IAM Stepping Up campaign

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southwind said:
Instead of making an issue of it...there's this little button with the word "Ignore" on it!
If a person wishes to speak about you why should you ignore that? You have every right to know what's being said in that regard.

How you chose or not to chose to address them after that speaks of your personal character.
WorldTraveler said:
he is the one that asked me to stop engaging him but he is the one that jumped into the thread when he hadn't participated before. Someone is confused about who needs to leave. It ain't and won't be me.

You feel free, weasel, to try to manipulate the conversation. you posted personal information about another user because YOU lost self control.

save your psychobabble along with your unionization campaign.

There are people who have their heads on a lot more straight than yours and they also don't manipulate data in order to make their case.

Not surprising, some of them are actually active DL employees - to whom this discussion belongs and not to union supporters from other airlines.

As I have said before, I am more than happy to leave the representation discussion to active DL employees.

But all kinds of people including yourself want to jump into the discussion.
I do not wish to engage you further. I have already stated I believe very politely that you and I cannot engage in any type of meaningful discourse.

For the "forth" time now I am requesting that you refrain from your need for dialogue with me.

I do not think that this is an unreasonable request unless you have self control issues?

Thank you for your cooperation.
"Richard Anderson: Philosophy On Working With Unions
On January 6, 2000 the Chief Operating Officer for Northwest Airlines, Richard Anderson issued a memo entitled "Management Philosophy". There was a subheading of 'Keep In Your Top Desk Draw', referencing the fact that the memo should be used as an important guiding document.
The memo goes over the need for management to be honest in dealings with employees, the need to recognize good performance, holding people accountable for reaching goals and providing candid, respectful feedback to employees and colleagues.

Included in the memo was the following paragraph: "In addition we must maintain a close relationship with our unions and their leadership at all levels. We must have an open and fair relationship with our unions, as they are important to our success. All parties must abide by the terms and conditions of the applicable collective bargaining agreement. We should expeditiously settle grievances, preferably at the local level and always be candid and direct in our dealings with labor officials. Our operation will only run well if we have good relationships with our people and work together with their collective bargaining representatives."
thanks for posting that memo, Kevin. But it was written at Northwest Airlines, not Delta.

While I would imagine he would write the same thing today at DL, he has demonstrated its principles by his interactions with the pilots who are largely pleased with their interactions with him.

Specific to this topic, it was me who used government available data that is very similar to what DL has provided to its own employees.

instead, I was confronted by non-DL employees who have accused me of manipulating data when it is they who repeatedly referenced a website that is based on web surveys of a handful of people while telling me that published data which represents tens of thousands of employees is not valid.

I have repeatedly embraced the idea of unearthing every piece of data that is available and also noting the limitations of it.

Others have tried to deny the validity of data instead of addressing the real issues which that data shows.

I am not a member of DL mgmt.

Neither are the people from other airlines and unions representatives of DL employees.

the standards which Mr. Anderson laid out at NW don't apply and won't be used in dealings with non-DL employees who are trashing the ability of DL employees to make solid decisions.

you, Kevin, on the other hand, are exactly one of the people who, as a DL employee, have not manipulated data to present your case. You and I don't agree on many things but you are intelligent and fair in what you say and you also know your limits.

I would be more than happy if this was your thread and your campaign and not the efforts of outsiders. I would also be more than happy if some of the other DL employees who have participated on this forum returned and non-DL employees left.

I have repeatedly said that I would stay out of the conversation if others outside of DL and non-active DL employees did not participate.

As long as non-active and non-DL employees participate in the discussion so will I.

Richard never promised he would not engage those who affect DL's business but who aren't DL stakeholders.

You probably have noticed that DL's campaign against the Import-Export bank of the US is gaining traction.

what goes on here is not a whole lot different than what has gone on with that campaign.
WorldTraveler said:
then walk away. You are the one that has a problem with interacting with me.

Don't tell me that you don't want to engage me then keep posting.

YOU walked into a conversation in which you had not previously participated, went way out of bounds, got slapped on the hand by the moderators, and you now expect me to walk away because you lost control?

