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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Man, you sure were quick to (wrongly) assume that was written by a woman. Stereotype much?
I have, in fact, used the term he/she to refer to FAs in the past; this time I didn't.

Tell me the percentage of DL FAs that are male vs. female. I would bet the chances are high that the poster was a female if she/he is representative of the FA population, just as it is fair to say that the majority of rampers and pilots are males.
And WT is not being truthful by the end of this year the pilots will have gotten a 20% raise over the past 2 1/2 years, the agents havent even come close to that, the 2% or 3% the agents have received by now is no where near what the unionized pilots received at DL!
you keep trotting that out but have 1. never acknowledged that DL's non-contract employees received an 8% pay raise in the same period of time 2. no other airline has given their non-contract person the same amount - and certainly not an IAM represented workgroup and 3. DL pilots gave up scope and made significant work rule concessions that significantly improved their productivity in return for the 8% - not 20 but 8% - increase in salary over non-contract employees they gained. And tell me what productivity and scope rules non-contract personnel gave up.  


Like it or not, WCDFA has a lot of reach. I agree that there is no shortage of white noise, but there is still so e good even on there. The admin has also repeatedly stated that with very few exceptions, nothing will get censored. Can't say that about NoWay, 360, or even DP.

All that aside, If you had to pick an FB page, which one would it be, then?
I have an idea - and so do the vast majority of DL employees.

Talk respectfully and directly with mgmt. who listen to employees and act based on what they hear.

You do realize that mgmt. was proposing a number of changes to pass travel benefits, they polled employees who did not like some of the proposals, and those that were not supported by employees were dropped?

DL mgmt. is very attentive to what employees want; that doesn't mean they are able to give them everything that is asked but no unionized airline is beating DL in employee satisfaction scores.

We have thread after thread on this forum by unionized employees who are completely dissatisfied with what their unions are obtaining for them but somehow a few people can't connect that this forum itself and the dissatisfaction with labor progress at other airlines is the best advertisement against further unionization of DL employees.
I'm still stuck on the irony of his believing "most" members of WCDFA are fake profiles. All the more ironic given that we're on a site where,what, 4 people use their legal names?
and one of them is NOT you.
AMEN brother, AMEN!!! BTW there were even more that crossed those picket lines when AMFA struck at NWA. At least AMFA is the union willing to take action. All the other industrial unions are all willing to cave, give up, wave the white flag, and "AGREE" to every and all concessions that the co puts forth. This is why AMFA is so scared of by the companies as well as the industrial unions as they are willing to stand and fight, not just sit back and agree, agree, and agree to constant concessions after concessions over and over again. Get a clue people, get a freakin clue...
AMFA handed DL a non-union ground workforce which was undoubtedly one of the major concerns that DL had in merger discussions with NW that started years before the merger actually took place.
The five-year accord includes 12.3 percent in wage increases, improved job security provisions, strengthened merger protections, improved premium pay, enhanced home agent pay protections and holds the line on healthcare costs.

“I’d like to thank IAM members for their support and solidarity through this latest round of negotiations on Alaska Airlines,” said IAM District 142 President Tom Higginbotham. “This is a contract that IAM members and our negotiating committee can be proud of.”

The five-year deal runs through 2018.

Please visit the IAM District 142 website for more information.
So DALPA and WSJ are lying and you are right?
I dont think so, let me repost this once again!
The nearly 11,000 pilots will receive a 4% pay increase on this week, another increase of 8.5% in January and then two annual increases of 3%, according to an earlier union bulletin that explained the terms of the deal reached May 15. By the end of 2014, pay rates will be nearly 20% higher than they are today, ALPA said in that bulletin. A 737 captain who earned $153 an hour in 2008, the year Delta and Northwest Airlines merged, will be paid $217 an hour effective in January 2015.
Aside from the higher pay rates and an increase in the company's contribution to the pilot's pension plan in 2014, the Delta pilots won increased flying as the airline is acquiring 88 small Boeing Co. BA -0.28% 717s jetliners that will be flown by them, not pilots at Delta's commuter affiliates. In return, the pilots will let Delta add 70 smaller jets to its regional airline operations and require Delta to phase out some of the smallest 50-seat jets flown by the regional affiliates
once again, no one is arguing what the pilots got.

What you absolutely cannot admit is that DL non-contract employees got multiple 12% increases in the same period and gave up no scope or productivity in order to gain it.

and DL could have added the 717s but it could not have added more large RJs. The pilot contract was an erosion of scope in the eyes of the pilots, regardless of what happened with mainline aircraft flying.

In contrast, what has the IAM done at other airlines?

The IAM sold out how many workers on the ramp at AS?

it is not hard to get pay raises when you contract out most of the jobs.

