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Fired On Sick List Update


The term "convict" was used tongue in cheek. I am aware that it may or may notbe enough in a actual jury trial. The “casesâ€￾ that I was referring to are the ones like I saw a few weeks ago. This particular FA has been with AA sine 1989 and has yet to work a single X-mass or New Years. Sick each and every year when she was not on a bid leave. For me, that is enough to “convictâ€￾. There is nothing “allegedâ€￾ about this one or hundreds of other out there.

There are a few bad apples that can make the whole bunch unappealing.

Not sure if your enjoyment is a crack or you really are entertained but either way I guess as long as you are having fun that’s what counts 🙂

BTW, the rumor around crew skd is that the FA were fired legitimately but they were brought back because the other departments were not going after their own losers for calling in sick like the pilots, ramp … etc.
Garfield1966 said:
You seem to believe as indicated by your posts that if one is a member of a certain organization that you must support everything and/or everyone in that organization.
That's what UNITY is pal!
Wow. That has got to be the scariest thing you have ever said. I never thought you would actually admit that you would follow your union regardless. That is the equivalent of a cult. Is there any instance where you would not support the union and / or a member(s)?

Is this the way all of you feel?

As far as the holiday flu sick list is concerned, by your logic (and I use that term in the loosest manner) I guess since we can prove neither the theory of evolution or creationism, neither of them happened?

I’d watch who you acuse of drinking the cool aid. I question authority. I always ask why. I never blindly follow anyone or anything. If you are saying you follow the union and support all within regardless of actions, then you are the one drinking the cool aid.
(Stepping up on soap box.) 😱

When we all (union, non-union, mgmt.) signed up for this gig we knew that planes didn't stop flying on the holidays. If you wanted to be off for Christmas, New Years, etc. every year, you should have applied for a job at the bank, not American Airlines.

No matter what side of the fence you're on, you're job is directly related to making this corporation money. Yes....you heard correctly....this evil blood-sucking corporation has to make money for you to continue to be employed. I know this is a novel concept to some of you, who assume that AMR will be around forever.

The way I see it, anything external (terrorists, UA, WN, B6, ATC congestion, etc.) or internal (inept mgmt, sick abusing employees, drug smuggling rampers, etc.) that prevents this corporation from making money threatens my continued employment.

I rembember the days of profit sharing and half-heartly complaining that taxes were gonna eat up about 40% of my $1,700 profit sharing check. I don't know about all of you, but I miss those days, and I'd like to see 'em come back quickly.

So when the FA sick list goes 600-900 over the 12 month moving average every holiday season, that doesn't help AMR make money.

We all know there is alot of anger among union employees regarding the restructuring agreements, and alot of that anger is justified. No one in mgmt liked getting passed on raises for years and then getting a paycut either.

But here's something to consider:

What's the one thing that all three unions the property can bring to the table as leverage when the CBA's come up for negotiation?


When you want your old pay rates back, plus some, think about where that money is gonna come from.

When you want your long layovers back, plus a better crew hotel that's closer to restaruants, shopping, etc., think about where that money is gonna come from.

When you want your week of vacation back so you can spend more quality time with your family, think about where that money is gonna come from.

(Stepping down from the soap box.)

I'm thirsty......time for some Kool-AAid. Beat ya to it hotel. 😉
Garfield1966 said:
Wow. That has got to be the scariest thing you have ever said. I never thought you would actually admit that you would follow your union regardless.
Is this the way all of you feel?

I’d watch who you acuse of drinking the cool aid.

then you are the one drinking the cool aid.
You really need to read a dictionary and see the definition of UNITY! Please click here to see what UNITY stands for: UNITY

I don't support the union on everything they say or do. Did I listen to them when the said to vote for the concessions or AA will file BK? I voted NO and will do it again!

Yes, and several people on this BB will agree you're the true definition of a Kool-AAid drinker.

If I was a Kool-AAid drinker, I wouldn't be working for AA in a unionized work group. Kool-AAid drinkers are pro-company employees like yourself and people who are anti-union like yourself. Did you check out this airline to see if they would hire you? These are your type of people who guzzle the Kool-Aid. Kool-Aid
MJK - fantastic response!

My take, if the unions would negotiate some kind of profit sharing plan, there might be some sense of ownership in both the jobs that are out there and pride in the company as a whole. The company is made up of employees....from managers to union people. It's a team. When there is so much strife within a team, you have no chance of winning anything. If people would just band together toward a common goal (PROFIT), they might have a better chance at winning!

In-fighting doesn't do any good to anyone but the competitor.
FlyStorms said:
MJK - fantastic response!

