I am completely with you regarding keeping promises and not changing rules unless there is ample notice and agreement, if possible. But I am certain that you would acknowledge that there have been changes made to your working agreement which you didn't exactly support and that your union couldn't stop, even if they wanted to.
again, the question is what was actually said and what was perceived to have been said.
I don't know and am not pretending to say that what was perceived was not what was promised.
But it seems a little paradoxical to say that DL non-contract employees don't have something in writing and then say they were promised something that isn't being delivered.
I'm just curious how something could have been promised if it wasn't in writing... and if it is in writing there should be some evidence of it. Surely you wouldn't want your contract to be valid by spoken word.
And specific to the overall topic of movement between above and below wing, I agreed with Kev that I have never known DL ACS employees to be able to move repeatedly back and from below and above wing although many employees have worked in both areas.
Kev also indicated that there might not be near an interest among employees to move back and forth, if I understand him correctly, which might indicate that the problem is not that the company isn't willing to accommodate employee requests but that those requests to move between ACS areas are just not there.
And I also am not sure if cargo is considered an area of ACS among which ACS employees can move. I believe it is a separate department but I'm not sure if there is the freedom to move.
Remember also that few other airlines allow ANY movement between departments without losing seniority at least because different unions are involved and protect their own workers.
IN general, DL employees have long been able to move between areas much more freely than other airlines' employees.
I'm sure you are aware that many DL employees do move between areas including frequently between In-Flight, ACS, and Res. There are fewer transfers involving maintenance and Flight Ops but there are pilots, as I'm sure you are aware, that started their careers in other departments at DL.
Again, I am trying to understand from Kev regarding the current situation... but I also can't help but note the paradox in saying that non-contract employees don't have a lot of things in writing and then saying that promises that weren't in writing aren't being kept.
and if this is really an issue for enough DL employees, they will make it part of a representation campaign. But given that there appears to be little interest in transfers to begin with, I'm not sure it really matters to the vast majority of employees. and even if it did matter, in a negotiation process, it would likely take back seat to other issues -exactly as it has at other airlines.