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Fired On Sick List Update

LiveInAHotel said:
It's your earned sick time, use it how you wish!
If that were true, why have a distinction between sick and vacation days? I'm serious. There's only reason to draw a distinction if they're distinct.

Garfield1966 girlie, you still haven't answered my question. Can you prove any f/a's were faking it over the holidays?
Based on your answer above, it shouldn't matter, should it?

And, assuming he could prove it, what should happen to those FAs? Understand, I'm not saying ones that were home because of genuine illness of a family member...I'm talking about ones that were home because they didn't want to work and couldn't bid the date off.

FYI, Halloween is the biggest sick day of the year.
So what? It only serves to prove the point that the sick time rules are being abused.
LiveInAHotel said:
Sick time just isn't for you. It's also for when your kids or husband/wife are so sick they can't move an inch. Some f/a's have elderly parents who need help and use it for that.
Again, that's not "using it as you wish," that is a valid reason to use a sick day. How about you stop talking about all the valid reasons and start talking about the invalid reasons that you know are being used?
LiveInAHotel said:
It's your earned sick time, use it how you wish!
It's now official....Hotel is my favorite poster on this board!!!

His posts are definatley the most entertaining. :up:

His sense of entitlement is one of the best I've ever seen.

He's probably a straight line democratic voter.

(Ohhh.....that should hijack this thread for a while!!!) 😛
mjk said:
LiveInAHotel said:
It's your earned sick time, use it how you wish!
It's now official....Hotel is my favorite poster on this board!!!

His posts are definatley the most entertaining. :up:

His sense of entitlement is one of the best I've ever seen.

He's probably a straight line democratic voter.

(Ohhh.....that should hijack this thread for a while!!!) 😛
Do you think everyone who posts on this BB is a male? Next time try using Hers instead of His!!

mjk, go and have some Kool-AAid with your buddies, Garfield1966, operaations and mweiss! I'm glad to know I'm you favorite poster on this board. I will tell you that you're NOT mine!

BTW, the Spurs s**k!
mjk said:
LiveInAHotel said:
It's your earned sick time, use it how you wish!
It's now official....Hotel is my favorite poster on this board!!!

His posts are definatley the most entertaining. :up:

His sense of entitlement is one of the best I've ever seen.

He's probably a straight line democratic voter.

(Ohhh.....that should hijack this thread for a while!!!) 😛
OH that was low MJK. A democrat? No way. He is way too much of pin head to be one of us. I was figuring with him entitlement mentality he was one of yours but I know you don't want him either. With any luck he is unregistered and no one has to worry about him.
LiveInAHotel said:
mweiss said:
If that were true, why have a distinction between sick and vacation days? I'm serious. There's only reason to draw a distinction if they're distinct.

Based on your answer above, it shouldn't matter, should it?

And, assuming he could prove it, what should happen to those FAs? Understand, I'm not saying ones that were home because of genuine illness of a family member...I'm talking about ones that were home because they didn't want to work and couldn't bid the date off.

So what? It only serves to prove the point that the sick time rules are being abused.

It seems we have another Kool-AAid drinker on this BB!

mweiss, do you even work for AA? If you don't, stay out of our business!
I realize that the idea of freedom of speech is a hard concept for you. You are trying your hardest to get me in trouble for it. Whether or not Mweiss works for AA or not is irrelevant. Weiss has can post here just as anyone else can.
LiveInAHotel said:
mweiss, do you even work for AA? If you don't, stay out of our business!
Hmmm...looks like someone has trouble justifying their position... <_<

Come on, let's hear you explain to us why it is that there is a difference between vacation days and sick days if they're both supposed to be used for the same purpose!

Attacking me for what job I may or may not have doesn't really help your case, ya know.
Maybe we just need to close this discussion and move on with something else. The fact is that people who had called in sick went non-revving during the Christmas holidays, and got away with it. There are NO extenuating circumstances.

To Live, NHBB, et al, the issue is NOT whether they were truly sick or not. The issue from the very beginning was that they CLAIMED to be sick and then used their non-rev travel benefits which is a clear and direct violation of company policy.

And, it doesn't matter whether the policy is right or wrong--I wholeheartedly agree that in some cases it is overkill--but it is still the policy. Non-rev travel is a privilege not a right. The company can grant it or withold it at their discretion. They get to make the rules. We are told in f/a training that non-revving while on the sick list is a termination offense.

In conclusion, I stand by my previous statement that the people who did it are selfish worms with a total lack of consideration for their fellow flight attendants who are forced to work in their place. If I am recalled, I do not want to have to depend upon such people in an emergency. There is no defense for what they did.
LiveInAHotel said:
Do you think everyone who posts on this BB is a male? Next time try using Hers instead of His!!

mjk, go and have some Kool-AAid with your buddies, Garfield1966, operaations and mweiss! I'm glad to know I'm you favorite poster on this board. I will tell you that you're NOT mine!

BTW, the Spurs s**k!

I guess I was giving you too much credit, Hotel. (I'll just call you that, since it's not gender specific.) I thought you were going to come back with something alot better than you did.

