In states with "right to work" laws, 26.7 percent of jobs are in low-wage occupations, compared with 19.5 percent of jobs in other states.3
Less Job-Based Health Insurance Coverage
  • People in states with "right to work" laws are more likely to be uninsured (16.8 percent, compared with 13.1 percent overall; among children, it’s 10.8 percent vs. 7.5 percent).4
  • They’re less likely to have job-based health insurance than people in other states (56.2 percent, compared with 60.1 percent).5
  • Only 50.7 percent of employers in states with these laws offer insurance coverage to their employees, compared with 55.2 percent in other states. That difference is even more significant among small employers (with fewer than 50 workers)—only 34.4 percent of them offer workers health insurance, compared with 41.7 percent of small employers in other states.6
Higher Poverty and Infant Mortality Rates
  • Poverty rates are higher in states with "right to work" laws (15.3 percent overall and 21.5 percent for children), compared with poverty rates of 13.1 percent overall and 18.1 percent for children in states without these laws.7
  • The infant mortality rate is 15 percent higher in states with these laws.8
Less Investment in Education
  • States with "right to work" laws spend $3,392 less per pupil on elementary and secondary education than other states, and students are less likely to be performing at their appropriate grade level in math and reading.9
Higher Rates of Death on the Job
  • The rate of workplace deaths is 36 percent higher in states with these laws, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.10
1 Economic Policy Institute.
2 U.S. Census Bureau, Table H-8. Median Household Income by State.
3 CFED, Asset and Opportunity Scorecard.
4 Kaiser Family Foundation
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
7 Census Bureau, POV46: Poverty Status by State: 2010, related children under 18Table 19. Percent of Persons in Poverty, by State: 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Kaiser Family Foundation.
9 National Education Association, Rankings & Estimates–Rankings of the States 2011 and Estimates of School Statistics 2012, December 2011; CFED, Asset & Opportunity Scorecard.
10 AFL-CIO, Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect, April 2012.
Again, 700 you have NO IDEA what it is like to work for Delta Air Lines.  No Idea.
you can troll FB sites, believe everything you read on the WCDFA page,  but in the end, YOU HAVE NO IDEA.
I believe it just kills you that the MAJORITY of US are quite happy.
Work for Delta and maybe
you can be relevant.  The majority said NO to the drama, unhappiness, false promises that you try to sell. 
 What works for Delta may not work for US/AA/UA etc..  The history of Delta is different.  It's just that simple.
I think it kills many to think that they had to pay dues all these years and we didn't.  The only reason
I can come up with as to why they are so interested in us Unionizing is Jealously.  This who speak out are miserable 
and they want us to be as well.  The fair minded know how good we have it and are happy for us.  I hear
it all the time from UA f/a's.   According to them during their a/c cross training, they have a section
on Delta and how we are #1 in many metrics.  This just reinforces my pride.  Do these other f/a's try to get
me to unionized or even ask why we aren't ? No.  Do I tell them they should go without a Union? NO
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I really dont care what you think.
This is a message board, do you understand the concept?
People can post facts and their opinions.
My good friends Dad is a manager for Delta and I have friends that work for DL.
You dont know me nor do you know my life.
I have been on a negotiating committee for the Continental Airlines Flight Attendants back in 2005.
I have represented the CO FAs, and been around their system in doing that.
And you have nothing in writing and Delta can change anything they want at anytime, like how they reduced the profit sharing from 15% to 10%, did you vote or negotiate on that?
How about the horror stories of the summer operation?
How come pilots have guaranteed work rules and rest periods yet you dont?
So once again stop believing Ford and Harrison and actually really educate yourself, it seems you dont.
I bet you are a republican too.
So if you dont like what I post, then just put me on ignore.
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