OK, let's knock this "you ain't had a contract long enough to expect it to be any good" bullsh!t in the head.
1. Sooo, IAM is saying they negotiate crappy initial contracts (wait a minute, they sure did at fleet and it took 'em five years to do it!)? That's not what IAM advertised when they were wooing fleet! So DF, were they lying then, or just lying down on the job now?
2. At this point, fleet has been represented by IAM for 13 years and under contract for 8 (not the membership's fault it took D141 five years to ink the PPG). Which year can fleet expect a meaningful contract? 10? 15? I'm guessing never, as fleet will always play second fiddle to M& (R until they got sold down the river, too).
3. At some point, the 'M& used to be R' contract was the same age fleet's is. You just know mechs pushed and shoved to improve their contract, with the full support of D141. Why doesn't D141 support fleet now that it is their time to push and shove? It takes some serious delusion to come on this board and tell fleet to quiet down and accept the illogical judgement of their 'betters.'
4. AS 700 never tires of pointing out, fleet and 'M&used to be R' are separate: different GC's, different NC's, different districts, etc. M& used to be R have made it very clear they want NO part of fleet. Fleet has learned to expect zero support from mechs. OK, you can't have it both ways, claiming fleet/mech separation when it suits you, and then saying fleet should accept an inferior product in comparison with a mech contract. D141 has created fleet/mech apples and oranges, so at least try to be consistent!
Guess what! Fleet has given up on that "strength in numbers" eyewash D141 peddled in 1995 and are taking care of their own business. Fleet also knows that beyond a significant number of mechanics, there are those in the D141 leadership that believes fleet should have eternal inferior contract language, vis a vis mechs.
That is why you see the membership commencing a long overdue housecleaning.
FWIW, fleet has no issue with mechs making more $$ - they have more skills and responsibilities. Compensation is only part of the contract, and in all other places (contract enforcement, sick day treatment, etc.) fleet has every right to the same language.