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{so on and so forth }

You need to go to a MEETING.

I don't mean a Union Meeting........

:mellow: The moon people tell me to tell you that they have elected me as their leader ... the moon people parliament has decided to pass a resolution censuring you mike ! i hope your happy now , look at what you've gone and made them do :wacko:
A while back, I was considering a move to CLT as well. I focused on Ft. Mill SC. due to the advice of some friends in the CLT area. The housing and taxes are cheaper, and it's about a 25 mile shot straight up I-77. There is a website that has input from locals on all areas of the country. I will post a link below, just select a state and then an area. Based on my research, the schools in that area are very good.


I was all over the city-data site. they are very helpful, but almost informative to a fault. If they live on the east they say the west is bad, if they live north, they rag out the south, and then the whole NC vs SC thing. It's like the civil war, but with nice people.
I guess my family will decide on it's own and live with the decision. Thanks to all who threw in their 2 pennies. Appreciate the info! Stay safe out there, I need to go deice another plane. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
district, local yada yada yada .. when they call for protesters to come out for a sit in or march in support of XYZ worker group i'll be there with bells on ... until then i'll skip the roll calls and the grievance reports and leave that to the folk who enjoy it ...

As to giving them time , i AM a patient person ... and i DO see that they are making changes ... i look forward to the new website and i know that doesn't just happen overnight .. i already like the additions they've made on our current website and like the idea of the surveys .... you may find that you grow impatient for change before i do ..

As to the procedural B.S slow down block of getting the by laws changed ... why don't you just talk to your boys who are now in leadership and suggest to them that they take reasonable pay cuts ... you know instead of taking home 100K you take home 80K ... i mean geez if the CEO'S of the big three can CHOSE to take pay cuts then i don't see how our bylaws could prevent our own elected officials from CHOOSING to take a minor pay cut ....
How about asking the CEOs of the airlines to take pay cuts I mean reducing from their millions straight down to say 30000s and forgo their bonuses. As for our new leadership, if they make 100k may be they will earn it whereas RC truly didnt earn it with the crap he did and the sellout of his own people that he committed. As for the contract, there a lot that has to change. For example, the sick policy now thats in grave condition. Pay can be better. It will take time but I sure hope this new ND08 will do the job
Dear o-MAN
OK your right a 20% pay cut IS a tad bit much .. realistically i'm just looking for a token , i don't think 5% is too much to ask however , and i think that's a fair amount ... just remember , it was many of you on here today who used to crow and crow about the 100K club ...

As far as fighting the FIGHT , i believe more in action rather than talk ... i do keep my eye on the union bulletin board , and i check the IAM 141 website from time to time , as well as this thread ... i await the day when the Representative from our elected leaders comes on here and urges us to support "XYZ" group of workers in this manner or that ... but it hasn't happened yet ...

I really don't care how much our AGC's make as long as they are representing and serving the membership . So far the ND08 AGC's have been working
very hard for the membership cleaning up Randy's mess. What I do have a problem with is paying someone 100,000.00 dollars and they can't even answer
a simple question without the standard Canalite answer "I'll get back to you" which really means "let me call Randy on the memberships dime to see how
he wants me to answer this"... that's what I have a problem with A man making 100,000.00 dollars a year and have to ask to Randy for the answer. And The fact
they didn't disclose to the membership what was in it for them when you sign on the dotted line. That little bylaw about 10% raise wasn't in there "take it
or leave it speech" was it . The old regime lied and p*ssed all over the membership and for that they deserve what they got.
hey doing it on my knees,
Hope you like "the Andy Griffith" show . cause you will get to watch it a whole lot down here. It's been on everyday in at least one breakroom

for over 20 years.. and don't think about turning the channel . It gets real ugly.. Shoot Joe Dirt got banished from working a certain concourse for attempting

that he hasn't been back over there in over 10 yrs.
I really don't care how much our AGC's make as long as they are representing and serving the membership . So far the ND08 AGC's have been working very hard for the membership cleaning up Randy's mess.

