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Holly Hegeman FA smackdown!

Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
Just something I heard. Not verified fact. Just heard from one reliable person from an interaction with a BA
crew. Again don't know if it's true but food for thought.
BA crew doesn't fly desirable (insert european city )/LAX because some other "airline within airline" flys it for next to nothing.
I know. Not very reliable but scope was always the most important long term issue for us.
Let's hope scope remains intact. If not this has implications beyond the F/As.
Scope has been torn asunder! A *second* daily LAX/desirable (insert european city) has been added because, you know, Joint Business...
Onestep2flt said:
As far as scope, I suggest you cruise to the bottom of your T/A and check out side letter L6:1-3.  This language makes your scope worthless.  You can change the language all you want to match LUS language.  It would be a little too late since around 466 positions are already outsourced to folks NOT on the flight attendant seniority list.  This is fact.  This is a big loss for LUS.  This agreement actually allows up to 2.75% when 25,000 flight attendants are on seniority list, not to include 394 people that are already based in South America.  It also does not state what happens after there are more than 25,000 flight attendants.  It also opens door to using European nationals.  Paragraph 6 is a good read.  The company can use foreign nationals on ALL point to point flying between foreign countries.  This is very important to consider with potential growth.  Think it wont happen?  Think about a flight such as Tokyo to Kuala Lumpur.  This may not be a big deal to American folks because they have had to deal with it since 1990.  You can make any excuse in the world, but this guts Scope!  By the way this is over 1000 flight attendant positions!  That is more than are based in DCA!  That is a lot of potential future monies lost for the LUS Guys and gals.
While it's possible that new AA would begin new foreign routes that don't touch the USA, the chances of it happening are close enough to zero that you really don't need to fret about the foreign nationals. AA got them when AA bought the South American routes and keeping the foreign FAs was a wise political move for AA. There are fewer of them today than there were two years ago, and their numbers haven't been growing.

Yes, theoretically, Parker could add point to point foreign flying, but it's extremely unlikely. NRT-KUL? Zero chance. AA has antitrust immunity with JAL, and shares revenues and profits on TPAC itineraries with JAL, and AA isn't going to take on the expense of flying NRT-KUL, or any other NRT-Asia route. UA and DL are reducing their NRT hub flights to Asia because of the huge expenses of those hubs. In all cases, the pilots' scope provisions require AA (or DL or UA, as the case may be) to fly all flights on mainline metal, and the savings of foreign FAs isn't enough to overcome the expense of multiple pilots.

There may be a lot of things to not like about the TA, but the 24-year old provisions on foreign national FAs isn't one of them. There aren't very many places in the world that would permit AA to fly routes that didn't touch the USA. IMO, a tempest in a teapot.
FWAAA, you did it again. You used LOGIC and COMMON SENSE. Stop it. It scares people on this board.
boston said:
In regards to Jump seat and weight and balance and the JS, AA was un willing to change that, been that way for ever at L/AA.
Just because you don't understand j/s included in w/b doesn't mean it isn't important.
Apparently important enought to delay implementing it until full integration according to the latest hotline.
Was that stupid to do?
Someone must be reading who isn't stupid.
FCFS should have been handled the same way.
boston said:
Why is anyone talking about an aircraft from A/E/Envoy or the like with no JS to be had...Stupid.
Why would anyone allow someone to go in front of you on j/s when they have no j/s to offer.
That is stupid.
LUS has language for foreign nationals?
Or is it LAA?
LUS contract: Scope 1.1
4. In addition to any of the other protections in this Agreement, any flight time as defined in Section 11.A, Hours of Service, of this Agreement that is operated by US Airways Pilots (including during the period of separate pilot operations either America West or US Airways pilots) shall include Flight Attendants on the US Airways System Seniority list. Flight Attendants on the US Airways Flight Attendant System Seniority List shall serve on all commercial passenger revenue flights operated by US Airways, Inc. with pilots on the US Airways Pilot System Seniority List (including during separate operations the US Airways and America West pilot seniority lists).
24 years in LUS scope language?
boston said:
Scope, in APFA contract comes from L/US side, which entails much more than just who fly's what A/C,
Which is it?
Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
Why would anyone allow someone to go in front of you on j/s when they have no j/s to offer.
That is stupid.
The way the contract reads it is for American Airlines wholly owned airlines, which consists of US Airways Flight Attendants, and American Airlines Flight Attendants.  I believe the intent is that Piedmont, PSA and Envoy are AAG not American Airlines.
I haven't read it that way. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Does that include AE/Envoy?
AirLUVer said:
The way the contract reads it is for American Airlines wholly owned airlines, which consists of US Airways Flight Attendants, and American Airlines Flight Attendants.  I believe the intent is that Piedmont, PSA and Envoy are AAG not American Airlines.
Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
Just because you don't understand j/s included in w/b doesn't mean it isn't important.
I'm not an FA and don't know anything about your contract. When you speak of jumpseat, are you sayin that US doesn't include you in the weight/balance and AA does?
blue collar said:
I'm not an FA and don't know anything about your contract. When you speak of jumpseat, are you sayin that US doesn't include you in the weight/balance and AA does?
The opposite.
A loss on our side due to the large amount of closed bases.
After 4 mergers (US Air,Piedmont, America West and now AA) am not impressed by the amatuer attempts of BS coming from this union.
This is not an "industry leading" contract.
Negative Nelly! The main problem I have is the 48 layers of thrash the AFA brought to our contract. No reason for it to be so damn complicated. Where are you finding that some other airline f/a is getting on the j/s before you? I'm confused. It doesn't happen. Life goes on. If you don't like commuting, move. Regarding FCFS, since we are into beating dead horses, did you take into account what the America West people wanted before? Didn't think so. Just because you did something stupid since before deregulation, doesn't make it a good idea. Nice try though. I'm sure you will be here again soon spouting off like the new WT junior. I read your posts and all I can think about is the clueless folks complaining in the galley about this fantastic TA. Well, it would be if it was wAAy less AFA and wAAy more APFA.
IORFA said:
Negative Nelly! The main problem I have is the 48 layers of thrash the AFA brought to our contract. No reason for it to be so damn complicated. Where are you finding that some other airline f/a is getting on the j/s before you? I'm confused. It doesn't happen. Life goes on. If you don't like commuting, move. Regarding FCFS, since we are into beating dead horses, did you take into account what the America West people wanted before? Didn't think so. Just because you did something stupid since before deregulation, doesn't make it a good idea. Nice try though. I'm sure you will be here again soon spouting off like the new WT junior. I read your posts and all I can think about is the clueless folks complaining in the galley about this fantastic TA. Well, it would be if it was wAAy less AFA and wAAy more APFA.
You are a pompous ass.
I have seen it all from all sides so when you have the oppurtunity to be several (3)different unions you can tell tell me how it feels.
This is not an industry leading contract. AAmateurs.
Oh... and no other union mAAde people pay dues when they were furloughed. Talk about doing something stupid.