Man I know I am going to regret responding to a hotel post but what the hell, you only live once.
The post that you and bear just made are a indicative, at least in my opinion, of the union mentality. You seem to believe as indicated by your posts that if one is a member of a certain organization that you must support everything and/or everyone in that organization. That is a belief and mentality I do not subscribe to. Just because I consider my self a democrat does not mean that I believe in all of the platforms of the democratic party. In the current political field I feel they are the better of two evils. My point being is that I have yet to see hotel, bear, wing or anyone else who is staunchly pro union admit that their work group has issues. My self, Opps and several others have readily admitted that Crew skd has some losers in the dept who need to leave. We have admitted that we make mistakes. We have criticized management for their decisions. Opps and my self have said on numerous occasions that the reduced rest is a crock and needs to be changed. Yet I have yet to hear a FA admit that their S%^t stinks. That some of you can sit there and defend over 1,000 fa’s abusing the sick list every year is amazing. Please do not try and tell me it is just because of the new contract. The sick list has doubled every single year that I have been in crew skd. It doubled when AA was handing out raises and profit sharing. No bear, I will not support a work group, an idea, a company or anything else “just because†the party I associate my self with supports the aforementioned groups. That is being a mindless drone. This is not the military where you have to blindly follow the leader. Humans have a brain for a reason. That is the main reason I could never be part of a union. I would never look down on what you call a scab. They have their reasons for doing what they did and those reasons and those individuals need to be respected. A law professor once told me that the US constitution is there to protect the minority from the majority. It is there to protect the ideas and freedoms we despise. While I deplore what Neo Nazis and the KKK stand for, I will fight for their right to spew their vile hatred because if they cannot, then who is next? I will never do anything just because someone or something tells me to.
I am not clear on exactly what you are asking. If you are asking whether I can identify by name and employee number who was abusing the sick list and provide you with proof of the violation such as a picture of them on the beach with a Corona in their hand, no I cannot. Just because I cannot provide that information does not mean it did not happen and it does not mean that it cannot be proven. I have run across 100 or more FA’s who have a habit of being ill for the holidays every single year. I have run across several hundred FA’s who happen to be sick on the seq just before and or after their vacation. I have seen several 100 FA’s who call in sick when they cannot commute in to their base because of local weather or a canceled flight. The abuse exists, for most of them, the circumstantial evidence is clear enough for a jury to convict.