The Bagfather
All this is making me so mad I don't see how I'm going to be able to enjoy next Sunday's Reptile
If anybody has a copy of the old America west handbook or pre - merger handbook PM PLZ. I need it for an upcoming possible grievance.
Can someone on here tell me what the options are for the Union, when the company just blatantly puts a contract out regardless if the union agrees with it or not? I know about arbitration, but that could take some time. is that our only recourse?Can management change our contract any time they choose?
I feel like the new guys that we have in place are being tested by the company. First came the attendance policy, and now the changes in our contract, its almost like two boxers that have never fought before, kind of just sparring and feeling each other out the first two rounds. Well I think our union needs to deliver a knock-out to the company if at all possible,then the company would have to respect the union after that, which is something they clearly dont do now.Good question CB.
If anybody has a copy of the old America west handbook or pre - merger handbook PM PLZ. I need it for an upcoming possible grievance.
this board has been dull because of all these posters complaining to eachother about one guy in PHX. This used to be a place where we discussed work related issues and not places to live or smack against various posters.New Contracts have Big Problems
I have reviewed the new contract and I have found numorous discrepencies. Unfortunately, none of the discrepencies favor the members, only the company.
For starters, can anyone show me where your contract did away with the 60 day rule for those who may be getting laid off?
The health deductible from Attachment A used to read:
single: $450
family: $900
Now it reads: $900, where did the $450 for single go?
Some places of your contract, the company attorneys change the word 'will' to the more kindler and gentler 'may'.
Please let me know where there is any mention of PVD and BDL as class 1 stations.
And many many more problems.
At any rate, they also removed the word 'pocketsize'. Your contracts are suppose to be pocketsize so your stewards can carry them around. They are also suppose to be bound, not wired in a flimsy way. It's in the agreement and it's non-negotiable. It's called disrespect.
You want to hear something even scarier? Reviewing the 1999 contract with the 2005 one I found more discrepencies and I haven't a clue where the language came from and why some things are ommitted.
The good thing is that you voted in new officers who care about these things and are working to resolve them. The old regime didn't even raise an eyebrow to these problems.
Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
this board has been dull because of all these posters complaining to eachother about one guy in PHX. This used to be a place where we discussed work related issues and not places to live or smack against various posters.
I agree with you Tim that the new reps are doing a great job but they are also having to clean up alot of the mess that Randy never did over 10years. The company has swamped them and kept them busy and are laughing and making jokes about it. It makes me mad, angry, and pissed off.
Also, I agree with Charlie Brown that the company is challenging the new leadership by intentionally incorporating its own language into the contract and ommitting other key language like PVD and BDL. I'm actually shocked that the company was arrogant enough to leave the 60 day rule in tact. As far as the ACP, here in PHL, we have many who are already jumping steps as the company is violating the 14 day rule and something has to be done pronto before we have a mass exodus of terminations. Therefore, even though there is a big mess out here, I think the IAM will have to focus on resolving the ACP grievances in an expedited manner.