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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Kev3188 said:
For who? MBTA operators sure but not tax payers and people who depend on the system for transportation.

Why should unskilled MBTA workers make more than researches and adjunct faculty at higher education institutions? With many area institutions increasingly relying on adjunct and other part time non-tenure track faculty there are several SEIU drives underway in the area here. I'm no fan of the SEIU as you well know, but through a parent in academia benefited from tuition remission and seeing how fat so many of these bureaucratic schools have become maybe having representation will be a catalyst for positive change and wake up some of these deans and administrators.

not to get too much side tracked here.. but.... wn is a heavily unionized workforce and they have mgmt/labor relations and yet they have a high paying workforce with a top out near or in the 27 or 28 an hr range
it's not a side track at all.

There are people on here who have used WN as an example of a company that is heavily unionized and there employees benefit.

Tell me, though, how many unions Google and the IT companies have at their HDQs in Silicon Valley. I don't think they have a single one - and they have outstanding benefits and pay.

Why do they do it? because they recognize that if you treat people well and provide a strong compensation package, you will get an above average group of employees.

Each of those companies are also financially strong companies.

I'm not sure why it is so hard to understand that DL and WN have both taken the same approach as those IT companies. They run strong businesses, generate above average financials which industry analysts recognize, and they are willing to pay their people above average.

Unionization has nothing to do with a desire to treat employees well with the expectation that they will deliver outstanding customer service and creativity and unionization doesn't change whether the employees get more or less. In fact, unionization creates a mindset of fighting by labor to get whatever they can.

WN is in negotiations with nearly all of its workgroups and even WN's own employees confess that they are not getting the goods they want and the process is being drawn out. DL employees in the same space of time have received multiple pay raises

It isn't a surprise that DL employee pay was above average for most of the regulated era, fell during the first 30 years of deregulation when DL struggled to figure out what it was supposed to be under deregulation, and has increased since BK when DL has had a laser-like focus on running its business which is both profitable and beneficial to its employees.

Meanwhile, even though carriers like US have reached similar levels of profit margins post BK, US employees have not shared in US' financial success anywhere close to what DL employees have.

DL's overall business success and for its employees is no different than what WN has. WN just happens to be largely union but the same heavily unionized workforce at other carriers has produced far less benefits than for either DL or WN employees.
it seems that answer to my question is ....because of Union accomplishments decades ago, even though Delta's long history of
always treating us F/A's the same or better in some regards, I should be grateful to the "Union"(any) and vote for them.  NOT because
the union can guarantee ANYTHING but based on a HOPE that they can possibly get something better.  So, out of gratitude
I should pay to have them come in and speak for me because "I owe them something".   Anyone else see the blatant hypocrisy is this?
Certainly isn't for me as a Commonwealth resident and tax payer.  Nice for the people who have the cushy gigs, everyone else not so much.  Go on the local 589 Carmen's website and see for yourself.  
No reason for these over entitled and greedy ****** to abuse the system.  They shouldn't be making more than medical residents, research assistants, teaching fellows that struggle to get by for a job that requires minimal hours and no education.
737823 said:
Certainly isn't for me as a Commonwealth resident and tax payer.  Nice for the people who have the cushy gigs, everyone else not so much.  Go on the local 589 Carmen's website and see for yourself.  
No reason for these over entitled and greedy ****** to abuse the system.  They shouldn't be making more than medical residents, research assistants, teaching fellows that struggle to get by for a job that requires minimal hours and no education.
So instead of arguing that medical residents, research assistants, and teaching fellows should make more; you argue that transit workers should make less. Speaks volumes about your character.
where do you propose finding the money to give pay raises to everyone?

It's a great idea to give everyone an increase but the world has finite resources.
blue collar said:
So instead of arguing that medical residents, research assistants, and teaching fellows should make more; you argue that transit workers should make less. Speaks volumes about your character.
Never said I was against that.  What I am against is over entitled, underworked, public sector employees milking the system through irresponsible politicians and collective bargaining. They are paid well above market for what they contribute and are politically untouchable.  I wish public sector reforms would happen here like we have seen in other states but none of the politicians seem to have the balls to do it.SEIU is desperate for dues payers and has organized medical residents and teaching fellows.  
propose to finding money to give pay raises..  hows about those 6 digit figure clowns giving up a chunk of their salaries and giving it to the employees who actually do the work   that's where you can find the dough!
blue collar said:
So instead of arguing that medical residents, research assistants, and teaching fellows should make more; you argue that transit workers should make less. Speaks volumes about your character.
robbedagain said:
propose to finding money to give pay raises..  hows about those 6 digit figure clowns giving up a chunk of their salaries and giving it to the employees who actually do the work   that's where you can find the dough!
You mean people like your AGC, Roach, Buffy, Sito, Dora Cervantes, and countless district officials?
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