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Former APFA Negotiator On Laura Glading

I've spoke with several of the recalled folks and they said they have been warmly welcomed back on the line.

I'll second that. I've had four trips and every person I've worked with has been super. I was released from AVBL yesterday and today, Thanksgiving, so I'll be having dinner with the family and again with some friends later. I'm having a great time.

What a great run of posts...so refreshing to read.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone..
Well, it is the closest thing to galley gossip. Perhaps we should call it "virtual" galley gossip as it is spewed on a members only TWA flight attendants' website from which Dixie was expelled by the Cooper-Bertolini crowd and where she is unable to defend herself.

OMG! It's the TWA version of the 4m :shock:

In just a short time, Dixie and Tim made a HUGE difference in STL. I am so glad Dixie will be a negotiator.

I wanted to revive this topic to see what the opinions were about Steven Baumert and his slate. Has anyone had any personal/professional dealings with these candidates?

I'm out on Medical and not in the "galley gossip" loop so any opinions would be helpful! Also, if there are any links to other boards (BESIDES the 4m 🙄 ) with slate discussions please PM me with that info.



Good to "see" ya, even at this early hour !! :up: :up:

Wishing you a good holiday, along with steady good thoughts.

Your old(AND GETTING OLDER) :down: pal,
OMG! It's the TWA version of the 4m :shock:

In just a short time, Dixie and Tim made a HUGE difference in STL. I am so glad Dixie will be a negotiator.

I wanted to revive this topic to see what the opinions were about Steven Baumert and his slate. Has anyone had any personal/professional dealings with these candidates?

I'm out on Medical and not in the "galley gossip" loop so any opinions would be helpful! Also, if there are any links to other boards (BESIDES the 4m 🙄 ) with slate discussions please PM me with that info.




Well if you read Baumert's reports on the airline industry they are pretty shallow.

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