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Everyone has there own motive for what they do and how they vote.
I am voting YES because I think its the smart thing to do. NO fear. I am senior enough to ride this horse till it drops. When I go, you are all gone. No fear. If anyone is voting out of fear, its the NO voters.
Regarding Mr. Nelson, I do not personally know the man. I have not heard anything favorable about him therefore I have no trust or faith in him. I do give him credit for being a slick-tongued devil!
HE led this bunch astray last vote, IMO, and I'll be damned if I will sit here quiet while he does it again!
Hear yahh Wiser…

I think you may actually be a little like me… 30 years… Ex-Piedmont…

I know the deal! It has become, for me at least… a matter of right and wrong. When I see the upper echelons of this Union, and Company… reaping huge rewards from our hard labor and sacrifices… I’ve got ahh problem.

When we merge, as we will…soon …I want to think that… I fought as hard as possible for what I think is right. Not what will benefit me as a person! That is what is wrong in this world…we have lost our ability to look out for one another!

Guy’s like Distract Farce, will try to convince us (Fleet) that we are at a disadvantage and…we are in terrible economic times for this industry.

I reality, they themselves are well compensated for imposing their opinions on us!
WB you sound like you will be better off following the proven liar and UA board member "Cheap Suites" Canale
maybe you work with mindless drones at your station but I don't at mine

I made up my mind to vote NO on this p o s agreement just as I did the last one before I ever read a word of Tim Nelson's thoughts on the subject
your comments that we mindlessly follow someone just proves your lack of credibility in my view
I happen to agree with DF. And, you and I are alike re: PI and 30 Yrs.... But, I also happen to believe you've got to take care of yourself BEFORE you take care of others, or all is lost.
YES! IMO, of course.
No personal offense.... I think we scrrewed up our best opportunity.
I happen to agree with DF. And, you and I are alike re: PI and 30 Yrs.... But, I also happen to believe you've got to take care of yourself BEFORE you take care of others, or all is lost.

My man...

You have just indicated to me that you do not practice “Unionismâ€￾.

We are Trade Unionist in here…We are Brothers…We have each others back!

I suggest to you… that another non-union career may be of interest to you.

Solidarity !

P.S. Hold on.... Mr. Farce is posting... cain't wait!
WB you sound like you will be better off following the proven liar and UA board member "Cheap Suites" Canale
maybe you work with mindless drones at your station but I don't at mine

I made up my mind to vote NO on this p o s agreement just as I did the last one before I ever read a word of Tim Nelson's thoughts on the subject
your comments that we mindlessly follow someone just proves your lack of credibility in my view

well for starters , i'm just going to come out and say it , what’s up with the demonization of Canale ?

As many of you know I’m a westie who hasn’t been through what you’ve experienced , but I have to wonder if many of you are simply taking out your emotions of having had to endure two BK’s and transferring that to the union president ?

You guys call the man all sorts of names , cheap suits , etc , and you constantly slander and libel him …. It’s like many of you are in jr high … I have to say that when you complain about our union president and you do so by calling him names you lose a lot of credibility with me …

Now from what I’ve seen of him thus far he seems OK to me … he actually came out to one of the protests that we had out here in PHX , and if I were to count him as an east guy , then he’s the ONLY east guy to ever show up at one of our protests … I understand that he makes 100k plus and thus it’s far more simple for him to show up at a protest than it is for the rest of us … still thou like I said , he’s the only east sider to ever show .

As far as what he’s gotten negotiated in the TA , it seems REASONABLE enough to me.. ..

Look I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again , these are bad economic times … you guys then retort that I’m running around screaming the sky is falling etc… well guess what , if I lose this job it’s not like I’m going to die , I can find another job elsewhere doing something else as can most of us , so please stop labeling those of us who are talking about the current realities in this country as mad men .

The US economy IS slowing … heck just the other day I was at the golden arches and I went to order off the dollar menu… well guess what brothers and sisters , you no longer get a medium fry for a dollar , they’ve shrunk it to a small fry!!! The indignity!!!!

Gas at my local station , well guess what , it’s gone up again since the last time I mentioned it on this board a few days ago … now it’s 335 ….

Us airways lost close to 240 million for Q2008 ….

