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They treat us the employees with disrespect and expect us to do more work for less pay and with very little tools. It is not the unions fault that the mgmt of this outfit cant clear the backlog of grievances. IF USAIRWAYS WERE TO ACTUALLY FOLLOW OUR CONTRACT--the POS that it is--THEN MAYBE WE WOULDNT BE WHERE WE ARE TODAY, Would we????

Bravo my friend you hit the nail on the head. unfortunately our OLD regime never pursued the grievance

process , RC would never allow the grievance to go beyond step 3 . Little gentleman's agreement he had

with Uncle Al. but times are changing and any valid grievance will go to the top The AGC's we have in place

aren't looking for side deals from the company ONLY JUSTICE for the MEMBERSHIP
The vast majority of the problems on the IAM thread are the results of one poster not being able

to stay on topic and insisting on making this thread another gloom and doom thread.


2. model that forms basis of something: an example that serves as a pattern or model for something, especially one that forms the basis of a methodology or theory

The times are a changing rouge rat … our union must be prepared to cope and CHANGE with the times .. that’s all I’m advocating … some of my more wild assertions may truly be just in left field … but there has been a dramatic change in the us economy and our union needs to acknowledge this fact , by our union , I mean all of you , because our union starts with you … Once you admit to yourselves that things aren’t how they’ve always been , we can begin to find new ways to function and new goals to fight for as a union …

Is simply sticking up for grievances and changes to the sick policy the limit for IAM local 141 ? Or should we seek to broaden our horizons and change some of our longer term goals ? (such as fighting for the IDEAL of respecting the worker in our broader society and perhaps joining the fight to help others such as the glass workers )

Should we now take another look at the pay scale of our union representatives ? I know we have many good people and friends who are now in union office , and so none of us really want to be the ones to suggest they take pay cuts . But in this era where millions are losing their jobs and CEO’s are taking “haircuts†as congress likes to call it … is it really becoming for our union reps to be making dramatically more than our average workers ? Not to mention the fact that most every airline that’s within the IAM 141 has gone to bankruptcy and all of it’s workers taken pay cuts , but have the leaders who represent these workers also at any time taken a pay cut ? Not to my knowledge …

Same ole same ole is not going to work anymore …

If I could get my transfer, you could buy my house!

can I have your house .. OOOOOOOOH the chamber .. what I could do with the chamber. :up: :lol:

hey jimmy I know some of those people in G-town seem to have come from another country at times

but I think in your post you meant COUNTY not COUNTRY .. :lol: :lol:
Okay, I'll side track everyone... I noticed CLT got a bunch of transfers last month. Hope there's still room for me. I need ideas on where to buy my house. I'm looking at Gastonia. Any suggestions?
A while back, I was considering a move to CLT as well. I focused on Ft. Mill SC. due to the advice of some friends in the CLT area. The housing and taxes are cheaper, and it's about a 25 mile shot straight up I-77. There is a website that has input from locals on all areas of the country. I will post a link below, just select a state and then an area. Based on my research, the schools in that area are very good.


Is simply sticking up for grievances and changes to the sick policy the limit for IAM local 141 ? Or should we seek to broaden our horizons and change some of our longer term goals ? (such as fighting for the IDEAL of respecting the worker in our broader society and perhaps joining the fight to help others such as the glass workers )

Should we now take another look at the pay scale of our union representatives ? I know we have many good people and friends who are now in union office , and so none of us really want to be the ones to suggest they take pay cuts . But in this era where millions are losing their jobs and CEO’s are taking “haircuts†as congress likes to call it … is it really becoming for our union reps to be making dramatically more than our average workers ? Not to mention the fact that most every airline that’s within the IAM 141 has gone to bankruptcy and all of it’s workers taken pay cuts , but have the leaders who represent these workers also at any time taken a pay cut ? Not to my knowledge …

Same ole same ole is not going to work anymore …


Why don't you start by learning a little about your union . first 141 is a DISTRICT not a LOCAL
second if you want to change the pay structure of the AGC's get the bylaws changed . But that would require you to attend your local meeting which by your own admission doesn't appeal to you. Ask your
good buddy RR how you go about doing it . lastly as far as the same ole same ole well times are changing
that was and still is the underlying message of the NEW DIRECTION . Changes are occurring on a daily
basis you and so many others just don't think so because like everything else in today's society everyone
wants INSTANT gratification well unfortunately when the house has been left unattended for so long you have
to get it back up to snuff and that's how your former leader left this DISTRICT in disarray. So once the NEW
regime gets everything back up to snuff you will then begin to more visible changes.
A while back, I was considering a move to CLT as well. I focused on Ft. Mill SC. due to the advice of some friends in the CLT area. The housing and taxes are cheaper, and it's about a 25 mile shot straight up I-77. There is a website that has input from locals on all areas of the country. I will post a link below, just select a state and then an area. Based on my research, the schools in that area are very good.