My take, if the unions would negotiate some kind of profit sharing plan, there might be some sense of ownership in both the jobs that are out there and pride in the company as a whole. The company is made up of employees....from managers to union people. It's a team. When there is so much strife within a team, you have no chance of winning anything. If people would just band together toward a common goal (PROFIT), they might have a better chance at winning!

In-fighting doesn't do any good to anyone but the competitor.
It's obvious you don't know much about the relations between management and employees at AA. AA has the worst management/employee relations in the airline industry. Always have and always will.
LiveInAHotel said:
Kool-AAid drinkers are pro-company employees like yourself and people who are anti-union like yourself.
Do you even know where the Kool-Aid analogy comes from?
Actually, Hotel, I know first hand how it works over there. I worked for AMR/AA before going to TWA, then again after the merge/buyout (whatever). That's why I chose to leave (not fired or furloughed) that hostile environment for SWA. Think about what I said, though. It may be Pollyanna-ish but it's the basics of any sort of "TEAMWORK".
LiveInAHotel said:
It's obvious you don't know much about the relations between management and employees at AA. AA has the worst management/employee relations in the airline industry. Always have and always will.
The italicized portion of your statement demonstrates what is wrong with certain members of the labor force at AA. For some employees, their very identity is wrapped up in a hatred of management - which as you point out - will never go away. Ever. No matter what AA management does. Too bad those employees refuse to quit and find an employer who doesn't crap on them every second of every day. It must suck working your entire life and being unappreciated by your employer. Why put yourself through it??
FWAAA said:
The italicized portion of your statement demonstrates what is wrong with certain members of the labor force at AA. For some employees, their very identity is wrapped up in a hatred of management - which as you point out - will never go away. Ever. No matter what AA management does. Too bad those employees refuse to quit and find an employer who doesn't crap on them every second of every day. It must suck working your entire life and being unappreciated by your employer. Why put yourself through it??
Because the Union tied the flight attendants and pilots to a salary based on tenure, meaning most would have to take 75% pay cuts to quit and work any job that they are actually qualified to do.
LiveInAHotel said:
It's obvious you don't know much about the relations between management and employees at AA. AA has the worst management/employee relations in the airline industry. Always have and always will.

You seem quite content with that Hotel. Why is that? Is it because being angry is alot easier than trying to mend fences?

Like I said in my earlier post, things won't get any better for anybody until we start making money again. IMO, I think Capt Darrah has done a great job at APA in getting most of the pilot group onboard with getting this company back on track. You, on the other hand, probably think he's a Kool-AAid drinker.

FWAAA said:
For some employees, their very identity is wrapped up in a hatred of management - which as you point out - will never go away. Ever. No matter what AA management does.

Hotel, is FWAAA's assertion about you correct?

I hated some of my ex's for doing things alot worse than AA mgmt has ever done. But ya know what? After a while you've gotta let it go. I know that's not the best analogy, but it's the best I can think of at the moment. 😀

I bet away from work you're probably a very nice person. I'd probably take you to the AAC if you and the Bruins were in town at the same time. Or how about a trip down to SAT? Down a few beers on the riverwalk and head over to the SBC center for Spurs/Celtics. (oh that's right, ur a pats and bruins fan, but not a celtics fan. :huh: )
I think majority of the employees are ready to get a long with management. The problem is they're not ready to get a long with us. How can you trust this company when they lied to all of us and got their hands caught in the cookie jar?

Next time I have an SAT layover I will take you up on that offer! But, we must wait until the Knicks are in town! :up:
Gee wiz people. I go to work and everyone says what I wanted to say.

Some people like to be bitter. We have one of those at crew skd.


I’m confused about your post. If I were to quit (calm down Hotel and Bear, I said “ifâ€) and go work for any company that bases it’s salary on seniority I would start at the bottom. But there are tons of jobs out there that are not based on that. Hotel could apply for any number of jobs at AA, hold her seniority with the company and be miserable somewhere else. We have several former FA’s at crew skd who just wanted a change of pace and chose to come off the line. And if AA is not her cup of tea there is always a job with a real company that treats it’s employees like royalty like … like … hmm none come to mind but I am sure there is at least one out there some where.

She just seems to like to be bitter, has no hope for the future and seems to be content with that. With any luck she is in the minority of AA employees
LiveInAHotel said:
Next time I have an SAT layover I will take you up on that offer! But, we must wait until the Knicks are in town! :up:
Ah, it all makes sense now! You still hate the Spurs for what we did to your Knicks back in '99. :bleh:

You should have been happy just making it to the finals from the 8 seed.

Oh yeah.........thanks for Charlie Ward. We've needed a backup PG ever since Speedy left.

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