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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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700UW said:
Then dont read it, and by the way you dont hear anything you see it with your eyes.
I need to suggest that the Nobel price instate a new award for the "Captain Obvious" category, however, I'm afraid that this entry would not win.
I happen to be able to see sound, but I don't there couldn't be someone out there that hears sight...
yoyodyne said:
I need to suggest that the Nobel price instate a new award for the "Captain Obvious" category, however, I'm afraid that this entry would not win.
I happen to be able to see sound, but I don't there couldn't be someone out there that hears sight...
Is that the best you can do?
I mean what do you really add to the topic at hand?
Not a damn thing.
yoyodyne said:
I hope you guys are not pinning your hopes on this add....
"You guys" as in your fellow coworkers, correct?

There's already a solid enough foundation already, but I do think this omission speaks volumes. How many chances were there for someone to point out the lack of Dept. 120 personnel? I know many think we can't even read, let alone would want to be included in magazine celebrating 85 years, but c'mon!

There's only thousands of us, so I'm sure it was a simple oversight, right?

BTW, here's one that wasn't done as a CEO photo op, and includes those that actually do the work:
700UW said:
Is that the best you can do?
I mean what do you really add to the topic at hand?
Not a damn thing.
Well, at least I didn't subtract from the whole of human cognitive intelligence like you.
700UW said:
Still didn't explain why Union peeps wanted the vote "OUT" the IAM!
700UW said:
 Watch out! The forum PoPo is on patrol! Guess some peeps will change the subject by any means necessary, when their back's against the wall!
Kev3188 said:
"You guys" as in your fellow coworkers, correct?

There's already a solid enough foundation already, but I do think this omission speaks volumes. How many chances were there for someone to point out the lack of Dept. 120 personnel? I know many think we can't even read, let alone would want to be included in magazine celebrating 85 years, but c'mon!

There's only thousands of us, so I'm sure it was a simple oversight, right?

BTW, here's one that wasn't done as a CEO photo op, and includes those that actually do the work:
Prolly should have replaced the AMT with another Ramp guy, in the pic!
Kev ..can you correct me for the idea that at DL you can move from ramp to gates to ticket counter by bid ? Move to the ramp then to gates .Is it on like a 6 month bid cycle? Thanks.
This is about the IAM campaign at DL, not the former vought plant in SC.
This is about the IAM campaign at DL, not the former vought plant in SC.
metopower said:
Kev ..can you correct me for the idea that at DL you can move from ramp to gates to ticket counter by bid ? Move to the ramp then to gates .Is it on like a 6 month bid cycle? Thanks.
You can move, but not freely back and forth from bid to bid. There has to be an open position (usually on Ebid), you have to qualify, and have no formal corrective action. Once in any position, you generally have to stay for 6 mos. before moving again. 
It's certainly possible, but not nearly as easily as it was made to sound to us during the last election...
can I ask you, Kev, if the reason for less movement than you expected is because people are not wanting to move, aren't meeting the requirements, there aren't as many jobs on the bid sheet as expected, or rampers are not being selected while others are - or is there some other reason?
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