IAM Stepping Up campaign

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just to be clear, 700 is not a US employee either. He is retired from them and claims to have been on the union negotiating committee for ground support functions. He has no experience with In-Flight.

700 is also presiding over not just an imploding labor campaign and the last minute push is to try to get an election called - but also over the failing labor movement because the labor movement and 700 can't grasp that Americans aren't interested in paying to be a part of an organization that siphons off money to pay intermediaries that make more than the people they represent in many cases, can't offer any more guarantees than what anyone in life gets, and most importantly fosters a confrontational, contentious labor environment that has been shown over and over again to destroy airlines.

Of course the AA-US merger will result in fewer employees in the industry, fewer union members, and fewer members for the IAM. 700 is doing his part to help - or so he thinks.

700's own posts about AA's pass system and the "sandwich threads" here highlight labor's willingness if not desire to confront mgmt and other union peers.

DL employees don't want any of it and don't want to ruin what is clearly working for DL employees better than any legacy carrier group and in many cases better than other airlines regardless of LCC or not.
700UW said:
“No carrier, its officers, or agents shall deny or in any way question the right of its employees to join, organize, or assist in organizing the labor organization of their choice and it shall be unlawful for any carrier to interfere in any way with the organization of its employees, or to use the funds of the carrier in maintaining or assisting or contributing to any labor organization, labor representative, or other agency of collective bargaining, or in performing any work therefore, or to influence or coerce employees in an effort to induce them to join or remain or not to join or remain members of any labor organization. ...” 45 U.S Code Section 152 (Fourth). Railway Labor Act
Where does it say it's ok to push for union membership while on the clock and getting paid?
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  • #228
Wrong again WT,

Why are you lying again?

I was on the Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee at US Airways in 2004 and 2005 and I was also on the IAM Continental Airlines Negotiating Committee in 2005.

Keep up with the lies and mistruths.

Boy never knew a preacher would lie so much, isn't that against the bible?
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  • #229
On my phone, so that would be the IAM/CO Flight Attendant Negotiating Committee in 2005.
700UW said:
I was on the Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee at US Airways in 2004 and 2005 and I was also on the IAM Continental Airlines Negotiating Committee in 2005.
Looking at the "deals" the IAM was able to get their members, that's not much to be proud of ... ... ...
what do you find wrong? Did you ever work as a flight attendant? If you didn't work as an FA, you have no experience.

I can assure you DL FAs don't want a non-FA negotiating anything for them.

Now were you an FA or not?

If you were an FA and I didn't know it, I stand corrected and apologize in advance.
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  • #232
You know what, I dont have to answer anything but I will answer after you finally answer the many questions I have poised for you.
Are you wanting a police state where people have no rights?
So are you the Delta anti-organizing police?
So if the cops told Delta they can be there, how are they not following procedures?
Were you in ATL parking lot when that happened yesterday?
Do you have a SIDA badge and have access to the FA lounges?
Were you in AMS last week when the Pro-IAM FAs were there?
How many organizing campaigns have you worked?
WorldTraveler, on 18 Jan 2014 - 09:20 AM, said:
no, Kev, they don't follow access procedures.
Prove your accusation, oh wait you cant because you make things up in your mind and you WERENT there.
I have worked on many many organizing campaigns in my life and followed the rules, obtained legal permits to solicit cards and handout material.
Have you?
I will answer your last post after you answer all the questions you have ignored.
And by the way, my answer will surprise you.
So have you ever been a member of the IAM?
Have you ever worked an organizing campaign for a union?
Have you ever been a Flight Attendant?
So if you havent done any of it, I guess that makes you a non-fa who should tell the current DL FAs and rampers that they shouldnt be in a union.

Eagerly awaiting your response.
I haven't defended anything that took place and no I wasn't there.

Doesn't change that DL does have the right to limit access to its own property. I have no idea what took place but my statement remains that DL does give labor access but on DL's terms. Every other large company has access restrictions which no one else here has acknowledged do exist.

You clearly have never been an FA.

My statement was correct.

The active DL FAs who have participated on this forum say they don't want anything to do with the labor movement but you keep on anyway.

Leave the organizing efforts to active DL employees who want to convince their own coworkers about why there should be a union.

Focus your efforts on fixing the dying labor movement. You clearly demonstrate why the final shovel of dirt isn't too many years down the road.
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  • #234
Still avoiding the questions I and others have asked of you.
And by the way would you care to wager on if I have been an FA or not?
So who from DL FAs appointed you their savior and spokesman?
So when are you going to answer the question?
I'm not debating any of your questions.; you are the one who seems to think you have to argue points that I haven'teven raised. Go back and read the thread again and see if I said anything to challenge the questions you raise.

If you were an FA, you wouldn't hesitate to say so.

FA to stock boy or vice versa. I doubt it.
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  • #236
Keep running and avoiding questions poised to you.
I will answer when you do, you have avoided the questions all day.
Like I said, do you care to make a wager?
Why are you scared to answer the questions?
Cant think of more lies to post?
Did your parents mistakenly (or perhaps purposely) send you to pit bull training school in order for you to be so combative?

I'm not debating the points you are trying to argue. Can't you grasp that?

I am asking you if you ever have worked as an FA and the answer is clearly no.

... and that makes my statement correct.

move on and go start looking for your next wart to argue over.
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  • #238
Why should I answer when you refuse too?
How much would you like to wager?
How about $1,000?
Like I stated, answer the questions and I will answer yours.
Are you scared?
Or do you lack the integrity and knowledge to answer a few simple questions?
Oh I wont post them here, but I do have pics to back up my answer.
So answer scarey cat.
Why should ANYONE answer your questions when you don't reciprocate ?
By your writings one can not help but believe that your social development
skills stopped at age 5.  It has taken me awhile but i get now how irrelevant
you are.
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  • #240
Listen G,
I asked him those questions early this morning, he hasnt answered them so why should I answer his?
I will answer his, when he answers mine.
Shouldnt a man who says he is committed to God, be a man and answer things and not lie?
That sounds like someone is not following the Bible.
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