Dear o-MAN
OK your right a 20% pay cut IS a tad bit much .. realistically i'm just looking for a token , i don't think 5% is too much to ask however , and i think that's a fair amount ... just remember , it was many of you on here today who used to crow and crow about the 100K club ...
As far as our CEO's and VP's getting large bonuses i will after a time expect that they also begin to behave more civilly ... but no , i certainly am not going to blow things up over it ... the last thing our company needs is bad press ... you seem to want to constantly fight against our company , and while we may have our disagreements with it , now that the contract is signed the more serious battles are over , but you seem to want to go on fighting like it's WWIII ...
As far as getting invloved at the union meetings , if they went more like this
rather than a corporate board meeting i'd be more inclined .. perhaps things are different on the east coast and you express emotion during your meetings .. From what i've seen here , it's orderly and judgmental ... if i stood up and said "let's get more radical " or suggested some sort of sit in , in support of XYZ group of workers i'd be looked at like i was bonkers ... i think a more radical time lies ahead for unions , but we're not there yet ... so no , i have nothing to contribute to union meetings at this time , nor do i have the speech skills for that ..
As far as fighting the FIGHT , i believe more in action rather than talk ... i do keep my eye on the union bulletin board , and i check the IAM 141 website from time to time , as well as this thread ... i await the day when the Representative from our elected leaders comes on here and urges us to support "XYZ" group of workers in this manner or that ... but it hasn't happened yet ...
As to your point about me getting in the pilots and FA's business after we got the contract , if i did post anything to them , it was most likely me warning them to get their ass in gear ... which they haven't , and as i said before , each day that passes now weakens their bargaining position much the same as it would have us . (realistically it's too late for either of those work groups now )
As for your point mike ... the views i express are not concrete , i admit it ... i'm more of an idealist ... i think practical application is VERY important to our organization , and we have alot of it ... so i like to offer a different perspective from time to time .. my ideas never really leave this forum .. but i still think it's important to attempt to put them out there ... all i'm hoping for is that our union takes a turn towards becoming more radical , and not in the fight against our company , but in the fight for greater ideals in the general public arena .