sounds like your a Steelers man. Good advice . Ft Mill has turned into PIT south . only thing

missing is the homemade perogie's from the nuns. but a little correction it's only about 10 miles from airport

and with infrastructure improvements its got a lot easy to work. but agree 100% . South Carolina has alot

more to offer new comers than North Carolina.
Why don't you start by learning a little about your union . first 141 is a DISTRICT not a LOCAL

{so on and so forth }

in today's society everyone
wants INSTANT gratification well unfortunately when the house has been left unattended for so long you have
to get it back up to snuff and that's how your former leader left this DISTRICT in disarray. So once the NEW
regime gets everything back up to snuff you will then begin to more visible changes.

district, local yada yada yada .. when they call for protesters to come out for a sit in or march in support of XYZ worker group i'll be there with bells on ... until then i'll skip the roll calls and the grievance reports and leave that to the folk who enjoy it ...

As to giving them time , i AM a patient person ... and i DO see that they are making changes ... i look forward to the new website and i know that doesn't just happen overnight .. i already like the additions they've made on our current website and like the idea of the surveys .... you may find that you grow impatient for change before i do ..

As to the procedural B.S slow down block of getting the by laws changed ... why don't you just talk to your boys who are now in leadership and suggest to them that they take reasonable pay cuts ... you know instead of taking home 100K you take home 80K ... i mean geez if the CEO'S of the big three can CHOSE to take pay cuts then i don't see how our bylaws could prevent our own elected officials from CHOOSING to take a minor pay cut ....
doing it ,

let me steer in Joe Dirt's direction. that's his neck of the woods.

he may have some good places to start. I do know it's not far from the airport

Way ahead of you O-man. Have been giving "Doing it" some info to get started. I too suggested SC but it is definitely looking a little like PIT south.
district, local yada yada yada .. when they call for protesters to come out for a sit in or march in support of XYZ worker group i'll be there with bells on ... until then i'll skip the roll calls and the grievance reports and leave that to the folk who enjoy it ...

As to giving them time , i AM a patient person ... and i DO see that they are making changes ... i look forward to the new website and i know that doesn't just happen overnight .. i already like the additions they've made on our current website and like the idea of the surveys .... you may find that you grow impatient for change before i do ..

As to the procedural B.S slow down block of getting the by laws changed ... why don't you just talk to your boys who are now in leadership and suggest to them that they take reasonable pay cuts ... you know instead of taking home 100K you take home 80K ... i mean geez if the CEO'S of the big three can CHOSE to take pay cuts then i don't see how our bylaws could prevent our own elected officials from CHOOSING to take a minor pay cut ....

that's EXACTLY what I'm talking about . You want to rant and rave but DON'T want to get involved.
As far as being patient . I'm a very patient person . That's why I sit on investments and not hit the panic button as some on here like to proclaim. Are YOU willing to take a 20% percent pay cut just because
we are in a recession , all the while your CEO and upper VP's get incentive bonuses on your back each month.
and the yada yada that isn't important to you or you find boring is very important to the union . see freedom
you want to LOOK like a union guy by walking around and protesting . But UNIONISM goes WAY deeper than
that . It's a daily lifestyle not one only when the camera's are on you. As far as helping the other unions on
strike and doing sit ins . Our local helps that cause monthly . Does YOURS and if not WHY. or do you even know. You use the glassworkers as an example of something that's new. well IF you lived a UNION lifestyle
and in a UNION environment (Like the Northeast ) you would see that happening all the time . Bravo to the folks for standing up in ORD but it's happening all the time YOU just don't know it. Again . learn more about
UNIONISM and maybe one day you and can truly say your a UNION man and not someone riding on the coattails
of the people that REALLY FIGHT THE FIGHT
You only want to Fight when it's about YOU not about membership as a whole. Go back and refer to your
post after YOU got your contract . You wanted to get in the Pilots and F/A business because you got yours
and wanted everyone else to just take what the company wanted to give. total BS ..
district, local yada yada yada .. when they call for protesters to come out for a sit in or march in support of XYZ worker group i'll be there with bells on ... until then i'll skip the roll calls and the grievance reports and leave that to the folk who enjoy it ...