I didn't post personal information against board policies. you are the one that has self-control issues.

Save the psychobabble and walk away.

You miscalculated. be the man that you claim to be and swallow your pride, admit you were the one who was wrong, and walk away.

at the very least, just walk away

You are a shining example of how screwed up so many in union leadership are and why the union movement in the US is in the shambles that it is.

walk away, learn from your mistake, and quit trying to control others until you can figure out how to control yourself.
Here's Ben Hirst:
Delta's General Counsel and former Senior VP Ben Hirst's view on union and the IAM's role in the airline industry.
Mr. Hirst also worked at Northwest Airlines, under Richard Anderson prior to hiring on with Delta. Mr. Hirst's title then was Senior VP of Corporate Affairs. He was a key member of the Richard Anderson management team. Here are some excerpts from a speech he gave at one of our IAM District 143 Conventions.
While addressing over 100 union delegates who were in attendance, he asked the question "Why should we care about the union movement?" He then answered his question as follows: "Well, the union movement supports a decent standard of living for its members, supports job security, which in my opinion is in the Company's interest and not just the interest of individual employees... job security provides stability in a work force [and] is a very important element in delivering a product like ours and doing it in a very safe way. Because of this, you have to associate unions with family stability."
He went on to say, "Unions, because of their ability to bargain for decent wages, support not only individuals... but also the local economies." Mr. Hirst also stated, "Unions stand for safety in the workplace. That is a point I make in Washington again and again and again."
He concluded by stating, "I think at the end of the day unions stand for human dignity because they represent people coming together and standing up for themselves in an environment which sometimes is brutal enough to overlook the importance of individuals. So I tell you where I come out on all of this is that the union movement is a very good thing. I learned that in a hard school."
Love the Murphy's. Irish rock band from Boston. Very pro Union. All of their merchandise is made here in America.
We can probably expect even more skullduggery from Delta in the coming weeks as they double down in their anti-union jihad. They've been a lead driver in pushing Republican extremists in the House to rescind fair election rules for air/rail workers for elections conducted under the National Mediation Board. For progressives who care about keeping elections fair, giving workers the choice whether or not they want to join a union, and supporting companies who operate under basic standards of decency, there are a number of reasons for progressives to be outraged about Delta Airlines:

The union blamed an intimidating, overwhelming barrage of anti-union messages–starting with billboards in employee parking lots, continuing with aggressively anti-union supervisors, one-on-one meeting with managers, forced anti-union meetings, weekly robo-calls from CEO Richard Anderson (who said the union’s actions were “not Christian”), pop-up messages on  corporate computers, multiple slick mailings to homes, and much more. 
Unlike past elections, Delta harangued workers that “you must vote.” And managers made it clear the vote should be “no” to preserve Delta’s “direct” relationship between management–which permitted direct cuts in jobs, hours, pay and benefits when times were especially bad for airlines in the ‘90s–without bargaining by a “third party,” the union.

Kev3188 said:
Me too.

This woulda been my pick, with "Boys on the dock" a close second...

Kev you have no clue how many times I've listened to and posted this video on my PRO UNION Facebook page.
We can probably expect even more skullduggery from Delta in the coming weeks as they double down in their anti-union jihad. They've been a lead driver in pushing Republican extremists in the House to rescind fair election rules for air/rail workers for elections conducted under the National Mediation Board. For progressives who care about keeping elections fair, giving workers the choice whether or not they want to join a union, and supporting companies who operate under basic standards of decency, there are a number of reasons for progressives to be outraged about Delta Airlines:

you have absolutely no factual basis for that assessment any more than you did for your half-baked, lukewarm data interpretation about wage data.

Delta has no more to do with Scott Walker than they do with Mary Poppins.

Well, actually Mary Poppins is showing on DL's IFE system.

Scott Walker is not.

take your flamebait, lack of self-control, and inability to walk away from the conversation elsewhere.

Delta employees have repeatedly voted against unions.

you support a losing cause from a losing union and you don't have the brains to know to keep it all to yourself.

you should run back over to the AA forum and combat all of those calls for replacing The Worthless Union that is AA mgmt.'s lapdog.
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