You are welcome.
What's funny is I sound like you write.
To the point at hand: The pissing contest between mechs and fleet that the company and union encourages needs to end, if for no better reason than it is a distraction.
We all know fleet and mechs are not going to join hands and sing Kumbaya. Fine. We can have the common sense to stay out of one anothers' way.
Well understood my man…
I respect yer ability tahh render words intahh ah comprehensive dialog.
It seems to me… if both Fleet & M&R were to be considered one solid group, than
tha IAM should recognize each as such.
We (Fleet Service) was told at the time that we were deciding on prospective unions, that the IAM would be our best choice, because they already represented M&R, and that was our best chance at obtainin’ real solidarity.
Fast forward, over ahh decade… ‘n guess what…
We negotiating’
separately… our Union Leadership has not tried tahh communicate with us as ahh
combined group… tha M&R guys feel that their little bit ahh schoolin’ makes ‘um superior tahh us, etc.
I'm more than willin’ tah bury tha hatchet with tha likes of ...Distract Farce... and Aluminum Enemy…when… and only when... this
Fleet Group is treated with respect by tha
M&R group and as well as tha
Union Leadership!
I’ll extend my hand to M&R… if you treat us as brothers…’n not some illegitimate,
unskilled… worthless tag along, that is hinderin’ yer prosperity!