Over-opinionated and under-informed, thats what you are. Your " yada, yada, yada " explains it all. This union is not looking

for members that wear bells but express constructive views of change for it's members. Your "Gobally Gabally Goop" is why

you wouldn't want to stand and ask these things in front of an audience at your local lodge, for thats what it would take to

participate in change. You pay your dues ( I Hope ) so thats enough for you to self-qualify yourself to " Ramble " about

Everything but Nothing.

I say to you whether you like it or not..............you're along for the ride and the door is always open. Unlike the " Old Regime"
very well said Mike.

how's the waves out there . Bagfather hasn't been talking to any sharks lately has he :lol: :lol:
very well said Mike.

how's the waves out there . Bagfather hasn't been talking to any sharks lately has he :lol: :lol:

He's been on vac so I don't know but he's up to something that has to do with CA wage law which might help out the CA USairways employees. He's determined to get to the bottom of it, and he refuses to wear "Bells" . Only "Facts" from CA Dept of Labor.

He's in it for the long haul. Like a Hound Dog........
Dear o-MAN
OK your right a 20% pay cut IS a tad bit much .. realistically i'm just looking for a token , i don't think 5% is too much to ask however , and i think that's a fair amount ... just remember , it was many of you on here today who used to crow and crow about the 100K club ...

As far as our CEO's and VP's getting large bonuses i will after a time expect that they also begin to behave more civilly ... but no , i certainly am not going to blow things up over it ... the last thing our company needs is bad press ... you seem to want to constantly fight against our company , and while we may have our disagreements with it , now that the contract is signed the more serious battles are over , but you seem to want to go on fighting like it's WWIII ...

As far as getting invloved at the union meetings , if they went more like this


rather than a corporate board meeting i'd be more inclined .. perhaps things are different on the east coast and you express emotion during your meetings .. From what i've seen here , it's orderly and judgmental ... if i stood up and said "let's get more radical " or suggested some sort of sit in , in support of XYZ group of workers i'd be looked at like i was bonkers ... i think a more radical time lies ahead for unions , but we're not there yet ... so no , i have nothing to contribute to union meetings at this time , nor do i have the speech skills for that ..

As far as fighting the FIGHT , i believe more in action rather than talk ... i do keep my eye on the union bulletin board , and i check the IAM 141 website from time to time , as well as this thread ... i await the day when the Representative from our elected leaders comes on here and urges us to support "XYZ" group of workers in this manner or that ... but it hasn't happened yet ...

As to your point about me getting in the pilots and FA's business after we got the contract , if i did post anything to them , it was most likely me warning them to get their ass in gear ... which they haven't , and as i said before , each day that passes now weakens their bargaining position much the same as it would have us . (realistically it's too late for either of those work groups now )

As for your point mike ... the views i express are not concrete , i admit it ... i'm more of an idealist ... i think practical application is VERY important to our organization , and we have alot of it ... so i like to offer a different perspective from time to time .. my ideas never really leave this forum .. but i still think it's important to attempt to put them out there ... all i'm hoping for is that our union takes a turn towards becoming more radical , and not in the fight against our company , but in the fight for greater ideals in the general public arena .
As for your point mike ... the views i express are not concrete , i admit it ... i'm more of an idealist ... i think practical application is VERY important to our organization , and we have alot of it ... so i like to offer a different perspective from time to time .. my ideas never really leave this forum .. but i still think it's important to attempt to put them out there ... all i'm hoping for is that our union takes a turn towards becoming more radical , and not in the fight against our company , but in the fight for greater ideals in the general public arena .

You don't even believe yourself. It's a sad day when your ideas are locked on a web page while trying to get people to believe, that you even believe, what you're saying! See how confusing that sounds????

You need to go to a MEETING.

I don't mean a Union Meeting........
hey jimmy I know some of those people in G-town seem to have come from another country at times

but I think in your post you meant COUNTY not COUNTRY .. :lol: :lol:
I appreciate your help here O'man...But I was talking Country-----like out in the country-----



You never know----he could just end up being one of your new neighbors.... :shock:
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