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well charlie let me tell ya.

when you have YOUR own REPRESENTATION turning you over to the company on a silver platter

for their OWN personal gain. who are you going to have to watch your back. It's bad enough

we the members have to fight management . but even worse when your OWN UNION leadership

turns his back on you . once again it's the Canale mentality .. "WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME. "
Yeah Oman I agree, its just that I think some of the guys in Phl need to step up and do whats got to be done. Thats always been phls reputation, that they dont let BS go on, that they take care of it. I hear about this GS, and it makes me wonder just how much power this guy has.
Can someone from phl please tell me something? All we have heard for years in clt is how together phl is, and how strong the union is there. How can GS get away with the things that are said on this board? Maybe they'r not true. I know some first class guys in phl, and I dont think they would put up with this, so what gives?

The word I have picked up from a few emails from a few PHL guys is PHL's got problems that go way past the GC position held by GS. Its screwed up all the way up thru the local lodge they tell me the President who was one of the 22 guys lost his Arbitration case is no longer an employee of any airline is still the President. The Secrectary Treasurer is also not employed by any airline and still is in office. At least one of the Trustees also lost his Arbitration case and is still in office. The Rec Sec and one other Trustee are both retires one from the days of Eastern and the other from USAirways. The 3 Auditors 2 of which lost there arbitration and are no longer employed by any airline and the other guy hasnt been seen since he failed to keep a seat as a GC . From one of the emails I got and I quote "its all a control thing the Lodge membership mushrooms are kept in the dark and are fed $#@%. They never come to the Lodge meetings never step up to fix the problems always complain and never do anything. No wonder GS is still in power....."
The word I have picked up from a few emails from a few PHL guys is PHL's got problems that go way past the GC position held by GS. Its screwed up all the way up thru the local lodge they tell me the President who was one of the 22 guys lost his Arbitration case is no longer an employee of any airline is still the President. The Secrectary Treasurer is also not employed by any airline and still is in office. At least one of the Trustees also lost his Arbitration case and is still in office. The Rec Sec and one other Trustee are both retires one from the days of Eastern and the other from USAirways. The 3 Auditors 2 of which lost there arbitration and are no longer employed by any airline and the other guy hasnt been seen since he failed to keep a seat as a GC . From one of the emails I got and I quote "its all a control thing the Lodge membership mushrooms are kept in the dark and are fed $#@%. They never come to the Lodge meetings never step up to fix the problems always complain and never do anything. No wonder GS is still in power....."
Sounds like an audit by the Grand Lodge is in order!!!!!
just don't get Tommy R involved from GL . he's just as corrupt if not worse.
Goodfella, I agree sounds like an audit should be done asap. Maybe phl just needs a little house cleaning, like clt has went through, although we in clt still have a little more cleaning to do, starting wed with the election to replace MC on the Grievance Cmtte that he vacated. GO B KLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CONGRATS on your NEW GC. do you have any westies on it.
what's up DW .
afraid the apple cart gravy train might get upset with an intervention

Guess if your in the boys club . I could see why that would be upsetting
PHL will run PHL.

Outsiders are not welcome.
WE are ONE! PHL will be run by the current leadership,(PERIOD)! All the BS will stop and the ME,MYSELF and I Mentality will stop!!!!!! (Deleted by Moderator. No personal attacks.)
PHL will run PHL.

Outsiders are not welcome.
Yeah, there ya go DW, thats what we are used to hearing phl sound like, but your problem is, you need to put those words into action, or there just that .......WORDS..........
Goodfella, I agree sounds like an audit should be done asap. Maybe phl just needs a little house cleaning, like clt has went through, although we in clt still have a little more cleaning to do, starting wed with the election to replace MC on the Grievance Cmtte that he vacated. GO B KLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To be totally honest they need a lot of house cleaning!!!!
Where's Hogs n Pigs

She SOOOOOOOOO in the know of everything Usairways wonder why SHE hasn't

chirped in on this PHL travesty 😛 😛 guessing since it doesn't pertain to the "what's in it for

me and my boy" she really doesn't care. Typical Canale traits
Where's Hogs n Pigs

She SOOOOOOOOO in the know of everything Usairways wonder why SHE hasn't

chirped in on this PHL travesty 😛 😛 guessing since it doesn't pertain to the "what's in it for

me and my boy" she really doesn't care. Typical Canale traits
He, She or IT or S>H>I>T> will not post cause their world is colappsing!!!

Once again one of our own is in need of our support. Lets continue with what began a little over a year ago.

I intend to cast a vote Wednesday for Bill K. to become a member of the CLT Grievence Committee.

I encourage each of you to do the same.
WE are ONE! PHL will be run by the current leadership,(PERIOD)! All the BS will stop and the ME,MYSELF and I Mentality will stop!!!!!! DOG, sounds like you may be one benefiting from the corruption?

Not in PHL, not part of any corruption.

But I have dealt with PHL enough to know they will do things their own way.
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