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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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the pilots are not getting 20% increases in any year. How you can continue to believe that is beyond me because you have repeatedly been told it is not correct.

GO find a DL pilot who has said they got a 20% increase in a year.

you can even get Kev to say it is so but I know full well he knows it isn't and won't.

partner in crime?

this is what unions do and why everyday Americans jump from them when given the chance.

robbedagain said:
how the heck is 8% better than 20% the pilots are getting... that's 12% difference   and a heck of a lot of money difference too   You have been out of the airline for yrs   so therefore you have no clue what the sentiment is like    Talk about people who don't know what theyre talkin about.. you are the top of the list  you have no idea what youre talkin about..  youre about as anti union as your partner in crime Josh is  I also happen to know a lot more than meets the eye  compared to you
Robbed I respect you as an individual and participant on this forum I don't know why you continue to post that I was part of fraud at JP Morgan and now say that I'm somehow a partner in crime. From reading your posts over the years and our other exchanges you seem like a nice person, not sure why your attitude towards me has been this way lately. I only speak for myself but while I don't like representation I think it should be upto the people in the workgroup voting in the possible election to decide. You similarly can support DL becoming union but I don't appreciate the attacks.

josh  your posts strongly suggest you hate unions    while I respect you as an individual as well the fact is though your posts are basically attacking the unions regardless but you have never been in one    and WT is the same way except he used to work for DL     Ill do my best to be careful   ok
WT  so youre saying the newspapers that all put out the pilots are getting 20% more are all wrong and your right 
I had no idea that you are the only one in this entire planet that is always right and everyone else is sooo wrong.   Heck even 700 has posted that news article repeatedly   you are the only one who cannot comprehend the fact that the pilots are the only ones who are getting the highest ps alone  vs a measly 3%     Why cant the almighty rich airline Delta afford to give the rest of the employees at least 15%      its bec they do not have a voice in it   REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU SAY
the newspapers didn't say that the pilots got a 20% percent increase in one year. You are believing something that wasn't written and didn't occur.

I'm not the only one who is always right.

I do know what I talk about before I post. I ask questions about things I don't know.

I'd appreciate it if you would be equally as careful about asserting what you know as fact until you really do know it to be true.

Just tell us what your profit sharing is and how many pay raises you have gotten as a result of your union membership since you are so ready to say that DL employees have faired so poorly.

DL people still fair far better than their legacy airline peers, including at US. How you can come on here and tell DL people what they need when your union has done such a poor job of bringing home the bacon for you is nothing short of hypocrisy

and as soon as you finished posting on this thread, you ran over to the US forum to post this:

actually Tim I think UA contract is worse than ours and certainly the TWU contract has to be the 2nd if not the 1st worse contract

Until I see something all I can think of is that this proposal the company has is probably nothing more than trying to buy time w the NMB to stave off a potential possible release.
im not going to take it too much off topic  but tim believes that our current 08 contract is worse than anyones  but I personally disagree   bec we have a better contract scope protection etc   whilst the UA one basically contracts out all but the hubs.  Ill do my best  but I respectfully ask you to do the same too   btw my username is what I chose yrs ago bec at that time it fit the way it went    also DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO     your last line is tellin me what to do and I for one will never tolerate it period    You Do Not Know ME
obviously I can't tell you what to do.

I can and will point out the hypocrisy of posting on one thread in a debate about which of the 3 legacy union ramp contracts is the worst and then coming over and telling DL people why they need a union when you aren't even willing to admit that DL employees have received far more pay increases and profit sharing than probably all three of those ramp contracts put together - but certainly more than yours.

When you decide to focus your efforts on fixing your own union and company and quit trying to tell another group who is far better off than you that they need a union that has failed you so miserably, then maybe you'll be viewed as credible.
Kev3188 said:
Why would you? We-as in you, me, and our ~80k coworkers- already create value for this enterprise. And since a union is it's members, wouldn't that go without saying?

It's a red letter day. My $$$ was on you to be the first to notice that.

...I doubt it was intentional. Sometimes things are what they are...

For me personally, I'm a fan of dues being a percent of income. It's a much clearer (and, IMO, equitable) way to do it. Set amounts are all well and good, but impact someone on the lower end of a pay scale much more than someone like me that's topped out. Dispensation can take care of that, of course (we did that in one of my locals), but I think it's just easier to take care of it by adopting a different structure in the first place.
So reap the same benefits, as those who pay more?...........Spoken like a true socialist!

What happened to "Get what you pay for"?
southwind said:
What happened to "Get what you pay for"?
That's what (then) GVP Robert Roach said in the video I linked. You realize he worked at TWA years ago and is still around milking the IAM for nearly $300k/year and his carrier hasn't existed in over 12 years. Maybe 700 can enlighten us but isn't leadership considered members first and foremost? Does Roach pay dues (paltry compares to the amount he takes from the union)?

So u say im hypocrispy. Yet when ur called out on similar u deflect n change ur tune. I have far more credibility than u will ever know. And its not limited to this boards
So u say im hypocrispy. Yet when ur called out on similar u deflect n change ur tune. I have far more credibility than u will ever know. And its not limited to this boards
if you don't see the irony of posting on one thread about how much DL employees need unions while posting on others that maybe your contract isn't as bad as how other union members see it, then there is a huge disconnect that the people at DL who you say you want to be unionized can see.

you can't have it both ways. Either admit your own company has handedly succeeded in keeping your pay and benefit below what you want and what you are paying your union to get for you or else don't tell DL people how great unions are.

You can't have it both ways. and that is not just for you, robbed.
you try to have it both ways and when it doesn't go your way you change tunes to fit your narratives. 
Kev or 700   is the IAM holding those meetings card drives in DL hubs or are they also going to other cities where DL is quite busy  places like say SAV
southwind said:
So reap the same benefits, as those who pay more?...........Spoken like a true socialist!
So says the person that worked OT "out the a$$" while his station was being leveled.

If liking the idea of looking out for one another makes me a "socialist," so be it.

robbedagain said:
Kev or 700   is the IAM holding those meetings card drives in DL hubs or are they also going to other cities where DL is quite busy  places like say SAV
Cards are coming in from all corners of the system for both the ramp & F/A's. There are meetings taking place in many cities outside the hubs as well.
you try to have it both ways and when it doesn't go your way you change tunes to fit your narratives. 
Kev or 700   is the IAM holding those meetings card drives in DL hubs or are they also going to other cities where DL is quite busy  places like say SAV
I'm sorry, robbed, but I don't argue out of one side of my mouth that my union has failed to get me the benefits I want and they keep saying they can get for DL employees and then telling DL employees that a union will get them what it hasn't gotten me.

The simple fact is that Parker and the whole rest of the legacy airline mgmt. team have mastered the art of winning against unionized labor.

It is ONLY because DL isn't a part of that game that DL people are reaping the successes they are.

If DL people believe a union will get them what unions have been unable to get for employees at AA, UA, and US, then I support them.

but the simple fact is that there is absolutely no evidence that DL people will be better off = and in fact the evidence overwhelmingly says they will be far worse off.

Cards expire and need to be replaced. The ramp needs about 5K active cards to request an election; the FAs need twice that amount.
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