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IAM Mech. & Related thread

What do you think about the Tentative Agreement with IAM M&R?

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  • No I will vote against it

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:up: AMEN Brother Nelson ! Why is everyones head under a rock right now. Look at the big picture, the Company would not bring all Labor groups to the table if it were not for their own self greed. They want something, correction, they want everything. Unions are supposed to KEEP AWAY OUTSOURCING OF PROTECTED WORK, WAGES, HOURS,PENSIONS,ETC. Vote it down, wait for 2009 and keep the COC language for protection that is still in the CBA!
i see more protection in the ta than i do in the east contract or the west contract. they now have protection for 15 line stations instead of 10 per the east, and none in the west. the only line station that loses protection is pit, which has lost most of its flights. pit has base min headcount now along with clt which they didnt have before.
This TA cannot possibly be the result of "negotiations" between the IAM and US/HP. It appears more to be a "collusion" between the two parties to (1) US/hp settles at least one of the many labor problems being faced at a cost neutral price or better and (2) the IAM gets their, long sought after, hands on our money and destiny via the pension plan. The strategy is to offer just enough to dupe 51% into saying ok. DON'T BE A DUPEE. Vote NO this TA let's see revision A.
1st of all eagle by you being on the neg com. you work for us not the company, and you being ex ibt do you not remember all the slams from the iam about the ibt? by agreeing to continue to send out our work how does that save jobs? you have been brain washed! per the iam contract that is in place without changing thier scope the airbuses must come in house! you are giving up all this stuff ( c-checks, profit sharing, the Change of control, and all our west benifits ) for what a cost nutral contract, we on the west are losing more then we will gain. If you want to be a company man or work for the iam you need to step down from the neg comm. like you have any say anyway what we hear is your just sitting at the table and can't even open your mouths, only the iam heads can do the talking. what kind of committee is that. I only wish I could be there tomorrow to tell them ( the iam ) what I think but i'm sure the will get thier due!

Here is a blast from the past.
If you read the first page you would think the IAM agreed with you!

View attachment 7319
Hey folks this is a bad deal all the way around,to start with the company wants that cic back just like a previous poster said so Doug can continue his merger mania and when he does we are on the lossing end,

next let's talk std and ltd insurance if you have to provide that on your own there is close to $200.00 a month out of you pocket so that you are covered in case of an injury or accident.

No job security oh ctl is covered but thats about it if they continue to downsize PIT as they have been everyone out west beware there go your jobs at the drop of a hat!

why are we even voting on something that gives benifits to the union in pass travel we have gse and all riding on our coat tailsnow we got to carry the union to? They are suppose to be OUR agents in this matter but they are adding in thier own interests!

Then there is the pension plan which the union wants so bad so you won't vote them out, but go to the pension web site and read a little, even if they put you in the plan 100% vested you still need to have the company pay into the plan for a minimum 5 years before you can collect anything, 20 years to draw unrestricted. It is no longer the company plan where your age and years of service add up to a magic number and then you can collect a pension!!!

The issue of being paid half a day for sick time is just not acceptable. These are just a few of the down sides there are alot more that just don't add up to thier $5.00 hr raise!! People it just doesn't add up the IAM is doing it's best to sell you a company contract, after all the IAM is the company union of choice...Don't be lead by the piper into voting this in we can do better vote NO and we'll start out in JAN. working on a new contract that we all can live with.
The issue of being paid half a day for sick time is just not acceptable.

Not only not acceptable but not FAIR EAST 100 days is 800 hours WEST that same 100 days is 1000 hour. Since we work a 4/3 schedule What genius came up with this math? :down:


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I need to state this one more time so no one forgets! the company has told the west supervisors and managers that the "UNION WILL SELL THIS TO MEMBERS". If this was good deal the union would not have to sell it!!!

