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Do you have the ability to comprehend what you read?

The IAM/US CBA will be the surviving document, your contract will go bye bye upon the SCS ruling. Even if there is an election and the ibt wins, the IAM CBA will be the surviving CBA.

Is that so hard to fathom?
Yes it is.... Why is it so easy for you??? Where do you get this crap from?

Ohh look at what happened with PSA.... Ya and then you tell us there was no election vote... Well ya I wonder what CBA stayed with no vote..

There will be a vote.. Bet on it.. Im sure the company will allow you to fall under the IAM contract you seem to love so much..

Nothing is writen in stone.. The company has BK's we have work actions, elections, and strikes if needed..

You say you voted no what 2.. 3 times on this crap ass offering in the past ... Yet you hold it up and defend it, even wish to impose it on others?

700 if you were a real labor supporter you would say no to this company/BK imposed contract.. Like you state you have done in the past.. Whats different know that you bow down and even support this kind of corporate greed?

Your are selling out the mechanics of our airline to help your unions dues coffers.. Your own website says they intend to do nothing untl 2009... While they collect and raise there dues...

We will not stand for this... And your responce as allways will be we have no choice.. NOT GOOD ENOUGH... FIND A WAY... You say you can so your gone....

Watch it happen.. You want examples...
SWA, NWA, UAL... Regardless of the results the facts are there that if you fail your membership your gone..
In past mergers your when someone had a higher payrate then the step they were either frozen at that rate till they caught up or placed a the rate equal or higher too and then progresed normally, no one had their pay cut nor lost vacation.

You do not know if you will lose anything, like I said, through the previous mergers no one lost pay nor vacation nor sick time. That is why you have transition negotiations so no one will be harmed.
So who is riding whos shirt tales. Because what you are saying is I get frozen tell you move up in pay. IE:Would you like working next to someone making more money than you with less seniorty. or are you hoping for the free ride to IBT wages and wate for another 4++YR to negotiate the IAM contract.

Pinocchio are you and Delldude the only voice for the IAM
here is a little light reading http://www.nmb.gov/representation/deter2005/32n006.pdf

QUOTE(700UW @ Jan 7 2006, 11:14 PM)
Do you have the ability to comprehend what you read?
The IAM/US CBA will be the surviving document, your contract will go bye bye upon the SCS ruling. Even if there is an election and the ibt wins, the IAM CBA will be the surviving CBA.
Is that so hard to fathom?

19.6 Procedure After Finding Single Transportation System
If the NMB determines that a single transportation system exists, the investigation will proceed to address the representation of the proper craft or class. (See Manual Section 19.401.) The bar rules in NMB Rules §1206.4 (29 CFR § 1206.4) do not apply to applications filed under this section. 19.601 Showing of Interest on the Single Transportation System Incumbent organizations have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the NMB’s single transportation system determination to file an application supported by at least a thirty-five (35) percent showing of interest or to supplement the showing of interest

Everything is not black/wthie like you think
QUOTE The IAM didn't fail anyone it's membership failed themselves.
The IBT membership is no better they havn't made their union what it should be either and has never been tested. "all grievences settled on a case by case non presidence basis"
this person is in tune...... :up:

and what would the IAM give the company to get the ibt ben. package I know what the company would want. so go ibt you won't give anything to the company because our contract has been expired for over 2 years. why wait till past 2010 at least most likly longer with this mngt.
under RLA you may get it in 2009...don't crow too soon.
700 I JUST SHOWED YOU THE IAM LIES. (comprehend what you read?)
don't worry,NMB single carrier status ruling to be out at month's end.....you'll get all the IAM you can handle then.
gee whizz guys,i see your posts are taking a more deperate tone in the last few days.....
IAM curious,what will they do with the teamster 104 union hall and all the monetary assets when IAM is granted the surviving union status?
we all realize you won't have the numbers to do a runoff so what will come of all the dues monies you have contributed over the years? :shock:
will Andy find nirvana tossing boxes at UPS again?
I can see that the IAM garbage is still being spread around. It seems that the IAM pushers want that 2010 contract.....Hmmmmm.....its funny the company wants it too.....the company would love for it to be as easy as that, so they would have to do nothing about a contract for a long while.

When we have a vote the members on both sides will say what they want.

I can see that the usual half truths by the IAM supporters are still being told on this thread.

I have looked at both CBA's and the IBT is the better of the two. VOTE IBT. 🙂
I can see that the IAM garbage is still being spread around. It seems that the IAM pushers want that 2010 contract.....

I can see that the usual half truths by the IAM supporters are still being told on this thread. :lol: :lol:

if you were looking as you say,you'd see time and time again IBT lies being exposed by information supplied on your very own 104 website...please do IAM a favor and educate these people before they post half truths only to have them exposed by the true IAM professionals.
funny, i don't see your contract being ratified as of yet......you do know under RLA, it could very well drag out past the IAM contract due in 2009?
You know I would think all of you ibters would have enough brain power to actually read something, interpret and comprehend it, but it appears I am certainly wrong on that.

I and others have been through several airline mergers and have been through single carrier status rulings with PSA, Piedmont and Trump Shuttle.

You are all reading the NMB manual and now you are labor lawyers and NMB Investigators in your own mind, which is not a smart thing to do. You need to look up past cases and how the NMB rules, I have given you specific examples and yet you call me a liar and don't even take the time to examine those cases and see how the NMB ruled and why, they must follow their previous rulings as they are precedent setting. I nor delldude have made those cases up, but you all are so blind that you cant even educate yourself.

Delldude and myself have refuted and exposed when the ibt and/or its supporters post misinformation, half-truths and outright lies, some of it is proven wrong with your own ibt information of the 104 web page.

The thing that surprises me the most is when the ibt or its supporters are proven wrong you either do one of two things:

1. You crawl under a rock and hide and avoid the issues.

2. You insults and attack the poster instead of debating the issue and trying to prove yourself right.

A true mature and intelligent adult would examine the issues, put his arguments up to support his/her position.

A true mature and intelligent adult would take the time to educate themselves on the process and the factual information someone posts to support their position.

A true mature and intelligent adult would actually absorb the true and factual information posted even if it disagrees with their position.

You can support the IAM or you can support the ibt, but at least use your brain and comprehend the information, go to the sources and get real interpretations of the information instead of just trying to slant it your way without any backup facts.

I have been educated when it comes to union matters, collective bargaining, grievance procedure and how the NMB works and its responsibilities.

This is all I have to say on this matter.
Is that the best you can do?

We have been hearing that for months now.

Keep trying.
don't worry,NMB single carrier status ruling to be out at month's end.....you'll get all the IAM you can handle then.
gee whizz guys,i see your posts are taking a more deperate tone in the last few days.....
IAM curious,what will they do with the teamster 104 union hall and all the monetary assets when IAM is granted the surviving union status?
we all realize you won't have the numbers to do a runoff so what will come of all the dues monies you have contributed over the years? :shock:
will Andy find nirvana tossing boxes at UPS again?
LOOKS LIKE PHX..Dell what about the rest of us or did they get laughed out of PHX and gave up. :shock:

1. Bring all the 757 overhaul in-house.
2. Bring all the A320 overhaul in-house.
3. Bring 50% of all the 737 overhaul in-house.
4. Raise GSE Mechanics salary
5. Raise Stock Clerks salary.
as just posted by 700

"This is all I have to say on this matter."

I will hold you to it, so you will not have to repeat anything you have said!!!!!!
Is that the most intelligence response you can come up with?

Guess you fall into the first catergory.

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