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CLT Fleet Service Grievance Committee Election

Where: Local Lodge 1725 / 3100-C Piper Lane Charlotte, NC 28208

When: Wednesday December 10th, 2008

Times: Polls open 6:00 am until 6:00 pm

Remember folks this is at the local lodge and not at the American Legion.

Mapquest 3100-C Piper Lane

Please turn out to vote. I think this is one where every vote will matter.
Please turn out to vote. I think this is one where every vote will matter.

Hey from what I hear this Bill K is an ok guy and deserves a vote of confidence. Good luck Bill, CLT will be in good hands with you on the committee.
Good Luck Wednesday CLT.

Lets' have a good turnout and support Billy K.
in the vote. You can not have a better canidate.
He supports you in your job functions and is
well versed in our current agreement as well as
rules and laws that apply to it from the outside.

Lets have a good turnout.
freedom Posted Today, 09:30 PM
billy K also get's a thumbs up from me !

Did the other delegates pay you to support Billy
to force people to go the thier way? Remeber this
vote is at a hall not a breakroom. You can't sway

CLT Fleet Service Grievance Committee Election

Where: Local Lodge 1725 / 3100-C Piper Lane Charlotte, NC 28208

When: Wednesday December 10th, 2008

Times: Polls open 6:00 am until 6:00 pm

Remember folks this is at the local lodge and not at the American Legion.

Mapquest 3100-C Piper Lane

I have personally witnessed Bill K. defending a member. It is very impressive to see. CLT will be in very good hands with him as a member of the GC. He will make a great addition to the GC team but your vote is needed to make this happen.
hey dh

nice pic.... yikes

whatever, thxs for helping me meet the 'real girl'...

thk god 4 karma...
For the first time in more that 1.5 years, CLT votes smart – Russo wins the Grievance Committee position!
to my fellow brothers and sister in CLT that endured the bad weather

to come out and support the candidates. my heart felt thanks.

Rick R 141
Bill K 95
Lisa L 23

congrats to Rick on his new appointment .
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