^^^ Wealth Envy ^^^ Whats stopping you from becoming a CEO?robbedagain said:propose to finding money to give pay raises.. hows about those 6 digit figure clowns giving up a chunk of their salaries and giving it to the employees who actually do the work that's where you can find the dough!
Your worth, what a company is willing to pay you...........don't think your current company appreciates what you think your worth, try another company!blue collar said:So instead of arguing that medical residents, research assistants, and teaching fellows should make more; you argue that transit workers should make less. Speaks volumes about your character.
robbedagain said:or the boards of directors like the ones at airlines like dl josh
Just call 'em what they are "Rich, Evil, Bastards"!737823 said:Board Members aren't by most standards especially well compensated, none of the non-executive directors at DL received between $220,389-$412,854 in total compensation, as is consistent with most other public companies.
All the details are here: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/27904/000119312514172167/d717419d10ka.htm
Are you referring to senior management-CEO, CFO, COO, VPs, etc? They receive substantially greater compensation-mostly in the form of stock awards-to align pay with performance as part of good corporate governance. Their compensation is set by a compensation committee, detailed in the report linked above.
...and not one mention of the employees actually genertaed that revenue.WorldTraveler said:.. but what a lot of people fail to appreciate is that DL's executives have created more than $10 billion in wealth for their shareholders...
Took the words out of my mouth!metopower said:Every inter company memo ,communication ,correspondence ,email that I have received from the company has thanked me and my co workers for the success of the company. I hope you can show me when and where management has stated other wise. Also while you are at it where has Richard Anderson taken credit for the same. There are those that have bestowed that on him and others but where does HE or the management team done that. Just wondering?
If you read WCDFA half as much as you make it sound, you'd know the answer...737823 said:Why are the DL F/As being courted by the IAM, not AFA? My UA (sCO) friends worked under the IAM at EWR for nine years and say AFA is much better but are still dues objectors. Is this because AFA cheated pm-NW out of profit sharing by not releasing DL from interfered charges and allowing the group to seek other representation?