The membership did it to themselves that's for sure! LG came back with the best thing we had in a long time. Its disingenuous for any APFA FA or any other person to say they weren't informed. We have known since the secret meeting in Tempe, that in order for the merger to go thru a number of things were to take place. What they missed I don't know, they wanted Horton out, they wanted a merger to take care of that. They got DP., Email after email, hot line after hot line, APFA town hall meetings, anti AFA carding campaign, election of negotiators, 6 L/AA 6 L/US, Fact rep program in place, fact calls, more hot line. Fact reps in operations, mailers, flyers, robo calls, ballots, voting material, fact reps in operations again, Phone call center for the facts, fact reps on social media to counter lies and misinformation.
Unfortunately there have been very vocal members doing everything in their power to undermine this process, and know what! These individuals are now telling their followers don't worry, and Profit sharing will get it, look at the pilots.. So now there demanding LG go in and get that 82K back. The company has made it very clear what there intentions are and these individual lead all the wanna be revolutionaries into the dessert with no water. But underground railroad leaders are demanding base chairs to call emergency BOD meetings and the audacity for them to put in place a new base chair to be in charge, ( in charge of what). You couldn't make this stuff up, just come to Miami and watch the horror show.
A no vote is fine, but when such underhanded tactics, lies, to mislead people and not to mention unsuspecting new hire,and that is unfair to the rest of us and infuriating. This didn't have to happen!