The price of a barrel of oil is pretty freaking high right now …

Now I want each of you to imagine yourselves as the union negotiator ….. how easy do you think it would be right now to bargain for fleet ? Remember don’t let the rhetoric that many people spew on these boards influence you … when your sitting at the table it stops being about bravado and it becomes about what you can REALLY accomplish for your brothers and sisters who are counting on you to give your all ….

If I were to put myself in the position of negotiator I doubt I would have even been able to get this much … I commend the men and women on our NC for doing what I think is an acceptable job in these bad times .
With the merger upon us, it's time for fleet service to step up for themselves and join together in solidarity for a ratification of your tentative agreement. Both east and west have been through at least 5 years of the most difficult time in your careers and now is the time to take what is offered.

Over the past week I have been encouraged that the leadership in PHX has come together, united, and put aside personal gain. The result should produce a very impressive vote for ratification in PHX. However, I am concerned with the leadership in LAS as I have heard that some leaders are only out for their own political gain and this has caused the type of division that might be critical to ratification. The rank and file in LAS needs to realize that if LAS doesn't have a strong vote for ratification that this tentative agreement and your increased wages will once again become the hostages of the east. I doubt many of you want this? In fact, your Local Chairman and Assistant General Chairman have explained the tentative agreement with you and answered each of your questions. Therefore, you know that you will either be voting for ratification or you will have to wait until 2009.

US AIRWAYS will consider negotiations that will lead the west into the east agreement but the District has no plans at this time to negotiate a contract that merges the west into the east agreement. That means that if this isn't ratified that you will have to wait until December 31, 2009. How many of you can wait that long? Look at your pay stubs and you will be able to see the logic in ratification. Again, it is critical that LAS join the PHX lead for ratification and stop listening to those out strictly for political gain.

Unfortunately, the PHL and CLT leadership is more concerned with personal and political gain and is encouraging their members to vote against ratification. Such action is destructive in light of the upcoming merger. I've said before and I'll say it again, now isn't the time to fight. You have an opportunity to position your company to become the biggest airline in the world through a merger. That means security and the opportunity for strong wage and benefit gains in 2011.
Don't throw it all away just because some of your leaders are out for political gain and one individual is making Randy Canale out as some United Airline monster who is personally devouring your protections. Randy Canale isn't against you having profit sharing or Change in Control protections. If he had his way you would all be making more than our United rampers. These negotiations were some of the most intense negotiations this District has ever experienced. But you have no right to strike and your company is a cost neutral bargainer. You want extra vacation? How many jobs do you want to lose? That's how your company negotiates.

Vote to ratify, then both the west and east can finally join in together and be stronger in 2011.
well for starters , i'm just going to come out and say it , what’s up with the demonization of Canale ?

The east guys have seen first hand the bad representation and leadership from Canale. We have been under his thumb for some 13 to 14 yrs seems forever. You west guys have only seen a small sample of what his leadership is all about. Not only till the past recent years have the United folks become outraged by his abilitys and have approached US workers to replace him rest assured come June Randy will be shown the door.
If I were to put myself in the position of negotiator I doubt I would have even been able to get this much … I commend the men and women on our NC for doing what I think is an acceptable job in these bad times .
Got news for yahh Freedom...

There were no Negotiations! This entire deal was cut behind closed doors while the rest of the Negations Committee twiddled their thumbs in a separate conference room!

According to our sources, that were actually there… in Negations… the whole final agreement was presented to them without their input!

It took a matter of minutes to get a finalization of the agreement!

I submit to this forum…This reeks of injustice, and corruption!

Now…do you honestly think that you are getting the representation that you are paying for?
The east guys have seen first hand the bad representation and leadership from Canale. We have been under his thumb for some 13 to 14 yrs seems forever. You west guys have only seen a small sample of what his leadership is all about. Not only till the past recent years have the United folks become outraged by his abilitys and have approached US workers to replace him rest assured come June Randy will be shown the door.
I can assure you that those who nominated the New Direction team were only disgruntled members who spent over two years making themselves organized enough to pick up a few nominations. 9 of their nominations were illegal. In June, the polls will be open for a democratic vote where more than disgruntled workers will be able to vote.

With upcoming mergers, Randy Canale's experience in working with the airlines will carry alot of weight with the United and US AIRWAYS members.
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