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article 7 bullet point 3

" employees currently on invol furlough for 60 days shall forfeit all pay date seniority except that an employee is recalled to the station
from which he was furloughed prior to OEI will be placed in the pay scale consistent with their pay date seniority at date of a furlough.

Now where do you fall after OEI You guessed it day one pay..


do you guys not have copys of the t/a,

I see you reference the website alot .. if you need copys I can get them out to you . they should be posted and available in all your

break rooms.

hmm ok i'm looking at your 2005 CBA a friend of yours was nice enough to send it to me ...

i'm looking at page 47 section 9 lines 1-3 ... and it reads what your says above , but without any mention of OEI ....

i'm still not getting it here ... are we looking at different documents ?

EDIT: OHHH , I re-read what you wrote , and NOW I get it! Your looking at the proposed TA! I thought you were talking about your current CBA .

I believe what your reading is what happens to anyone currently NOW out on furlough under the 60 day rule , but those would be people from back in 2005 … sadly I’ve already written them off….

I was pointing out to our brothers and sisters , that we should JUMP into the new TA because if we don’t your 60 day rule will still be in effect when this merger or rather downsizing I should say goes into effect
hmm ok i'm looking at your 2005 CBA a friend of yours was nice enough to send it to me ...

i'm looking at page 47 section 9 lines 1-3 ... and it reads what your says above , but without any mention of OEI ....

i'm still not getting it here ... are we looking at different documents ?

EDIT: OHHH , I re-read what you wrote , and NOW I get it! Your looking at the proposed TA! I thought you were talking about your current CBA .

I believe what your reading is what happens to anyone currently NOW out on furlough under the 60 day rule , but those would be people from back in 2005 … sadly I’ve already written them off….
I was pointing out to our brothers and sisters , that we should JUMP into the new TA because if we don’t your 60 day rule will still be in effect when this merger or rather downsizing I should say goes into effect

Sadly we have already written off RR, since he is running with canoli. Sorry freedom, your great union man will be back working the ramp come june. Too bad he could't get appointed like the rest of canoli's boys did. :lol:
Sadly we have already written off RR, since he is running with canoli. Sorry freedom, your great union man will be back working the ramp come june. Too bad he could't get appointed like the rest of canoli's boys did. :lol:

Eh it’s not just my loss but it will be yours as well …. You hold it against our representative that he had to serve with those people that you elected and hate … What were we in the west suppose to do ? Not appoint anyone to any office and thus have no voice at ALL within our union ? In my opinion we sent the best man we had , not that I have anything against the new direction team or the current IAM leadership , but how many of your leaders have been put on suspension for standing up for the membership ? Ron’s been suspended several times (by the COMPANY )if I recall correctly .

also , you quoted me , but didn't bother to adress my main theme , which is .... your horrid sixty day rule will still be there if we go into this united merger ..... but i guess you don't care being senior and all ... so everyone else get under the bus ...

EDIT:Also my apologizes to any of our former brothers and sisters who were slashed using the sixty day rule . I shouldn’t speak about you in such a crass manner , but I’m sure your all well aware by now that our current membership doesn’t care about you . I think we all know that fleet would continue to let our cut loose brothers and sisters drift into the shadows if it meant even a quarter more an hour …

All I’m trying to do now is prevent MORE brothers and sisters from joining you in that never realm ..
Tim , nothing you can say scares my people on the west here …

I can use the SAME tactics against your own people , and I bet I can scare them worse …

HELLO sixty day rule!!!! SAY hello to it brothers , and goodbye to your jobs and everything you now know …

Given all the options , your people will overwhelmingly vote yes on this ….


Where do you get " my people ". Are you a self-proclaimed leader?

Never bet someone under an " Alias ". Cheap pool.

Never thought I'd hear through the mouth of babes the " 60 day " used against a fellow employee. SHAME ON YOU! You've gone from "Brother to Member"
As I stated before , I’ll stand with the men and women who are standing , you sir are most likely sitting to write this ….

If you're standing to write yours then you must be at a company computer on company time. Unless you stand at home to type?
I can take it , and I can dish it out …..

First of all when I say MY people , I mean that they are MY people … we’re almost like our own unique group … first of all we share very similar values … many of us have struggled with poverty , this company …. We live in a localized area …we’ve known each other for years … I can’t think of a better group of people than the ones I work with … so when I say MY , I mean it as the group from which I come , of which I am a part of .

I’m certainly not claming to be a leader of ANYONE … get that straight .. I don’t posses the qualities of leadership ..now I may generalize a lot of what my brothers and sisters here are feeling but I don’t think that connotes leadership , more like just being a press secretary.

