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welcome to the board. Unfortunately the answer is no nothing online . but your station administration or your Grievance Office has a copy

call them and have them check .. if you don't have access . to any of that .. I do have access to the list . PM me with your info and would be happy

to look it up for ya
Whatever happened to ''GoldenRam'' ? he went silent.
Is he back to working in PHL ?

If there is anyone that has protested your seniority, have you gotten an answer yet? If you did get an answer was it favorable? If so, what was your course of action that got that favorable answer? The 18th is right around the corner and I think the company is stalling. We must push this issue to right a severe wrong.



You can only protest if your dates are wrong. Not the list itself. So far at my station, everyody's dates are correct. I have heard no complaints about the dates being wrong. Just alot of complaining about DOH vs. classification senority. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is. Until we can negotiate how it should be. DOH for everybody, or classification for everybody.
Went to hit out today and saw a memo by the workbrain
clock stating, ''Starting Monday all agents must hit in and
out in thier assigned work area.'' I don't know what your
stations look like but in PHL if you work in Unit 4 and need
to hit in you pass up to 5 clocks before getting to your assigned
work area. ENOUGH. If your a 0500 satrt you have to be at
work at least a hour before your shift to ensure that you get
a bus on time and get to your work area by your scheduled
start time. A clock is a clock no matter where it is on property.
So if you finish running bags over at the Int'l terminal and
you become off the clock, you still must return to your work
area to have a valid clock.
The memo was from N.C. ramp manager. We need to stop
this company pushing us around and we need to stop it soon.
Have a great holiday everyone and work safe.
The new policy intends to change how fleet service clocks in. Assigned work area is a new definition crafted by Big Al and he isn't playing fair since he himself wants sole intepretation of his newly created terminology.
I called a certain Local Chairman to find out if the company can legitimately make someone clock in at their assigned work area, if that assigned work area isn't the same area it was last week.
I was told that this will most likely be just one of many grievances against Big Al's brave new world. I was also told that the company's own policy states that nobody is suppose to be on the ramp or in a secure area unless they are on the clock. So if you're not on the clock until you clock in then how can you get to an assigned work area that forces you to travel in a secure area while not on the clock?
A ramp service agents "assigned work area" is the ramp. The first time clock inside this "assigned work area" should be acceptable as a clock in point. The same goes for clocking out. Anywhere within your "assigned work area" could be used.
A ramp service agents "assigned work area" is the ramp. The first time clock inside this "assigned work area" should be acceptable as a clock in point. The same goes for clocking out. Anywhere within your "assigned work area" could be used.
I agree with you Joe. And also since the mgmt team can move you around to different work areas if need be, then the whole ramp is your work area.
hey charlie glad to see you back.. guess Peppermint Patty's been keeping you busy :up:

is anyone else having issues with this time clock problem other than phl. We don't seem to have

any issues in CLT . sounds to me like a certain S/M in phl trying to make a name for himself

but is going about it the wrong way.
hey charlie glad to see you back.. guess Peppermint Patty's been keeping you busy :up:

is anyone else having issues with this time clock problem other than phl. We don't seem to have

any issues in CLT . sounds to me like a certain S/M in phl trying to make a name for himself

but is going about it the wrong way.
I have been a little busy Oman, I think this time clock thing may be getting blown out of proportion. we have people that go to different areas and clock out, like rampers going over to catering and also going over to matenance and clocking out and that has become and issue, just wondering if that may be all they'r talking ab out
''CB", I know of someone who got a level 1 for not
being in his work area at the end of his shift and
clocking out at a clock not in his assigned work area.
They claimed they could not find him (nothing in particular).
He was told to only clock out in his assigned work area.
He worked pm last bid and walked around upstairs to
kill time before his clock out and was reprimanded.

Hey Charlie when's the Christmas show coming on.. or did I already miss it.

and another ? whats with the psychedelic design on your shirt that went out back in the 70's :lol: :lol:
Update on Las Vegas Election for GC

Congrates to Mike M, Steve W and John S for being elected to the GC posts for LAS.

For the Folks in CLT you are voting next Wed. Dec 10th for a GC vacated post to be filled

Please everyone take the time to vote.

I know Bill K is running for the seat and I support him.


Congrats to those in LAS.

Looks like another step in a New Direction!!!!!

CLT its now your turn once again. We need to continue down the New Direction path and turn out in support of Bill K. A vote for RR is step backwards into the mistakes of the past. I intend to cast my vote for Bill and hope everyone does the same.
hey LAS ,
looks like you guys got it right .. Congrats on getting some REAL UNION people involved

out there. maybe John M . can get a managers job. since he's so tight with them he should be a shoe in.
Hey Charlie when's the Christmas show coming on.. or did I already miss it.

and another ? whats with the psychedelic design on your shirt that went out back in the 70's :lol: :lol:
Hey Oman, dont know when the christmas show is, and as far as my shirt, Peppermint Pattie picked it out, so if its in the 70's dont know what to tell ya. But thanks you probably just gave way my identity.
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