IAM Stepping Up campaign

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700UW said:
Keep running and avoiding questions poised to you.
I will answer when you do, you have avoided the questions all day.
Like I said, do you care to make a wager?
Why are you scared to answer the questions?
Cant think of more lies to post?
who and what questions are you asking?  Because you seem to be going back and forth between 3-4 people.
It might help if you address the person directly with your questions.
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700UW said:
You know what, I dont have to answer anything but I will answer after you finally answer the many questions I have poised for you.
Are you wanting a police state where people have no rights?
So are you the Delta anti-organizing police?
So if the cops told Delta they can be there, how are they not following procedures?
Were you in ATL parking lot when that happened yesterday?
Do you have a SIDA badge and have access to the FA lounges?
Were you in AMS last week when the Pro-IAM FAs were there?
How many organizing campaigns have you worked?
Prove your accusation, oh wait you cant because you make things up in your mind and you WERENT there.
I have worked on many many organizing campaigns in my life and followed the rules, obtained legal permits to solicit cards and handout material.
Have you?
I will answer your last post after you answer all the questions you have ignored.
And by the way, my answer will surprise you.
So have you ever been a member of the IAM?
Have you ever worked an organizing campaign for a union?
Have you ever been a Flight Attendant?
So if you havent done any of it, I guess that makes you a non-fa who should tell the current DL FAs and rampers that they shouldnt be in a union.
Eagerly awaiting your response.
This was asked this morning with no response.
I just reposted them and he has refused to answer.
I asked them directly to him on the board this morning and again tonight.
And that would be WorldTravler.
Again, you are not addressing me directly but i'll bite.
Police state? really?    NO
Delta anti organizing?  um no, not an active participant in the anti IAM organization.
However if and its a big IF, they IAM gets enough cards signed to call a vote, I will be 
a relentless ANTI IAM advocate/participant.
 Our company ID gets us access to our lounge
I was not in the ATL parking lot.
Why would I work an organizing campaign?  Delta continues to treat us well.
What accusation?  I stated how do you know it wasn't a Delta employee who called the police?
I guess that is what really set you off huh?  Asking that question.
You have no proof it was Delta Management.
and yes I am a Flight Attendant ......
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Those questions arent for you.

Read this morning's posts and you will see they were poised to him, not you.
700UW said:
Listen G,
I asked him those questions early this morning, he hasnt answered them so why should I answer his?
I will answer his, when he answers mine.
Shouldnt a man who says he is committed to God, be a man and answer things and not lie?
That sounds like someone is not following the Bible.
Wow! Talk about a 2 year old!
Like the way you regurgitate the "You have no recall rights" bullsh!t, I call you out by telling you I know peeps who have been "RECALLED" and nothing, not a peep. Can't you at least tell people you'll make up "Anything" in order to push your union agenda?
thanks baba.

Just wondering, 700, since you keep bringing up religion if you think that someone who does believe something and you don't gives you the right to hold them to a higher standard - which would mean that you are entitled to live to a lesser standard?

Do you also not get the concept that religion is first about a relationship between a person and their higher being, however they define it?

If other people are comfortable with their relationship with their higher being and the relationships with people around them, who are you to impose your values on someone else, esp. when they don't even choose to bring religion into the discussion?

I know that is a big concept for you, but think it over.

I have said before that I am not an active DL employee but neither are you so baba's questions regarding how you know are just as valid.

and you still haven't answered the question about whether you have ever been an FA... which further validates that DL FAs don't want a non-FA at all involved in the discussions about their careers and a potential union.

Of course you don't want to admit that because then you are eliminated from the discussion here but the active DL FAs who participate in this forum don't want what you are selling anyway.
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Like I said Rev,
Answer what I have asked of you for the past 24 hours and I will answer your questions.
I am just acting like you, I wont answer until you do.
WorldTraveler said:
thanks baba.Just wondering, 700, since you keep bringing up religion if you think that someone who does believe something and you don't gives you the right to hold them to a higher standard - which would mean that you are entitled to live to a lesser standard?Do you also not get the concept that religion is first about a relationship between a person and their higher being, however they define it?If other people are comfortable with their relationship with their higher being and the relationships with people around them, who are you to impose your values on someone else, esp. when they don't even choose to bring religion into the discussion?I know that is a big concept for you, but think it over.
Who are you to determine that one standard is higher than the other? Some may think 'turning the other cheek" is a higher standard, others don't. I think 700's point is the hypocrocy of those who claim to be Christains and tell others how to be good Christians then go on to act in very un-Christian ways, people who make a business of and exploit the suffering of others to promote their agenda from behind the name of God (and his Grace) and use their suffering as a retirement hobby that makes them feel good and superior to others while at the very same time doing everything they can to promote the conditions that create the suffering of others, after all,, if their was no suffering for them to exploit they would have to get a new hobby , such as Golf, and that wouldnt provide the same satisfaction or feeling of superiority now would it?
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You hit the nail right on the head.
Maybe a trip to Brazil is in my future.
Thomas Paine said:
Who are you to determine that one standard is higher than the other? Some may think 'turning the other cheek" is a higher standard, others don't. I think 700's point is the hypocrocy of those who claim to be Christains and tell others how to be good Christians then go on to act in very un-Christian ways, people who make a business of and exploit the suffering of others to promote their agenda from behind the name of God (and his Grace) and use their suffering as a retirement hobby that makes them feel good and superior to others while at the very same time doing everything they can to promote the conditions that create the suffering of others, after all,, if their was no suffering for them to exploit they would have to get a new hobby , such as Golf, and that wouldnt provide the same satisfaction now would it?
What does any of this have to do with D-E-L-T-A F-L-I-G-H-T A-T-T-E-N-D-A-N-T-S?

Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2 Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 3 But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.
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737823 said:
What does any of this have to do with D-E-L-T-A F-L-I-G-H-T A-T-T-E-N-D-A-N-T-S?

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From the WCDFA's page, explain this one WT:
This is why we need a contract: I don`t fly that much so I can only imagine how this years profit sharing is affecting those of you who fly your butt`s off. In 2012 I took 6 months off & only flew about 40 hr the remaining 6 months. My wages for 2012 were$18,797.47 my profit sharing was$1476.92. Now, 2013 I flew the whole year, granted still minimum hours. My wages $33,272.14 not quite double, my 2013 profit sharing $1,155.48. I was on the payroll twice as long & netted $321.44 less in profit sharing. To all those No way people that say we really did get a raise, I say, you`re dealing with sharp eyed cut throat business men. You just are not that bright
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