As to the sixty day rule , I as a baggage handler cannot pick and chose who will be affected by it , so I’m not actually wielding it against anyone … I was merely pointing out in a very crass manner that some of you who are reading this will be affected by your own rule … I bet you NO guys don’t like the fact that you have the sixty day rule on your side! :lol:

You of all people should not throw stones at glass houses. If I recall correctly you went from "sacrifice the few to save the many", to "NO OUTSOURCING", back to "well you guys at least have three years before you are out of a job". Talk about FLIP FLOP. And yes, if RR endorsed this POS T/A, he most definately is not with us in this fight against the company. So please don't say we are throwing anybody under the bus, as it is you that is so willing to do so.
Save your breath freedom. You've already said it. It's history.
And by the way the smiley face at the end of you rebuttal says it all too! Remember, visual impressions are eveything. A smile is onething but a laugh can be taken many ways.
Mike , face it , with the 60 day rule , we may win this election handly .. you don't like that fact TOUGH ...

Who here wants to be furlouged never to return ????
Mike , face it , with the 60 day rule , we may win this election handly .. you don't like that fact TOUGH ...

Who here wants to be furlouged never to return ????

Well, at least you've deleted that smiley. That's a start!
I have to wonder why the company is hellbent on having a 60 day rule ONLY for FLEET There is ABSOLUTELY no need for it Of course Canarybird and Hammerhead both think its wonderful to sell out their own members and then sit back and collect their huge paychecks since they dont have to worry about bring food one pay then pay bills with the other check. That 60 day rule should be eliminated immediately or placed on the entire mgmt and the top union clowns effective immediately
pretty laughable the hub most likely to have furloughs in a merger the one beating the yes drum Mr Flip flop likes to rally the troops when in all reality all he cares about is what he gets never mind busloads of his co workers are out the door
EDIT:Also my apologizes to any of our former brothers and sisters who were slashed using the sixty day rule . I shouldn’t speak about you in such a crass manner , but I’m sure your all well aware by now that our current membership doesn’t care about you . I think we all know that fleet would continue to let our cut loose brothers and sisters drift into the shadows if it meant even a quarter more an hour …

All I’m trying to do now is prevent MORE brothers and sisters from joining you in that never realm ..

do you ever think before you post. Your above post is full of contradictions YOUR the one voting YES not us . Your the one willing to throw

away more jobs not us. and in your last sentence HOW are you preventing more job loses by voting YES. Man oh man your rational

is unbelievable. JUST stay on your side of the fence. YOU WANT MONEY NOW no matter what it cost others. YOU will vote YES . enough

with the apologizes and the sympathy of others. Support your team and quite trying to be a politician , cause honestly I think you suck at

Integrate West into East without a T/A? … Ain’t Gonna Happen !

I think the time has come to address the “conveyed threatâ€, to integrate the West Fleet into the existing East Fleet CBA.

Now… I will submit to this forum that this threat contains many adverse effects for the Union, but more so for the Company.

Mr. District Force, (Correct spelling intended)…has made it clear that the Company’s position on having the current COC in our agreement is not an affordable option for US Airways.

Now… lets examine what happens if we reject this Tentative Agreement (T/A) next week.

If this T/A, is in fact rejected (As I feel it will be)…
The Company has only two (2)… viable options available them.

1) Go back to the table…sweeten the T/A, and then…see what happens in another vote.

2) Work within the auspices of the existing East CBA, while attempting to “fold†West Fleet into it with, or without a vote… while simultaneously attempting to merge with United Airlines, or any other Air Carrier for that matter.

Now… let’s evaluate the ramifications of bringing the entire West Fleet Group into the East CBA, while executing a Change in Control, or a Merger with another Air Carrier. Guess what… you just added the entire West Fleet Group to the cost liability equation of an awarded COC arbitration!

In other words… My gut feeling is that this thinly veiled threat is just that!

The Company would inherit the entire West Fleet Group as another COC cost liability, in addition to the present cost liability of East!

Let ‘um bluff away… I say call ‘um on it !

P.S. Mr. Farce, Go ahead…respond to this…does the above post make any sense to you? You have made tremendous progress in working your way toward complete transparency. At this point you are opaque…leaning toward…translucent… however, I feel this change of heart, is due to Membership demands currently placed on the IAM.

Yer southern buddy...

You of all people should not throw stones at glass houses. If I recall correctly you went from "sacrifice the few to save the many", to "NO OUTSOURCING", back to "well you guys at least have three years before you are out of a job". Talk about FLIP FLOP. And yes, if RR endorsed this POS T/A, he most definately is not with us in this fight against the company. So please don't say we are throwing anybody under the bus, as it is you that is so willing to do so.

You got to be careful with the blueberry pancakes . they need to flip alot or they get burnt.

Keep up the fight . I had 3 people tell me today they were going NO just to shut PHX up.

for the hard working true UNION folks in phx. (Jen. Prez . chill) sorry you guys are getting a bad rap from your FREEDOM fighter

out there. I do remind folks that . I have been out there and meet and worked with a lot of a really great people. So FREEDOM keep

up the great campaign it makes my job a whole lot easier :up:
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