Please vote NO!!!!! Don't just look at the cash.
Please every one look carefully at the bottom feeding IAM pension plan.(the necomers at the bottom feed the retirees at the top) Last year the Co. put $3200 into my 401k (their 5%) If that amount would continue for 35 years and I would retire at 65(considering I started at 30 yrs of age) and returning 8% per year (a low historical rate) I would have in my account $595,526.00 that would be mine and my heirs. If I lived until 90 yrs of age and withdrew $3100.00 per month(considering a modest 4% return in retirement) Iwould be out of money. If I die earlier my heirs would rcv my balance. With the IAM plan If I was awarded $2450 mo( $70 x 35 years), by age 90 I would rcv $195,000 less money. If I was given $2850 mo(80 X 35 years), By age 90 I would rcv $90,000 less money. Here is the kicker.... if I were to die at age 80 and in the union plan and being single, my heirs would get $00.00 or nothing. Where does the extra $250,000 go??? I'll take the 401 any day.. it makes better financial sense. Why did they not give us the option. I have already been told by union officials that this plan does not help older employees and now it seems it penalizes younger ones also. Look also at the pre April '03 amounts vs the post April '03 amounts(from the plan documents). Does this smell of a possible underfunding causing the plan to cut the retirement amounts?? Look closely before voting
Our Company like most carriers took advantage of a disaster (9/11) to reap the benefits of trying to get rid of Unions, merge, merge and more merge, greedier and greedier, outsourcing, outsourcing...speaking of outsourcing...don't you all see that the company feels outsourcing is the way to go? Union leaders are allowing outsourcing? Oh, we will close pit or half of it and outsource the work? Something definately wrong with this picture everyone. One day whatever is left of the I AM management team will go to the company and say , "wow, we have no one left in our locals" and the company will agree and say," you allowed the outsourcing and we have it in writing"! So why is it being allowed? Are we in BK again, NO. Are we making money, YES. Do we dangle the $$ carrot to the newbies" YES. Do we dangle the carrot to those close to retiring? YES. So what happens to the men and woman in the middle...."OUTSOURCING" or MOVE YOUR ARSE TO ANOTHER STATION.

PB is right to weigh the options. Your Union leaders will be visiting your stations to spin only what they want you to hear, weigh the options. Your west co-workers already see what they now have will be lost. Do you want to wait until you lose and say, DAHHHH, what the hell was I thinking or do you do the same as your fellow fleet IAM members and vote NO and wait until you can bargain a new contract with better medical, profit sharing, COC language, wages, uniforms. The company does not want this to happen they want it NOW.

There were 3 informational meetings today in CLT, at the one I attended the turnout was pitiful!! Not sure about the other 2! I read these boards and I see all the bitching and moaning then you go to a meeting and nobody shows up what a joke! Im not sure if that is because everyone already has their mind made up or just don't care but you guys are paying to be represented. I'm no fan of the IAM but I at least try to be involved in the process. I'm not trying to sell this T/A either way but at least go to the meetings and hear your union explain why they think you should accept it, and tell them why you think we shouldn't. This is your livelihood we are talking about you would think people would want to have a say in how it turns out!
"The company doesn't consider the mechanics as skilled labor?" Is that for real? What a bunch of bull from the company if that is how they feel. If that doesn't qualify for skilled labor then I dont know what does..
The I.A.M. doesn’t consider an A/P mechanic skilled labor
Please every one look carefully at the bottom feeding IAM pension plan.(the necomers at the bottom feed the retirees at the top) Last year the Co. put $3200 into my 401k (their 5%) If that amount would continue for 35 years and I would retire at 65(considering I started at 30 yrs of age) and returning 8% per year (a low historical rate) I would have in my account $595,526.00 that would be mine and my heirs. If I lived until 90 yrs of age and withdrew $3100.00 per month(considering a modest 4% return in retirement) Iwould be out of money. If I die earlier my heirs would rcv my balance. With the IAM plan If I was awarded $2450 mo( $70 x 35 years), by age 90 I would rcv $195,000 less money. If I was given $2850 mo(80 X 35 years), By age 90 I would rcv $90,000 less money. Here is the kicker.... if I were to die at age 80 and in the union plan and being single, my heirs would get $00.00 or nothing. Where does the extra $250,000 go??? I'll take the 401 any day.. it makes better financial sense. Why did they not give us the option. I have already been told by union officials that this plan does not help older employees and now it seems it penalizes younger ones also. Look also at the pre April '03 amounts vs the post April '03 amounts(from the plan documents). Does this smell of a possible underfunding causing the plan to cut the retirement amounts?? Look closely before voting

Your math makes a lot of sense. I'm not a fan of the IAM pension. The only thing is my 401k year-to-date has LOST -7.4%. The IAM pension is a set amount you can count on. That is if you adhere to the rules to collect, the small print can disqualify you from collecting.
Ask the former Enron, Worldcom and Adelphia employees about their 401ks and what happened to them when their companies went belly up.

Ask the current and former US employees about their 401ks that had it invested in US stock.

The benefit of a multi-employer DBP is the money is there and will be there if one company goes chapter 11 or 7.

Plus with the way the stock market is, people are losing value in their 401Ks, while the DBPs are not.
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