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IAM Mech. & Related thread

What do you think about the Tentative Agreement with IAM M&R?

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  • No I will vote against it

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I am going to vote NO For the following reasons:
1. The pay increase proposed is a slap in the face, it ends where it should be starting.
2. The 50% sick time pay is another reason, no WEST employee comes close to the 100 day criteria for full pay. The present WEST system allows a max of 320 hours to be accrued. We have several people that have not had a sick day in 20 years.
3. License premium is a laugh, we have the lowest premium in the industry.
4. Holidays: Why take away from what you have now, just to have them added back over the next 3 years. Sounds like bean counter heaven.
5. Union representatives flying POSITIVE SPACE when the rank and file go standby.
6. Eliminate Pofit Sharing: I will vote for this when DP and his underlings announce they will no longer accept their annual bonuses from the BOD.
7. What is with the vacation proposal: You have to complete 26 years before you the the 5th week, why should you have to wait 14 years for the extra week, that should come 5 years earlier IMO.
8. Shift premium (graves) you can't buy a meal with the proposed 23 cents increase.
9. Loss of Short/Long Term Disability! More bean counter action. NO! NO! NO!

And this is the BEST IAM said they could do for us. Laughable at best.

We have a voice, lets use it to send a message to the company.We're mad as hell and we're not taking it anymore!
And if you guys in pit can't see the writing on the wall (it's been there for a couple of years now) you better wake up, they're coming for you. If you think they wont close the station to maint. just ask the guys in INT,GSO,ROA,IND,TPA just to name a few. Remember that there is a hanger in PHX and they will move these 675 "protected' jobs where ever they see fit.
If we vote this TA in, we are doing a great discredit to our craft and skill
Now playing at US/HP stations across the nation the pending epic disaster- GONE WITH THE TA. Written, directed, and produced by the IAM, and starring the IAM pension plan. Sound track by the SpLIEce Boys featuring the hit "What I really really really want (your 401k $$$). Warning contains foul language and rated a VOTE NO. Vote NO this TA let's see revision A.

hey skin.. thats beautiful and dead on :up: :up:
There is a reason they want it! think about it! lets say united buys this airline that coc will win. the main reason it didn't win this time is because they kept the us airways name! and they used other peoples money.

I agree if the cic means nothing to the company then why didn't they leave it there to look like a positive point for us. I also feel that as soon as that cic was settled it was one of the fastest contract agreements in usairways history. After being a member of the IAM and a Usairways employee for 21 years it just seems fishy to me. It appears to me as there is more to this then we are being told. The stock price is getting lower and with T/A settled there would be no stopping them dealing us all away and we have to remember the TWA employees that when aquired by american were dove tailed on the senority list and that was the end of that story.

thanks for all your comments, long time reader 1st time posting
There are 300 mechanics in base and 80 mechanics on the line all 3 shifts in Pit and there are 500 mechanics in base and 200 mechanics in Charlotte. And the are a total of 370,000 members represented by the IAM in 2008 the same amount 100 years ago the IAM was At one time 1,000,000 strong I guess they have to organize in Chile , El Salvadour and South America to get their numbers and dues up because of outsourcing. They still don't realize they have to represent the members after they organize them and not just take care of themselves.

Bad info wrench.
There is 354 jobs for base in Pit. 336 lead mechs, mechs,lead utility, and utility + 18 insp for a grand total for base only of 354, plus an addional 101 in line maint. which covers lead, mechs and all avionics.

Clt has 389 in base for lead mechs, mechs, lead utility, and utility + 23 inspectors for a total of 412, plus an additional 219 on the line.\

Right now the numbers for Clt and Pit base stand at 766, which can't go below 675 for the duration of the contract. With that being said, don't jump off one of the bridges along the Allegheny river thinking that we are going to that total. The track info provided by planning shows we need over 814 for base between Clt and Pit for the next 3 years to accomplish the work.

Base maint. protection for Clt and Pit did not change in the proposal.
The reason this TA is going down is; the east thinks they should get everthing they lost in both bankruptcies an won't stop until they get it, the west don't want the benefits the east currently have. I'm voting no because I don't think we should loose our overhaul any of it. Deep down inside I think what will happen when it's voted down is tha samething that is happening with the ramp, the company is going to smach our act of defiance and not negotiate. So the IAM is going to start to negotiate to bring the west under the east contract then all heck is going to break loose. If we look at the history of Doug we clearly see how he hate employees lower then the executive level, then the negotiations that will start in 2009 will not be completed before I retire (2032). I'm tired of worrying about whether to get the medicine my kids need or putting food on the table so my family can eat, the only thing left to do is move on it's sad after 23 years it comes to this.
What went on with Shiphoney in Phoenix with his meeting and now it is told he has finally got his Golden Hanger but not in Pittsburgh. What did Liarburgher mean that the Pittsburgh line will be desimated and 100+ jobs when this transmission goes through will be eliminated in base maintenance. I know Hollowood will have to do what the District reps. tell him to do for he is a true unionist but Mr. Hollowood you have to listen to what the membership elected him to represent. Shipfoney and Liarburgher feel they are untouchable since they are in the International IAM and loss what theyire there to represent. Maybe they will visit the locals when they get their space positive seats or maybe not since they said that the union dues are going to increase and they don't have to do visits since they don't represent what they have or is it what they said " I don't care what you vote I got mine . " :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:

