We all sit here and post back and forth the ''this could happen'' or ''this
should happen'' or ''aren't you tired of this''.....but once again the bottom
line is , If you are not happy with where you are and what is going on around
you, then you have 3 options. If your happy or content with whats going on you
have no problems, but to the unhappy, you have.......
a.) Don't sign a card and stay IAM and try to change the leadership if you feel
you can, but remember we can only vote on our local officers. So we can get rid
of the lodge council but not Chandlee, Flynn, Canale, etc...These positions are
appointed and I ask you if you feel its' odd that after PIT votes out thier chair
steward, Canale appoints him to a position higher than that. If PIT didn't feel he
was doing a good job why does the IAM seem fit not to adhere to thier membership
and dictate who they feel PIT needs.When will the members have a voice., like in Phl
where they are attempting to oust our pres. without a membership vote.