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Holly Hegeman FA smackdown!

Haha, I also sea what you did they're.

I'd love to stay around and chat more, but I'm late to catch my plain and it's the last one out of DFW, so there's so much at steak. If I miss it I won't be at MCI til after the son sets.
If LG can get a side letter for hard forty she apparently can get other things done.
Many will be waiting to see what magic she can pull out of her hat if she needs LUS votes.
LG scewed up and let everyone see what is possible if you feel you need votes.
Did LAA have "Me To" in your contracts?
As far as scope, I suggest you cruise to the bottom of your T/A and check out side letter L6:1-3.  This language makes your scope worthless.  You can change the language all you want to match LUS language.  It would be a little too late since around 466 positions are already outsourced to folks NOT on the flight attendant seniority list.  This is fact.  This is a big loss for LUS.  This agreement actually allows up to 2.75% when 25,000 flight attendants are on seniority list, not to include 394 people that are already based in South America.  It also does not state what happens after there are more than 25,000 flight attendants.  It also opens door to using European nationals.  Paragraph 6 is a good read.  The company can use foreign nationals on ALL point to point flying between foreign countries.  This is very important to consider with potential growth.  Think it wont happen?  Think about a flight such as Tokyo to Kuala Lumpur.  This may not be a big deal to American folks because they have had to deal with it since 1990.  You can make any excuse in the world, but this guts Scope!  By the way this is over 1000 flight attendant positions!  That is more than are based in DCA!  That is a lot of potential future monies lost for the LUS Guys and gals.
I think some don't have an understanding of the jumpseat issue.  What I am talking about is not the system to award the jumpseat.  I understand that will be voted on by members.  I am speaking of the T/A language which potentially knocks someone off the jumpseat for weight and balance.  This does not currently happen on the US side.  Big loss for them!   Ask any commuter. 
A $3000 dollar taxed ONE TIME subsidy doe not begin to make up for the loss of the insurance system for the US folks.  I will not get into political discussion about current healthcare law.  Who knows what it looks like in 2018.  It does not take away from the fact that the value of the cost savings the company receives is much more than a one time subsidy.
Doug Parker can tell any union anything, does not mean in the end that a certain thing won't end up in there.  This is called negotiations for a reason.  The only sure way not to get something you want is to not negotiate it.  In the end, it is still a concession that probably has much more value than it was given.  There is a reason Doug is telling every union they can't have it!
Just something I heard. Not verified fact. Just heard from one reliable person from an interaction with a BA
crew. Again don't know if it's true but food for thought.
BA crew doesn't fly desirable (insert european city )/LAX because some other "airline within airline" flys it for next to nothing.
I know. Not very reliable but scope was always the most important long term issue for us.
Let's hope scope remains intact. If not this has implications beyond the F/As.
I have lived under a DOUBLE BK contract for many years and am beginning to see this as a benevolent BK contract vs. an "Industry Leading Contract" which it is not.
LG needs to step up to the plate one more time for which she has clearly demonsrated that she can do.
Many people are withholding their vote until they see what she is capable of.
LG is responsible for what happens next.
In regards to Jump seat and weight and balance and the JS, AA was un willing to change that, been that way for ever at L/AA.
Why is anyone talking about an aircraft from A/E/Envoy or the like with no JS to be had...Stupid.
Membership who is ELIGIBLE to VOTE will decide on how it will go.
L/AA has some me to on some things prior to this, why is this even being brought up in this conversation. If you are an a member in good standing at APFA and been permitted into the Road Shows, you would of heard by many of the negotiators from both sides that DP is having anything to do with new 'Me To", give it one give it to all, APA/APFA/TWU/IAM.
To hold off on ones vote, good for them they have every right.
The List on ineligible voters is very very bottom heavy and is loud as they are on FB.
Scope, in APFA contract comes from L/US side, which entails much more than just who fly's what A/C, but you know that Be carful for What You Wish For.
If Your L/AA or L/US and a APFA member in good standing, you may put your hat in the ring for President and give it
a try and quit complaining. BYTW SWA/DAL/UA are hiring you may find one of those companies to suite you
If you are unable to work to fix it go somewhere  you are of use.
AA has foreign nationals primarily to get route authorities from the many years prior to open skies.

Realistically, IF AA started flying TYO KUL how many flight attendants would want those 6 day trips.
Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
Does LAA have "Me To"
If you don't know what that is you have to be kidding me.
Not sure if the above was directed at my request. I'm not a FA, and don't know the main contract issues and importance to LUS and LAA.
Any input on my previous post re Pilots/FA negotiations?
Mach88ER, there are some me 2 in the currant contract . But with the TA nothing new or added as far as I know. At the road show the nego team said DP won't include any me 2 for than each union will demand one. So that is how it was left at the meeting.