IAM Stepping Up campaign

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DL's lounges are not public property. Airports still have access procedures even in public areas.

DL hasn't arrested anybody because they want them out and the IAM is smart enough to comply with DL's requests. They have a bad enough reputation because of people like 700.

every other company has access procedures. Can you post DL's plus any other large company's?
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The man of the cloth is lying again, too bad your not catholic, the Pope would defrock you.
The Railway Labor Act which is a FEDERAL LAW, gives the DL employees the right to solicit cards in the workplace as long as it doesnt interfere with the operation.
I have worked on many many organizing campaigns in my life and followed the rules, obtained legal permits to solicit cards and handout material.
Have you?
And here is the proof that its legal and DL cant stop them:
ATL Ramp Organizing:

ATL FAs in the workplace:
WorldTraveler said:
DL's lounges are not public property. Airports still have access procedures even in public areas.

DL hasn't arrested anybody because they want them out and the IAM is smart enough to comply with DL's requests. They have a bad enough reputation because of people like 700.

every other company has access procedures. Can you post DL's plus any other large company's?

Who's talking about lounges? If you're referring to the tables set up for F/A's, those are in compliance with DL's advocacy policy, which you can check your own. The police are usually called for events on aiirport or public property...
So wt what youre saying is theniam is not allowed to solicit cards for dl folks in atl despite the fact bec in your own kind it is illegal to do so even when it dremember iterfere with ops? Last time I checked this is a free country and as long as there no interference w the ops its ok for iam or any other union to solicit cards. U must be really petrified that its quite possible the employees want a union

and yes the way I view dl actions by calling the police on their own employees speaks volume to me that they are treating their employees like criminals. I remember when piedmont commuter the cwa was solicitin cards and piedmont treated a few like criminals bec folks called for union etc.
700UW said:
Looks like Delta went with the police to stop the IAM supporters in ATL, too bad it didnt work:
Any proof it was Delta that called the police and not an employee who felt harassed ?
I doubt you do.  Just believing everything you read when trolling on FaceBook.  
BTW you should be glad I don' know how to post a picture on this site because there are
as many pictures of the "Flying D" no IAM tables as there are IAM... 
only difference there is much more activity over at the "NO IAM tables"  
You are the one making the claim with out any proof.  
But that is what you guys do best huh?
Truly, desperate times call for desperate measures.  
We are witnessing an end of a doomed campaign,  
what is it? Two years now trying to get signatures? 
You can start to troll another airline soon.  oh wait you are 
already doing that huh?
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And you are the one making the claim it didnt happen, so prove it didnt.
700UW said:
Nice crew meal for the Flight Attendants, mean while the pilots who have a CBA got a first class meal tray.
While the sandwich doesn't look too tasty, I do have a couple questions for FA's (DL or other carriers) as well as the unionistas, agitators, 'organizers':
1)  what kind of a meal(s) do other carriers (unionized or not) provide on similar routes?  Are they better, worse, same?  Is the better meal really worth the union dues?  Is really the improvement on the sandwich /meal provided really something that would cause one to hate their job?
2)  If the employees at DL have already had the chance to vote on a union several times (before and after the NW merger) and the answer has always thus far been a NO - then how many more times will the unions keep on trying to get a yes vote?  How many times will it take for the unions to learn that repeating something and always getting the undesired result is futile and throwing more money, time, resources is not worth it?  Or is the goal to keep on getting the card drives and votes until the 'other side' is so worn out and sick and tired that they just say 'yes' so that you don't bother them?
3)  Does it not irritate the current rank-and-file members of IAM, AFA, or any other unions that the focus to get the 20000 DL membership fees might be ignoring the current members?
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
While the sandwich doesn't look too tasty, I do have a couple questions for FA's (DL or other carriers) as well as the unionistas, agitators, 'organizers':
1)  what kind of a meal(s) do other carriers (unionized or not) provide on similar routes?  Are they better, worse, same?  Is the better meal really worth the union dues?  Is really the improvement on the sandwich /meal provided really something that would cause one to hate their job?
2)  If the employees at DL have already had the chance to vote on a union several times (before and after the NW merger) and the answer has always thus far been a NO - then how many more times will the unions keep on trying to get a yes vote?  How many times will it take for the unions to learn that repeating something and always getting the undesired result is futile and throwing more money, time, resources is not worth it?  Or is the goal to keep on getting the card drives and votes until the 'other side' is so worn out and sick and tired that they just say 'yes' so that you don't bother them?
3)  Does it not irritate the current rank-and-file members of IAM, AFA, or any other unions that the focus to get the 20000 DL membership fees might be ignoring the current members?
In reply to the items in bold, I remember this at UA:

Bankruptcy Provides Time, No Guarantees
It's a long read but pretty spot on IIRC.
Cheesecake rage
At the operations center in Elk Grove Township, an e-mail arrived from a United 777 captain. Not for the first time, he wanted the bosses to know, the support crew at the Dulles International Airport hub had messed up.
“They are boarding plain cheesecake, with no topping of any kind, with the crew meals, ” the pilot wrote. The flight crew was supposed to get the same dessert as business-class passengers, he noted, and “business-class… this day got cheesecake with a caramel-nut topping.
The e-mail only underscored the central argument against giving United a federal loan guarantee: The airline was still focused on petty sniping rather than fixing its problems.
700UW said:
You dont get laid off at Delta, you get terminated, at least with a CBA and a layoff you have recall rights.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
So I guess actual people I know, that were on a "RECALL LIST", that got "RECALLED", was all smoke and mirrors?
You need to go make sh!t up somewhere else and stop feeding people "Union mis-information"!
I believe the reason why some choose to take a picture, and others poach said picture from 
Face Book of a sandwich is because 
that is  the best they can come up with as to why we need a Union........
again, a campaign that is self imploding.   Funny, but not when you think of all 
the money they are wasting of hardworking people who are paying dues.  But what do they
care, its not their money.  It seems they take their cue from the current administration. 
Who cares that we are 17T in debt.   Happy to spend other peoples money.
Since he doesn't work for Delta he would have no idea.  He just believes  everything he reads on Face Book
Delta had many F/A's who were recalled.  Many were recalled even earlier than planned.  
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