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See what I mean, quick reply, generic answer, and PHX time he should
either be in bed or if he was at the airport he should be working.
IT rep written all over it.............probably on the phone with Al right now.
Your cover has been blown, give it up.
For once i get to say it "your straying off topic "... let's keep this focused on issues that affect our union ...

right now we're working on these general issues ...

1. the sick policy
2 local elections
3 . resolving the backlog of grievances

(at least i think that sums it up )
most of you are focused on more local/specific union issues which are pretty important , and I consider myself to be focused on the larger less substantial issues that I feel could affect our union , hence I choose to keep all of you informed on the going on’s in the world as I see things happening ..


thats maybe why WE talk about UNION things.. Boy your right YOU don't have job skills

again GO back to the water cooler and talk to yourself . the folks on this thread could care less

what you think about the world.
For once i get to say it "your straying off topic "... let's keep this focused on issues that affect our union ...

right now we're working on these general issues ...

1. the sick policy
2 local elections
3 . resolving the backlog of grievances

(at least i think that sums it up )

REALLY is that what we are talking about . Funny haven't seen you mention any of that in your meaningless
waste of bandwidth .

As far your VP out west .. You really don't have a clue . It's all a title he can't hold a jock strap for the agc's
The AGC's are the ones that are there for the membership .. Ask RR when the last time he sat in a meeting
with HR/ VP labor or Doug P for that matter. Answer : He hasn't and never will . he is 2 yr VP that will show
4 times a year for E-board meetings and slither back to PHX to sit in his hole.

737-200 you may be on to something .
No doubt about it O-man.
His job is to seed dicontent, post company views and ramble.
One day he's a financial anylist, the next day he has no skills.
Freedom is an IT rep for the company. Does RR claim to know
this guy.
Read other threads, he's on them and an expert there too.
i suppose i should paint the links out for you on why i speak so much about the us economy ... the fate of our economy will affect our airline , and the fate of our airline will affect our union ... so when i talk about our union , it's against the backdrop of the US economy ..

As to me being an "expert" i whole heartedly admit that i am not .. no college degree here ... althou i do have strong reading comprehension skills ... it's no small thing for me to tell people to cash out their 401k's and max out and then default on their credit cards , but i would be remiss if i didn't try to warn people of this unforeseen danger and advise how best to avoid it .

You question my wisdom on the us economy , yet you take absolutely no pains to educate yourselves about it ... your still reading the sports section aren't you O-man ? last week bank of America announced more layoff's than our entire companies employee pool not to mention that the nation of Ecuador just defaulted on their national debt this weekend ...

i could list for you company after company and give you job losses .... but i digress . Sufficient to say this recession will be at LEAST as bad as the 1980 recession ... i however am confident that it will be far worse than that ...

While i mentioned those three union issues above , the reason i don't much talk about them is most of the membership doesn't much care about them ...

1. The sick policy is a bother ... but we're now slated for arbitration in march , case closed FOR NOW on that issue ...

2. as for the local elections , i don't think there are that many comining up , and they are after all LOCAL issues ...

3. the grievance backlog is something that's being handled by union leadership and doesn't involve much input or effort from the membership ...

These union issues are not enough ! the majority of the membership has gone back to sleep , contract voted on , case closed ... We must reawaken our people and get them active again .... but the question is get them active in what ?? the union issues above are not going to bring anyone out in the short term at least until march ... so what can we do to continually strengthen our membership ? My answer to you is that we must get invloved in the FIGHT and it is not the fight of the IAM141 against us airways management , but the fight of UNIONISTS against those who degrade the worker ! i'm talking about an ideological batter here where we as UNION members would stand up for UNION principles ... sometimes this means fighting for others and not ourselves ... i know for far too many of you it's easy to dismiss such a very foreign idea, but if it were not for others standing up for the rights of workers , none of us would be in a union today ...

While it's unlikely that we'd be able to unionize other companies in this economic crisis ,we could at the least take a stand on treating folk fairly .... many of you should be familiar with this federal law that requires a company that's going to shut it's doors to give it's workers 60 days notice ..well alot of companies , that have unions and others that don't aren't giving their workers 60 days notice ... so these folk are getting tossed out into the street without getting their sick pay nor their vacation pay... Those union workers in Chicago were the first ones to take a stand against this , and i feel that they won't be the last . We should prepare to come to the aid of the workers of this country , and join with them against this kind of corporate mentality where the big CEO's jump ship with millions of dollars and the little guys don't even get a bone .. i've heard many of you deride overpaid CEO'S for years .... but now when it could possibly be time to stand up to this elitism and the humiliation of the worker ... will any of you stand ? or just continue to sit ...
No doubt about it O-man.
His job is to seed dicontent, post company views and ramble.
One day he's a financial anylist, the next day he has no skills.
Freedom is an IT rep for the company. Does RR claim to know
this guy.
Read other threads, he's on them and an expert there too.

