IAM Stepping Up campaign

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southwind said:
And your posting this on a DL thread because......................

To inform. The fact of the matter is that eventually there will be just about no one left in the airline industry who isn't organized.
And the DL FA's did their talking with their votes!

And they more than likely will again.
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They did. And with such a razor thin margin for such a large group, the message was that it's a very divided workforce.
and the US is not a very divided country as well? or the world?

yet there remains no published evidence that the "half" that has consistently lost representation elections in the past is any closer to forcing a vote.

can you tell us how many UA FAs were cut from that unionized workforce in the past, say, 6 months?
WorldTraveler said:
and the US is not a very divided country as well? or the world?
Wait, what? What does another carrier or society at large have to do with DL?

(sarcasm, of course)

Seriously, of course humanity is divided. But let's get real here; there's a narrative being spun that these victories were a sort of crushing mandate. Even on here some users can't help but use trigger words like "minority" or "small disgruntled group." For the most part-and certainly in the case of the F/A's- the results speak to different dynamic.

We can hold to the strict covenants of majority/minority if you want, but in reality, the lines are much closer to the center (and blurred).
yet there remains no published evidence that the "half" that has consistently lost representation elections in the past is any closer to forcing a vote.
Why would the IAM (or any union) show their hand with how close they are to triggering a vote?

For all we know, the 50%+1 threshold has long been met, and they're working on getting close to 70, or even 80%...
Kev3188 said:
Wait, what? What does another carrier or society at large have to do with DL?

(sarcasm, of course)

Seriously, of course humanity is divided. But let's get real here; there's a narrative being spun that these victories were a sort of crushing mandate. Even on here some users can't help but use trigger words like "minority" or "small disgruntled group." For the most part-and certainly in the case of the F/A's- the results speak to different dynamic.

We can hold to the strict covenants of majority/minority if you want, but in reality, the lines are much closer to the center (and blurred).

Why would the IAM (or any union) show their hand with how close they are to triggering a vote?

For all we know, they 50%+1 threshold has long been met, and they're working on getting close to 70, or even 80%...

That's a very good idea to make sure to cement participation for the representational voting process. The DL cultural mindset needed time to become assimilated to the benefits of being organized by exposure to those who understand it.

Befriend the cult member
This one is hard, because some cults teach people to cut off all contact with nonmembers or exmembers. Others teach members to be fake friends, and to deliberately take an interest in others so they can be brought to the cult. (My cult called it "fellowshipping.") Even if they're not trying to do that to you, they may feel guilty if they don't try to invite you to come to cult meetings and things ... and if they sense that you're only friends with them so you can help them leave the cult, that won't end well either.

700UW said:
And those UA FAs were offered jobs at CO, so actually no one.
Pursuant to the sCO CBA which is different. Their bidding seniority is also as a new hire.

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Until a JCBA is negotiated, the same thing happened at US when HP laidoff pilots they could have went to the East.
The FAs didnt lose their pay, vacation or benefits.
Can you say that when DL closed DFW, MCO, MEM, CVG and any other base?
Yep just like the TWA employees they lost bidding seniority thanks to the IAM but AA gave them full pay and vacation.

The better question to ask here is, what's holding a JCBA up? Other groups have them, or will be voting on them soon. What are Smisek & co. doing (or not doing) in order to get to the finish line?
Kev3188 said:
The better question to ask here is, what's holding a JCBA up? Other groups have them, or will be voting on them soon. What are Smisek & co. doing (or not doing) in order to get to the finish line?
Or more precisely what is the proudly "militant and combative" United AFA doing to not obtain a JCBA.

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The master of misinformation speaks again, the IAM and the APFA had an agreement, APFA renigged and stapled the FAS. Dont let the facts get in your way. And PMCO and PMUA mechanics are both IBT and yet they still don't have a JCBA.
Kev3188 said:
I know you've been conditioned to think otherwise, but militancy in this context is not something to be ashamed of.
Conditioned by whom? I think on my own and formulate my own opinions and conclusions. Again what have the militant and combative United AFA negotiators accomplished? You may recall during their election they labeled the IAM as cozy with management and the CO agreement is a very management friendly, work rule light agreement.

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