I've noticed that your writings indicate that you are incredibly bothered and angry with your brothers and sisters on the ramp? The truth is that US AIRWAYS has blown SWA away in on-time performance over the last 12 months. US AIRWAYS also finished number 1 in customer satisfaction among the legacy carriers. And made more money than your most sacred Southwest Airlines. Allowing supervisors to get in the way would most likely reduce our productivity.
We are a very productive and proud group and have busted our butts making this company one of the most profitable carriers this quarter. Instead of trying to impress yourself on here, you ought to give credit where credit is due.
It's one thing to hammer the union but to hammer your coworkers makes you look incredibly dumb and pompous.
As far as allowing supervisors to work the bins, not until all those unemployed can get their jobs back [many of which sacrificed their job to get this airline back up in the sky when a BK judge and the creditors would have preferred Chapter 7] , could it ever be considered.
Oh, the humanity! Oh, the irony! Oh, my aching head!
I have been accused of being a management stooge, and yet, Janitor, you sound like a corporate lackey... another Baghdad Jan, errrr... Bob with all of the corporate spin. Don't allow the facts to get in the way of a good story, right? But just between us girls... let's go to the facts anyway....
Quarterly Figures in Thousands:
06/30/2010 $220,000 $366,000 $3,168,000 $3,170,000
03/31/2010 $ 53,000 $ 37,000 $2,630,000 $2,651,000
12/31/2010 $225,000 $-43,000 $2,712,000 $2,626,000
09/30/2010 $ 23,000 $ 1,000 $2,666,000 $2,719,000
Totals $521,000 $361,000 $11,176,000 $11,166,000
So for the last four quarters both SWA and US have nearly identical Revenues, yet SWA's Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) were 40% higher. Was this what you meant when you posted that US "made more money"? Oh, you were just looking at ONE QUARTER to prove your point, and ignore all else? In terms of profit margins SWA had a healthy 4.66% versus US having a respectable 3.23% over the last four quarters. The Korporate Kool-Aid cups must be over flowing with you suggesting that US has been a more profitable than SWA, outside the most recent quarterly report.
SWA: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=LUV
US: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=LCC
However, Baghdad Jan's, errrr... Bob's spin doesn't stop at the financial reports... US works with a padded ground and flight time, and boasts about having a greater on-time performance. So just between us girls again...
Comparing Mainline Flights between PHX to LAS for August 20th:
Departure Time 0750, Southwest Flt. 2146 = TRAVEL TIME 65 minutes
Departure Time 0740, US Airways Flt. 602 = TRAVEL TIME 66 minutes
Departure Time 0855, Southwest Flt. 409 = TRAVEL TIME 75 minutes
Departure Time 0855, US Airways Flt. 453 = TRAVEL TIME 78 minutes
Departure Time 1035, Southwest Flt. 198 = TRAVEL TIME 70 minutes
Departure Time 1025, US Airways Flt. 939 = TRAVEL TIME 75 minutes
Departure Time 1450, Southwest Flt. 2725 =TRAVEL TIME 65 minutes
Departure Time 1505, US Airways Flt. 622 = TRAVEL TIME 65 minutes
Departure Time 1635, Southwest Flt. 2718 = TRAVEL TIME 70 minutes
Departure Time 1650, US Airways Flt. 355 = TRAVEL TIME 66 minutes
Departure Time 1830, Southwest Flt. 1762 = TRAVEL TIME 65 minutes
Departure Time 1845, US Airways Flt. 174 = TRAVEL TIME 66 minutes
Departure Time 2030 Southwest Flt. 623 = TRAVEL TIME 65 minutes
Departure Time 2015 US Airways Flt. 431 = TRAVEL TIME 69 minutes
So of the 7 mainline flights leaving between the same airports, on the same day, scheduled departure times no more than 15 minutes apart of the schedule demonstrates that US pads its schedule in order to be "on-time" to a greater degree than Southwest. Only one time did SWA schedule more travel time than US during approximately the same time of the day. Let's throw in SWA's standard 30 minute turn versus US standard 40+ minute turns and let's examine as to why "US AIRWAYS has blown SWA away in on-time performance over the last 12 months."
However, what you call a "very productive and proud group" I see people who complain endlessly, take little pride in their work, exhibit laziness, protest about "quick turns" (the Southwest standard turn), demonstrate contempt for corporate, and really don't care about inconveniencing the passenger if it involves some territorial pettiness over their beloved contract.
Spin and cheerleader all you want, Baghdad Jan, errrr.... Bob, but facts are stubborn things, and even your suggestion of SWA being a legacy carrier to compare against US Airways fails to be supported by the history or definition.
So Corrects Jester.