He lives in his own bubble of his mind. I would have to agree 737-200. His alledged own knowledge is much to vast to be of this occupation and settle for the measley pieces of silver this contract offers for the next few years. I don't think any in PHX know him. At least my friends and workmates know my handle and share some of my views on some subjects. I do see him on other threads and they do the same to him there. His ramblings are a waste of the alphabet. Ill leave it at that.................
. His alledged own knowledge is much to vast to be of this occupation

{so on and so forth }

His ramblings are a waste of the alphabet. Ill leave it at that.................

hey what can i say , i study the business news now 24/7 ... i can't get enough of it ... it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion ....

Either way ... as our economy continues to crumble which you will see , i'm going to take you with me ,

I'm going to take you into the next battle , the battle of the worker against this gaping hole of nothingness consuming everything around us ...

We my friend , are going to FIGHT for the worker .... together ! :up:
hey what can i say , i study the business news now 24/7 ... i can't get enough of it ... it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion ....

Either way ... as our economy continues to crumble which you will see , i'm going to take you with me ,

I'm going to take you into the next battle , the battle of the worker against this gaping hole of nothingness consuming everything around us ...

We my friend , are going to FIGHT for the worker .... together ! :up:

You assume way too much....I know of not one person that will go into battle with you just to watch you say " Yes Sir I Will, Sir ".

If any will stand by this poster, let it be known, so he doesn't fight whatever battle he's talking about alone. I for one don't believe anything he believes in. Freedom, Have you ever gone to a union meeting? I Doubt it. A person like you couldn't help but standout like a sore thumb..........I think 737-200 is absolutely right. Your not in this union.
Friends we aren't by the way.........I'm just being nice cause I have to........
Have you ever gone to a union meeting? I Doubt it.

i have gone to a union meeting , and from what i remember of it , it's orderly and everyone there is comfortable .....

i can see how well it would go over if i stood up and suggested that everyone from the union meeting meet me 3 blocks down the street to join XYZ group of workers who are having a sit in because the 60 day rule was violated and now they want their fair due .... i'm sure that there are many in the union meeting who would gladly spend a night or two in jail for civil disobedience.. :lol:

i can remember the last time i went to a protest to fight for the worker .... can you ?
I know of one poser (intentional typo) that couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper sack. I bet he is one

of those guys that got their butt kicked everyday in school. Arrogant to the extreme.
i can remember the last time i went to a protest to fight for the worker .... can you ?

Yes I can. You have to remember son I have been here for almost 35 yrs. I have seen a lot of you hot talking "Wipersnappers" come and go.
When I say " Language ( in a contract ) is everything" I don't mean Gibbling and Gabbling about this and that, which means nothing.

This is begining to sound like the Pilots thread so I'll stop here and get back on topic of" Union Business ".
In case some didnt see this post here it is again.

The District 141 website has an updated message and a special video to all members from President Rich Delaney please click here There is also a survey located on the front page be sure to check it out as well.

Side note:

I had a chance to review the website upgrades to be launched in Early 09 and I was very impressed by the content and amount of information we will have at our finger tips. The website currently online now will be nothing like the new one coming this new year I am very excited to see the members will have a great place for information. Stay tuned.


In case some didnt see this post here it is again.

The District 141 website has an updated message and a special video to all members from President Rich Delaney please click here There is also a survey located on the front page be sure to check it out as well.

Side note:

I had a chance to review the website upgrades to be launched in Early 09 and I was very impressed by the content and amount of information we will have at our finger tips. The website currently online now will be nothing like the new one coming this new year I am very excited to see the members will have a great place for information. Stay tuned.



I've waited long enough to get involved in this message board. It looks like a good way to get involved. Freedom I have to say,"Where are you from? Leave the macro economics to the think tanks and concentrate on the issues at hand. We can never give the company another chance or oppertunity to plunder our pockets or contracts again. It has come to the point where one has to take a stand and say,"If I cannot make a living then neither can the sandcastle." No longer can we support or subsidize the traveling public. If they do not want to pay to fly then walk."
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