I know this is an election year for Congressman and Senators but the promises that are being made are not coming from them they are coming from the IBT Representatives.
· It’s easy to tell people what you’re proposing.
· It’s easy to tell people what they want to hear.
· It’s easy to make Promises
The IBT is doing all the promising but their track record speaks for itself. Their Contract at America West is so weak their own members told CEO Parker they were "Bottom Feeders" compared to the industry. They are telling our members they will put us in their Western States Pension Plan. Why didn't they put their own members in it? First of all America West wouldn't pay for them, secondly that plan recently cut benefits to its members, some by as much as 60%. The Mechanics at America West HAVE NO PENSION PLAN, they have to contribute 6% of their pay to get 3% match from the company.
The IBT is proposing Seniority integration with protections attached to protect the America West Mechanics. They proposed the same thing with the CWA but finally conceded because the CWA had a contract and the IBT was still unable to get a first agreement with America West for its CSR's. PLUS how could they tell you they wouldn't do that to you when they're position with the CWA became public. WHAT do you think they would do if they were in control and the IAM had no say???
Promises, Proposals, and Reality The IBT is telling you they will take the IAM contract that they couldn't come close to matching and make it better. The IBT is telling you to trust them to do better for you than they could for their own Mechanics. The IBT is trying to Promise and Propose their way into being your representatives. The reality of it is the IAM made the best out of a terrible situation. The IAM faced with Bankruptcy and Abrogation of our labor agreement saved as many jobs and benefits as possible. Thousands of our members were furloughed, but thousands were not. All classifications still have indefinite recall rights and hopefully they will be able exercise them in the near future.
Tell Them What They Want to Hear This mentality was used on our Brothers and Sisters at Northwest and United by amfa. Look were they are today. It’s always easier to promise than to deliver, just look at the politicians. The IAM has had to deal with the reality of our industry and did so in a professional and honest manner. The memberships best interest is always paramount, and will continue to be regardless of the attacks on us by others.
Inequities Yes there are several, and they will be corrected in the transition agreement as we have said from the start. The IAM has been involved in 4 mergers at US Airways and inequities have been addressed in them all. Ask the ex IBT members that became IAM members from PSA. They received their seniority, $5.00 an hour raise and vesting credits into our Pension Plan.
Promises and Proposal are easy to make, don’t be led down the path!!!
In Solidarity,