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Holly Hegeman FA smackdown!

I agree but I think the ineligible voters are using the vulnerable new-hires as a proxy. They are poisoning them against the TA and the union as a whole! It's disheartening.
Again, I would say there are fanatics on both sides of the issue.  Emotions run high anytime there are major changes in a contract.  Each side is going to have cheerleaders to try to convince you that they are right.  It is the nature of the beast.  You have to look through all that and decide for yourself what is right for you.  In this case it is a little hard.  The sides are on different planets as to what is important to them.  For the US Airways side, while getting a substantial boost in hourly wages they are also getting some very important language gutted.  Things like their scope, insurance, jumpseat  protections, deadheading protections, profit sharing, and the list goes on.  All these have huge economic implications that actually make the hourly wages much smaller than they appear.  I said this before, for them they have to decide if what they are giving up to gain hourly wage is worth the cost.  To some, the answer is yes for others no.  What can you live with?  What can you live without?  For American it would appear at first that the answer is easy.  They are coming from a bankruptcy that had already gutted almost everything they had.  Almost anything you throw in front of them would be better than what they have.  However, you have those that live with the bitter memories of what happened to them in the past such as the good TWA folks.  They remember their treatment and are still feeling the effects of their merger with American.  Like it or not it plays a part of the emotional battles that sometimes become vocal.
Throwing dollars at it wont work for everyone!  However, for better or worse it will be enough to get it to pass most likely.  
AdAstraPerAspera said:
The AA FA's are already ready to burn the house down and thing the US FAs are being favored. This would make it even worse, if that's even possible.
If you think LUS is being favored then you haven't read our contract.
I understand majority rules and I'm fine with that.
LG went behind everyones back and produced an improvement for LAA.
She did it ONLY for LAA to win votes.
If she needs LUS votes she may need to do something for US.
If she does not then it doesn't matter.
Many people are waiting.
If this goes to an arbitrator LG is toast.
Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
"Me to" with the pilots would be a start.

What exactly does that mean?

In my example in a earlier post, would you expect a 20% raise if the pilots got a 20% raise on 01 JAN 2015?

Trying to figure out the delay on the pilot side vs the FA contract. Thx.
Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
As an aside... is it true that APFA makes furloughees pay dues while on furlough?
Is that true?
The membership only a few months ago voted on several constitutional changes, among them was to remove the dues obligation for any FA in an unpaid status. This was not retroactive, so it didn't apply to any who were dues arrears from previous furloughs. Unfortunately, it is my understanding that the membership voted TO put this item in place years ago as a de facto way of keeping junior and (possibly TWA?) people from having clout. Keep in mind this was the membership voting this, not the union. It was wrong. Thankfully we have righted that wrong, at least so far as we can legally. I wasn't part of the membership back then, however, so if someone with more accurate information or at least a really good memory can correct me, please do.
Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
If you don't know what that means then my explaining it to you would be a waste of time.

Over 2000 posts on a lame chat board. I understand how busy you must be.

Seriously, there a thousand different things in each contract, what in general would you expect to trigger your "me too" stance and demand the same:

Health care, vacation, percentage pay increase, retirement?
L/US has not lost Scope, the L/US Scope was adopted.
Jump Seat has not gone anywhere . Voting July 15 to be decided by the membership. 
Profit sharing being paid out for this year. Doug parker has maid it clear to each union on the property No Profit sharing.Its off the table, if you want to talk about it were going strait to binding arbitration.
health care, L/US F/A's getting a $3,000 subsidy. All Cadillac plans are ending, in 2018 and all companies in the United states who offer such a plan will pay 40% excise tax for going over the threshold
L/AA Duty rigs best in the industry adopted..
APFA dues no longer need to be paid when out on a Furlough, Military leave and IOD. 
boston said:
L/US has not lost Scope, the L/US Scope was adopted.
Jump Seat has not gone anywhere . Voting July 15 to be decided by the membership. 
Profit sharing being paid out for this year. Doug parker has maid it clear to each union on the property No Profit sharing.Its off the table, if you want to talk about it were going strait to binding arbitration.
health care, L/US F/A's getting a $3,000 subsidy. All Cadillac plans are ending, in 2018 and all companies in the United states who offer such a plan will pay 40% excise tax for going over the threshold
L/AA Duty rigs best in the industry adopted..
STOP using logic and facts! Those things seriously confuse certain people around here. They like being the martyr, it gives them something to fill their otherwise lowely existence.
This place is like the Algonquin Round Table compared to the groups on Facebook. If I see one more of my colleagues who doesn't know the difference between "loose" and "lose" I am going to kill myself.