With the merger upon us, it's time for fleet service to step up for themselves and join together in solidarity for a ratification of your tentative agreement. Both east and west have been through at least 5 years of the most difficult time in your careers and now is the time to take what is offered.
Over the past week I have been encouraged that the leadership in PHX has come together, united, and put aside personal gain. The result should produce a very impressive vote for ratification in PHX. However, I am concerned with the leadership in LAS as I have heard that some leaders are only out for their own political gain and this has caused the type of division that might be critical to ratification. The rank and file in LAS needs to realize that if LAS doesn't have a strong vote for ratification that this tentative agreement and your increased wages will once again become the hostages of the east. I doubt many of you want this? In fact, your Local Chairman and Assistant General Chairman have explained the tentative agreement with you and answered each of your questions. Therefore, you know that you will either be voting for ratification or you will have to wait until 2009.
US AIRWAYS will consider negotiations that will lead the west into the east agreement but the District has no plans at this time to negotiate a contract that merges the west into the east agreement. That means that if this isn't ratified that you will have to wait until December 31, 2009. How many of you can wait that long? Look at your pay stubs and you will be able to see the logic in ratification. Again, it is critical that LAS join the PHX lead for ratification and stop listening to those out strictly for political gain.
Unfortunately, the PHL and CLT leadership is more concerned with personal and political gain and is encouraging their members to vote against ratification. Such action is destructive in light of the upcoming merger. I've said before and I'll say it again, now isn't the time to fight. You have an opportunity to position your company to become the biggest airline in the world through a merger. That means security and the opportunity for strong wage and benefit gains in 2011.
Don't throw it all away just because some of your leaders are out for political gain and one individual is making Randy Canale out as some United Airline monster who is personally devouring your protections. Randy Canale isn't against you having profit sharing or Change in Control protections. If he had his way you would all be making more than our United rampers. These negotiations were some of the most intense negotiations this District has ever experienced. But you have no right to strike and your company is a cost neutral bargainer. You want extra vacation? How many jobs do you want to lose? That's how your company negotiates.
Vote to ratify, then both the west and east can finally join in together and be stronger in 2011.