I am in complete agreement with you on this orioleman. I have often wondered what our former AGC

thinks about the contract now that he is working under it in ABR.
hey doing it on my knees,
Hope you like "the Andy Griffith" show . cause you will get to watch it a whole lot down here. It's been on everyday in at least one breakroom

for over 20 years.. and don't think about turning the channel . It gets real ugly.. Shoot Joe Dirt got banished from working a certain concourse for attempting

that he hasn't been back over there in over 10 yrs.

Ugly ain't the word for it. H*ll I'm still nervous about picking the damn thing up to this day.
hey doing it on my knees,
Hope you like "the Andy Griffith" show . cause you will get to watch it a whole lot down here. It's been on everyday in at least one breakroom

for over 20 years.. and don't think about turning the channel . It gets real ugly.. Shoot Joe Dirt got banished from working a certain concourse for attempting

that he hasn't been back over there in over 10 yrs.

Yeah but I saw Joe get even. He brought a master remote in and kept zapping the T.V. every time the

door to the breakroom opened. The best part is the ACC B-Ball tournment was on and no one had a clue.
😀 I never did no such thing. This is ACC basketball country and something like that could get your a$$ kicked. 😀
New Contracts have Big Problems

I have reviewed the new contract and I have found numorous discrepencies. Unfortunately, none of the discrepencies favor the members, only the company.

For starters, can anyone show me where your contract did away with the 60 day rule for those who may be getting laid off?

The health deductible from Attachment A used to read:
single: $450
family: $900

Now it reads: $900, where did the $450 for single go?

Some places of your contract, the company attorneys change the word 'will' to the more kindler and gentler 'may'.

Please let me know where there is any mention of PVD and BDL as class 1 stations.

And many many more problems.

At any rate, they also removed the word 'pocketsize'. Your contracts are suppose to be pocketsize so your stewards can carry them around. They are also suppose to be bound, not wired in a flimsy way. It's in the agreement and it's non-negotiable. It's called disrespect.

You want to hear something even scarier? Reviewing the 1999 contract with the 2005 one I found more discrepencies and I haven't a clue where the language came from and why some things are ommitted.

The good thing is that you voted in new officers who care about these things and are working to resolve them. The old regime didn't even raise an eyebrow to these problems.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
New Contracts have Big Problems

I have reviewed the new contract and I have found numorous discrepencies. Unfortunately, none of the discrepencies favor the members, only the company.

For starters, can anyone show me where your contract did away with the 60 day rule for those who may be getting laid off?

The health deductible from Attachment A used to read:
single: $450
family: $900

Now it reads: $900, where did the $450 for single go?

Some places of your contract, the company attorneys change the word 'will' to the more kindler and gentler 'may'.

Please let me know where there is any mention of PVD and BDL as class 1 stations.

And many many more problems.

At any rate, they also removed the word 'pocketsize'. Your contracts are suppose to be pocketsize so your stewards can carry them around. They are also suppose to be bound, not wired in a flimsy way. It's in the agreement and it's non-negotiable. It's called disrespect.

You want to hear something even scarier? Reviewing the 1999 contract with the 2005 one I found more discrepencies and I haven't a clue where the language came from and why some things are ommitted.

The good thing is that you voted in new officers who care about these things and are working to resolve them. The old regime didn't even raise an eyebrow to these problems.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
Thanks Tim, This was R. Harbinsons idea of cleaning up some of the language in our contract. I can tell you Big AL has his fingerprints all over this one. At least the membership got some fire starter for Christmas.
This is the exact behavior that Al Hemenway (I won't honor
this guy with a nickname) exibited with his attendance policy.
Go just far enough as not to cause a "major" grievence.
He know both of these can only go to arbitration.

I have come to the conclusion that we need to up our reaction to this.
From what I see the union is doing everything with in its power
to combat these infingements. For instance, when the copy of
the CBA was ready for printing, it was reviewed and told that
it should not be printed. The Company under the excuse that
it was required to issue a contract within 6 months went ahead and
printed it.

All the mistakes should be noted and sent to every station to place
on their bulletin board. Large Print Preferred.

IMO also every single FSA should turn their copy back to the shop
stewards to return to with protest to management. Management
has fullfilled their obligation and now its our turn.

If local magt refuses to take the booklets then we can mail them
to PHX.

Thanks BF
If anybody has a copy of the old America west handbook or pre - merger handbook PM PLZ. I need it for an upcoming possible grievance.
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