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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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700UW said:
I have a connection to the IAM I was a member for 20 years.
Great! So now explain how "YOU" would benefit from DL employees letting the IAM in the door?
I often wondered why some who aren't even F/A's or for that matter those who don't even work for
Delta, think that after 25 years, I all of a sudden need a Union. I Just don't get it... I would never get involved
in another F/A decision at another airline as I don't know their experience.  I feel the same with Delta's own
ACS/RES/MTC etc.  I don't work those departments. Who am I to tell them they need/don't need representation.
Again, I just don't get it. 
^^^ THIS ^^^
737823 said:
That was then and this is now. Surely you must have some motivation for being on here as their principal damage control agent.

How 'bout you tell us more about your compulsive need to cast aspersions at every turn?
Kev3188 said:
How 'bout you tell us more about your compulsive need to cast aspersions at every turn?
What is it you need/want to know?

How 'bout you tell us more about your compulsive need to cast aspersions at every turn?
probably because that is the climate that exists on this board.

It would be a whole lot easier to tell one person to put an end to it if he was the only one doing it - but he isn't.

as much as 700 wants to believe that labor unions did all of those things, unions don't make laws.

Governments do. And the reason those changes took place is because many people on both sides of the Atlantic and in a whole lot of other countries recognized the need for higher standards.

Labor unions are hardly the only ones that pushed for change. There were many people in the Church who pushed for many of those same things and more. I'm sure that 700 doesn't know that it was churches who started providing education to young children in England who worked in factories; that is where the term "Sunday school" came from - and the education was not just religious.

nobody is denying that unions have made contributions to society but to argue that they are the only ones is just as much of a myth as in thinking that they can help Delta employees when the evidence is overwhelming that DL employees are better off than their peers at other airlines who are represented by unions.

The best advertisement for labor unions is not incessant graphics about what DL employees DON'T HAVe but real evidence of how unionized employees have fared better than DL employees.

If that chart were produced it would look like this:

And that is why people like Baba see no value in a union.

Clearly not everyone agrees with Baba but when the vast majority of DL employees have consistently said they are not interested in further unions, the only real conclusion is that the thread title is completely accurate: The IAM is stepping up a campaign but there is NO EVIDENCE that DL employees are any more interested in unions than they ever have been.
WorldTraveler said:
as much as 700 wants to believe that labor unions did all of those things, unions don't make laws.
And with out collective organizing, they wouldn't have been pushed to do so.

Governments do. And the reason those changes took place is because many people on both sides of the Atlantic and in a whole lot of other countries recognized the need for higher standards.
No, the reason it occurred is because people banded together, rose up, and demanded change.

That doesn't happen with a "direct relationship."

Labor unions are hardly the only ones that pushed for change. There were many people in the Church who pushed for many of those same things and more.
I wonder why the traditionally close ties between the church & organized labor are rarely discussed on here?
feel free to bring them up; I'd love to hear your perspectives. I believe you have the information and the ability to handle potentially divisive topics but not everyone can.

I'm not sure that some people will believe the role of the Church but there have long been people within the Church (universal) that have believed in human rights and improving the human social condition and they find solid theological basis for their actions.

FWIW, one of the big social issues that many religious leaders are taking on in the US is pushing for immigration reform - and the end of the de facto tolerance of a 2nd tier of workers in the US who have far fewer rights and protections. I suspect you are aware of these efforts.

that is another issue but I am more than happy to say that religious leaders - and largely Christians - have long been a part of improving the human social condition and their actions have both reached into the workplace (witness Poland) but also have supported those who have pushed for their cause.

I'm still not convinced that collective bargaining is near as effective as a pricked national conscience.
700UW said:
And you can scratch off 18. Your "UNION" backed Prez has unveiled BaRack-O-Care. Assimilate or die!
Now are these the people you want making decisions on your livelyhood?

Unions Turn Against ObamaCare: We Were Duped!
“You can’t have the same quality healthcare that you had before, despite what the president said,” Hansen asserted, adding: “Now what’s going to happen is everybody is going to have to go to private for-profit insurance companies. We just don’t think that’s right. … We just want to keep what we already have and what we bought at tremendous cost.”
Wonder if they read your contract, the same way they read the ACA?
It's because of unions that MBTA operators can rake in low to mid six figures (plus benefits and overtime) for a job that requires no education and minimal training.

southwind said:
And you can scratch off 18. Your "UNION" backed Prez has unveiled BaRack-O-Care. Assimilate or die!
Now are these the people you want making decisions on your livelyhood?
Unions Turn Against ObamaCare: We Were Duped!
“You can’t have the same quality healthcare that you had before, despite what the president said,” Hansen asserted, adding: “Now what’s going to happen is everybody is going to have to go to private for-profit insurance companies. We just don’t think that’s right. … We just want to keep what we already have and what we bought at tremendous cost.”
Wonder if they read your contract, the same way they read the ACA?
Yep the unions aren't happy.  The IAM initially supported Clinton, I always enjoy giving this a watch:
Kev3188 said:
The way you are able to consistently add 2+2 and get 5 is just breathtaking...
   2     Does the majority of unions send money to, support and back the Demorat party and BaRack ?
+ 2     Did the Demorats and BaRack shove ObumaCare down everyone's throat and state " If you like yours, you can keep it" ?
= 4      Unions are crying about losing their insurance and being placed on BaRack-O-Care?
Now again, if unions can so easily be duped, do you really want them having a say-so over your paycheck, which they get part of, no matter how much you make?
not to get too much side tracked here.. but.... wn is a heavily unionized workforce and they have mgmt/labor relations and yet they have a high paying workforce with a top out near or in the 27 or 28 an hr range
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