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Lets look at the bright side of all this. Bill K. will still be there for the membership as a Shop Steward.
Of course you don’t, but you still responded, for Mike! (wink- wink, nod-nod)
Hey Robot, I can assure you, Oman is not whatever Mike your talking about. Dont really care if you believe that but its the truth. But anyway congradulations to R. Russo, he won the vote of the membership so he deserves the job. But I want to take a minute to talk about B. Kline. There are many former shop stewards and grievance committee members in clt that call theirselfs "Union Guys", but since they lost the election about a year ago now, a lot of those so called " Union Guys" arent doing a d_ _ n thing for the union. They were for the union as long as things were going their way, and then they showed what quitters they were when things didnt go their way. Well those people should watch and learn from B Kline over the next year on what a real "Union Guy" is. Because I guarantee you even though things didnt go Klines way in the election, he knows the membership spoke, and hes for that, whether it goes his way or not. So Robot if you want to see what a true Union Guy is then watch how Kline still represents the membership of clt, even though things didnt go his way,he will stay one of our best if not the best shop stewart we have in clt. And the reason that is even though you may not understand this, is that he is there for the membership and not himself.So thanks B Kline and Lisa Leathers, and again, congrats to Russo. Its guys like you that are going to keep our union going strong!!!!!!!!!
I see you took a break from peppermint Patty . I have to agree with ya on your post.

UNIONISM isn't about personal gain it's about UNITY .

sidenote Hadenough: You have to let go of personal agenda's , I agree with you 99% percent of the time

but sometimes you have to let things go.
I too want to thank Bill K. and Lisa L. for putting themselves out there for the membership. Its people like you that convinced me that I needed to become actively involved.
maybe Giant Robot can learn something about UNIONISM . .. It's not always about him

but for the membership . Again for Rick R congrats on your election . You campaigned hard and it paid off
I see you took a break from peppermint Patty . I have to agree with ya on your post.

UNIONISM isn't about personal gain it's about UNITY .

sidenote Hadenough: You have to let go of personal agenda's , I agree with you 99% percent of the time

but sometimes you have to let things go.

Consider it done.
Well said Charlie Brown. We could all learn a thing or two from Mr. K.

As Joe said its time to move on.
I just think this is a golden oportunity for some of the old Canale guys to get a real since in how a person is suppose to stay supportive of your "Union" when you dont win a election. That is if you still call yourselves "Union"...........I dont know, I guess I just dont like HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!
If you want a union man remember 15 years ago when Russo was one of the very few, as in less than ten, rampers wearing a union pin and working for a union in CLT.
If you want a union man remember 15 years ago when Russo was one of the very few, as in less than ten, rampers wearing a union pin and working for a union in CLT.
Hey Dog, not talking about Russo, Im talking about all the guys that used to try and convince the membership in clt, what great Union guys they were,and then when an election didnt go their way, they quit. They know who they are, I dont really have to name names here. But they have showed the people in clt what great Union guys they truly are. Their actions speak louder than their words, as usual.
Then you know wearing a Teamsters pin was not the norm.

Far from the norm. I would like to see Rick take that Teamster attitude and use it for the good of the membership. After all we are all still in this together. There are a few that need to let go of the bitterness of the past elections. I would love to see them step up again and become actively involved. Maybe they could once again put on a Shop Steward badge. We all know that we could use all the help we can get in our daily struggle with people like "George Jettson".
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