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Update out of PHL :
It's out of control. Our US leadership is bought
and paid for. The past AGC, PF, is working back
on the property and is already being taken care
of by the GC chair, GS. The local leadership was
made up of Canale a$$ kissers and they remain
loyal only to each other and not the group. Rumor
going around that there may be a mass exodus
on the dues issue come Jan. 1st. Heard thier trying
to get 1,000 members to sign objector cards to
eliminate the local. Remain with the Int'l but cease
contributing to the local. The PF-GS issue has people
seeing red and mgt. likes it and is giving GS a pass
to ripple the waters. This issue has been raised in
the past but GS remains in his seat. He was the only one
who ran for the seat, had the required 6 meetings in
to run.
I heard the card signing is coming from the domestic
chute and they are adament to seek change or file
the cards.
The Transition Agreement that was voted in by the membership this year states on page 20/11, IV, B:

“ The Company will, no later than six (6) months from the date of ratification of this Agreement, provide each Fleet Service Employee a single Collective Bargaining Agreement containing the language changes incorporated in this Transition Agreement.â€￾

This date has come and gone more than a month ago! Where are our contract books? This is a clear violation of the terms of our new agreement and I’ve been told that no grievance has even been filed…WHY NOT? AGC M.C. stated in the break rooms when he was campaigning for his position that he would, “kick down doors.â€￾ No Contract Books, No Grievance and No Damaged Doors! The “No-Direction ‘08â€￾ team said the Company sent them to the printers weeks ago, that’s great, but they weren’t in our hands in the agreed upon time frame.

This afternoon I heard the possible reason could be that the Company sent the document to the “Downtown Bedrock Print Shopâ€￾ for printing because they wanted the Contract to be printed real slow so AGC N.H. will be able to read it. An update posted in the ready rooms from AGC M.C. states that the “No Direction AGC Groupâ€￾ will review the contract line by line, which needs to happen, but now we know it will be months before any Fleet Agent sees a copy.

And BTW M.C. the old language says "pocket size" contract book, but the NEW language says that the Company will provide each Fleet Employee "a single Collective Bargaining Agreement" no mention of "pocket Size". Are you going to waste our dues money and arbitrate the "new language" that the group voted in?

ND08 = No Contract Books, No Grievance and No Damaged Doors! - 08

Ms Piggy,

The previous Canalites we had as AGC's had a bouncy ball contract read-a-long with AH and thought it was just dandy. The very first meeting the ND08 had in Tempe, Harbinson was told to pound sand. He was told specifically that the deleted language like "a convenient pocketsize booklet" would cause the company to re-publish 10,000 contracts and use the others for kindling.
Your husband is just as disconnected as the former GC that he joined in with, and lost his last election. That is why he should have bowed out of Wednesdays election and spared himself the embarassment. When your own best friends tell you that, that should mean something.
What everyone in CLT should be doing is all going to the former AGC JR and asking him what the heck he was thinking when he looked the other way with BS changes to the Contract and the Attendance Policy.
And by the way, everyone notices that you and hubby waste dues money by freeloading on every convention and making them your personal vacations.
NH, MH, MC, and FO are saying that they are feeling more like janitors having to clean the mess they were left with. If you want good information, don't miss your union meetings, we were given these answers last month.
Maybe I jumped the gun a little here. The 142 website has the arguments
for continued trusteeship of Bob's local. Not really too preaty.

But maybe that's the glory of this forum. Freedom of speech. Yes!

IAMinformer: Could be more homework to do on this one. While I agree
to just about everything Bob says I don't think that the IAM int. is
ready for a rogue FA as their leader. You got my vote though.
Perv: Good luck in PHL. Having lived near PHL as a kid for a couple
of years, I always have fond memories of the place.

I heard that PF was not going back to work in the airlines. So what
kind of treatment is he getting? Did these guys reconnect him up

Someone posted a while back suggesting that these guys/gals be treated
well coming back to the ramp. I agree with that. Sounds like the way
to go IMO is to wait it out and grab the power when these guys are
up for reelection, which I think is every year.
CLT Fleet Service Grievance Committee Election

Where: Local Lodge 1725 / 3100-C Piper Lane Charlotte, NC 28208

When: Wednesday December 10th, 2008

Times: Polls open 6:00 am until 6:00 pm

Remember folks this is at the local lodge and not at the American Legion.

Mapquest 3100-C Piper Lane

having the STRONG UNION history you guys have . Don't let Gill turn phl into a

non union don't give a damn station . just because GS doesn't have a union bone in his body

doesn't mean the rest should follow such ignorance. IF GS is in bed with the company and controlling

the overtime and serving up terminations to management to keep his GC job then I say someone

needs to bring him up on DFR charges and get rid of that Canale cancer once and for all.
Oman, Please say it is not true! You mean Gill is running PHL against the memberships will? Giving OT to past leadership and friends while he continues to work midnight shifts and is not available to the membership except to intimidate and turn them to be dues objectors? TIME TO RID PHL OF GILL!!!!!!

having the STRONG UNION history you guys have . Don't let Gill turn phl into a

non union don't give a damn station . just because GS doesn't have a union bone in his body

doesn't mean the rest should follow such ignorance. IF GS is in bed with the company and controlling

the overtime and serving up terminations to management to keep his GC job then I say someone

needs to bring him up on DFR charges and get rid of that Canale cancer once and for all.
Can someone from phl please tell me something? All we have heard for years in clt is how together phl is, and how strong the union is there. How can GS get away with the things that are said on this board? Maybe they'r not true. I know some first class guys in phl, and I dont think they would put up with this, so what gives?
all I can say is GS gives unions a bad name . No wonder there are people that

question the integrity of union activity . HE needs to GONE like YESTERDAY..

I say .. DFR DFR DFR ..
well charlie let me tell ya.

when you have YOUR own REPRESENTATION turning you over to the company on a silver platter

for their OWN personal gain. who are you going to have to watch your back. It's bad enough

we the members have to fight management . but even worse when your OWN UNION leadership

turns his back on you . once again it's the Canale mentality .. "WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME. "
hey PHL,
anyone that's able to find GS . ask him to come on here like his buddy jeff did

and explain himself to the membership. If he has a set he would have a lot to explain.

come on GS . man up and explain your side of the story .

sidenote: maybe Goldenram can enlighten us. H*ll he never did when he was an AGC . maybe
since he's part of the working membership he might have a better insight
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