The scope language for base maintenance to be in Pit and Clt has not changed. Has anyone ever even read what is in their current contract? :shock:

Its not the unions job to read your own contract to you like a little kids bedtime story.
sorry about the spelling, smach don't know where that came. I meant smack and the, not tha. And any other errors
The reason this TA is going down is; the east thinks they should get everthing they lost in both bankruptcies an won't stop until they get it, the west don't want the benefits the east currently have. I'm voting no because I don't think we should loose our overhaul any of it. Deep down inside I think what will happen when it's voted down is tha samething that is happening with the ramp, the company is going to smach our act of defiance and not negotiate. So the IAM is going to start to negotiate to bring the west under the east contract then all heck is going to break loose. If we look at the history of Doug we clearly see how he hate employees lower then the executive level, then the negotiations that will start in 2009 will not be completed before I retire (2032). I'm tired of worrying about whether to get the medicine my kids need or putting food on the table so my family can eat, the only thing left to do is move on it's sad after 23 years it comes to this.

My feeling on the matter is that every interview Doug Parker gives they seem to ask him the same questions how is the merging of the 2 airlines going and i feel it makes him look bad as a CEO because he is suppose to be a master mind of the airline industry and makes it look like all the employees are happy and pleased with the direction the airline is going but in the real world he can't get either side to agree on anything and it might be making some investors nervous. I think at the same time as what happened with the delta deal, that if AW & US would have had labor deals that the delta deal would have been more attractive. I feel that if we send a strong "NO VOTE" message back to our union leaders as well as the company leadership and let them know that we want something fair that we can live with and raise our kids with and at the same time make this a viable company for us to be proud of and happy to work for no matter where we live.
My point is "a strong no vote is never going to work". Back in BK 1 David Siegel said that "He runs the company not the unions, the job of the unions are to keep him honest". When he said this I shook my head and thought everything we get is going to have to go through litigation because our union will not do anything (job actions) due to this little thing Vic Mazzaco came up with so he could get promoted to the international, it was called "Union 2000-strength in numbers". What is going to work is a show down like what happened with the pinkerton gaurds, but we don't have the solidarity for that.
My point is "a strong no vote is never going to work". Back in BK 1 David Siegel said that "He runs the company not the unions, the job of the unions are to keep him honest". When he said this I shook my head and thought everything we get is going to have to go through litigation because our union will not do anything (job actions) due to this little thing Vic Mazzaco came up with so he could get promoted to the international, it was called "Union 2000-strength in numbers". What is going to work is a show down like what happened with the pinkerton gaurds, but we don't have the solidarity for that.

I agree with the lack of solidarity and i know first hand what that can cause seeing how i work in the worse city in usairways system. I bet i don't even need to tell you the city name and you would know the answer. lol Well 20 some years later and it has believe it or not has gotten worse. I think everyone has a breaking point and it appears that tensions are tighter then i have ever seen before. So maybe for alot of people pryor to giving up and walking away and quitting they will stop and make that stand. only time will tell and it seems that it is a very tight competition in the airline industry these days and the company can't afford a strike anymore than we can.
A1Enima--I see your back from your party. Looks like a really strong NO vote. Hows that grabbing you now? It is not just on these boards, I hear the hummmminnnng going around and around and you would be darn surprised at how intelligent "skilled labor" is with this one.

Maintenance will prevail and wait to write what THEY WANT IN 2009. SEE YA!

A1Enima--I see your back from your party. Looks like a really strong NO vote. Hows that grabbing you now? It is not just on these boards, I hear the hummmminnnng going around and around and you would be darn surprised at how intelligent "skilled labor" is with this one.

Maintenance will prevail and wait to write what THEY WANT IN 2009. SEE YA!

I agree 100%. Let them start over all together. Besides, do you really think uncle Dougie will try to slide the West under the East contract if the TA gets voted down. Heck no, Why? He would lose millions with all the west airbuses that would have to come in-house instead of going to TACA! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let's start from scratch and get what we all deserve.
Now it is all up to the "S" word......SOLIDARITY for all that may be negatively impacted by this TA. Put yourself in their shoes before you cast your ballots.
US/HP has said and shown they will and can operate without an M&R TA. Any business plan (merger etc) being contemplated will not be shelved by the lack of an M&R TA. Small potatoes! A TA would make things easier for US/HP but the driving force behind this TA is the IAM. Are there any of US/HP's human resource, labor relations, or public relations people etc on the road trying to sell this TA? Look's like it's just the IAM trying to peddle their special interest pension plan. Vote NO this TA let's see revision A.
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