Now tell us what the IAM has done at DL's largest peers? Don't forget to mention the thousands of UA jobs that were left unprotected and which UA is already working to eliminate.
Kevin has all ready explained that they have not gotten multiple 12% raises over the past 2 1/2 years, heck lower end employees got 2% this last raise and others got 3%.
And show me where the ACS department have scope language?
Your lying again, they dont have scope as they are employees at will.
Spin that one now.
The AS case went to arbitration and the IAM won, that, you know this yet lie once again, they received a nice monetary settlement for the CBA violation.
What did DL do to Comair?
What about DFW hub and hangar?
MCO, CVG and MEM, what happened there?
And what about the TPA hangar?
Kev3188 said:

All that aside, If you had to pick an FB page, which one would it be, then?
Even though IFS360 does allow union talk, I would pick them as the overall useful page as it does have its's merits.  Many problems and
questions are answered in a very timely fashion.  On the downside their are a few that complain just for the sake of complaining and who offer no solutions and of course we do have a few who feel no matter what, Delta can do NO wrong.  We also have twitter IFS direct assist or something
along those lines as a means to handle problems quickly.  This is a direct result of the success Delta has with Delta's twitter page with our customers,Delta assist.    Do other departments have a FB page? or Twitter?  Filtering out some of the BS, I believe it would be a great tool for everyone to have to get direct answers.
they have ALREADY received pay raises of 12% whether you understood what happened or not.

DL non-contract employees have scope in PRACTICE that other airlines don't offer under CONTRACT.

unionized airline mgmt.'s see scope in contract and love to shred it.

DL mgmt. sees the scope at other airlines, and just like pay, EXCEEDS what those other airlines have in order to make the point that unions can't and don't offer anything better than DL does.

feel free to list any hub closure you want but AA and US have done more than DL.

More importantly, DOT data shows that from 2001 until 2007 when the DL and NW mergers were completed, DL reduced its workforce less than any other airline followed closely by NW - and a large chunk of NW's workforce reduction came as a gift from AMFA.

Those are facts - and the fact that you avoid them while DL employees can see them shows why you do more harm than good in trying to convince them that the IAM is a valid option.

They know better. and have consistently said "NO WAY."

baba is right. All of the card activity you claim to have going on is an attempt at replacing expiring cards. yet the IAM is still losing ground.

That is why they, not the employees are engaging in this unionization campaign that you cite in this thread.
They have no scope.
Why are there DGS workers at MAT LGA working Shuttle flight, yet at the main terminal its DL's own ramp?
And DL does not pay more than WN.
Your not being truthful once again.
Even though IFS360 does allow union talk, I would pick them as the overall useful page as it does have its's merits.  Many problems and
questions are answered in a very timely fashion.  On the downside their are a few that complain just for the sake of complaining and who offer no solutions and of course we do have a few who feel no matter what, Delta can do NO wrong.
There's no shortage of crazy at this place...

My main objection to 360 is that it's run by mgmt., but sold as an "open/safe place" for discussions to occur. That is what it is, but when what is said or asked on there translates into real life written discipline in an employee's file, that's a deal breaker for me.

AFAIK, no other work group has a company run FB page or Twitter feed. If the ramp had one, I'd certainly follow it. Going the other way, IMO, both IAM campaigns are missing out by NOT fully embracing the reach social media has...
sure they do. Tell me how many stations AA, UA and US have above wing and below wing as well as with maintenance
compared to DL for the same departments.

Tell me how many regional carrier flights are handled by AA and US mainline personnel at each of their key hubs compared to the hundreds at LGA, JFK, ATL, LAX etc.

no other mainline airline's employees handle as many passengers and their bags for their regional carriers as DL does.

It's a fact and you can't deny it.

You can't accept that DL offers more scope for its employees without a contract than other airlines have with a contract which those mgmt. teams see only as a target to decimate.
The combined US/AA has more AW and BW than DL and maintenance.
And DL's ACS have NO SCOPE at all, you cant grasp that concept.
no, I absolutely can grasp that DL has nothing in written yet still exceeds it.

and let's check back with you after the honeymoon period of the merger is over and see who is still standing... right now everything is roses. It won't last as much as you want to think otherwise.

surely you can connect that the cost-saving changes that we said would come to AA/US are going to come home to all of those places where you are claiming superiority today.
Actually they dont.
US and AA do more work in-house in every department than DL.
if you include AA maintenance and Envoy, perhaps. but again, let's see how long that lasts.

the only reason why you can say that now is because AA had restricted labor agreements that prevented the company from expanding its regional flying; those were eliminated in BK and AA is well on its way to having as many or more large RJs in its fleet than other airlines.
And the new AA is placing the CRJ900s at PSA a wholly owned.
And PMUS still has scope restrictions on large RJs as does PMAA.
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