Call me a kool-AAid drinker all you want but don't talk smack about my Spurs!!! :angry:
San Antonio has beaten Boston 12 times in a row and is 18-1 against the Celtics since the 1993-94 season. link
When your Celtics get over .500, let me know.

As for the thread......I agree with Jim, this dog won't hunt.

Hotel has made it perfectly clear that if you use your sick time only when you're sick, you're an AA homer.
Hotel's self-righteous sense of entitlement has overridden any moral or ethical fiber left in his/her being.

Time to lock this thread....I'm gonna go read more bellyaching about leather jackets. :lol:
Man MJK and jim, you guys are no fun. I like seeing hotel girl get her panties all in a wad. It's so entertaining. I can just see the vein poping out of her forhead.
mjk said:
Call me a kool-AAid drinker all you want but don't talk smack about my Spurs!!! :angry:
San Antonio has beaten Boston 12 times in a row and is 18-1 against the Celtics since the 1993-94 season. link
When your Celtics get over .500, let me know.[/color]
Just because I live in the Northeast, doesn't mean I'm a Celtics fan. The Celtics are also not the only NBA team in the Northeast!!

I'm sorry I will not let you know when the Celtics get over .500, because I don't care. A little FYI, the Spurs do s**k. Click here to see: Spurs S**k! :lol:

mweiss, I do know the difference between VC and SK days, do you?

Garfield1966, you still haven't answered my question. CAN YOU PROVE ANY OF THE F/A'S WERE FAKING IT OVER THE HOLIDAY PERIOD IN 2003?
Garfield1966 said:
mjk said:
LiveInAHotel said:
It's your earned sick time, use it how you wish!
It's now official....Hotel is my favorite poster on this board!!!

His posts are definatley the most entertaining. :up:

His sense of entitlement is one of the best I've ever seen.

He's probably a straight line democratic voter.

(Ohhh.....that should hijack this thread for a while!!!) 😛
OH that was low MJK. A democrat? No way. He is way too much of pin head to be one of us. I was figuring with him entitlement mentality he was one of yours but I know you don't want him either. With any luck he is unregistered and no one has to worry about him.
AM I understanding you correctly ??
YOU, are a registered DEMOCRAT ????????

DEMOCRAT, meaning the party that STRONGLY backs organized labor ?????

(Possibly), I'm confusing you as being a SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT, as opposed to a real (north of the mason/dixon) DEMOCRAT ??

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
AM I understanding you correctly ??
YOU, are a registered DEMOCRAT ????????

DEMOCRAT, meaning the party that STRONGLY backs organized labor ?????

(Possibly), I'm confusing you as being a SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT, as opposed to a real (north of the mason/dixon) DEMOCRAT ??


I don't think Garfield1966 can even figure out left from right. It's funny to know that GAArfield1966 is a Democrat and is anti-union.
Man I know I am going to regret responding to a hotel post but what the hell, you only live once.

The post that you and bear just made are a indicative, at least in my opinion, of the union mentality. You seem to believe as indicated by your posts that if one is a member of a certain organization that you must support everything and/or everyone in that organization. That is a belief and mentality I do not subscribe to. Just because I consider my self a democrat does not mean that I believe in all of the platforms of the democratic party. In the current political field I feel they are the better of two evils. My point being is that I have yet to see hotel, bear, wing or anyone else who is staunchly pro union admit that their work group has issues. My self, Opps and several others have readily admitted that Crew skd has some losers in the dept who need to leave. We have admitted that we make mistakes. We have criticized management for their decisions. Opps and my self have said on numerous occasions that the reduced rest is a crock and needs to be changed. Yet I have yet to hear a FA admit that their S%^t stinks. That some of you can sit there and defend over 1,000 fa’s abusing the sick list every year is amazing. Please do not try and tell me it is just because of the new contract. The sick list has doubled every single year that I have been in crew skd. It doubled when AA was handing out raises and profit sharing. No bear, I will not support a work group, an idea, a company or anything else “just becauseâ€￾ the party I associate my self with supports the aforementioned groups. That is being a mindless drone. This is not the military where you have to blindly follow the leader. Humans have a brain for a reason. That is the main reason I could never be part of a union. I would never look down on what you call a scab. They have their reasons for doing what they did and those reasons and those individuals need to be respected. A law professor once told me that the US constitution is there to protect the minority from the majority. It is there to protect the ideas and freedoms we despise. While I deplore what Neo Nazis and the KKK stand for, I will fight for their right to spew their vile hatred because if they cannot, then who is next? I will never do anything just because someone or something tells me to.


I am not clear on exactly what you are asking. If you are asking whether I can identify by name and employee number who was abusing the sick list and provide you with proof of the violation such as a picture of them on the beach with a Corona in their hand, no I cannot. Just because I cannot provide that information does not mean it did not happen and it does not mean that it cannot be proven. I have run across 100 or more FA’s who have a habit of being ill for the holidays every single year. I have run across several hundred FA’s who happen to be sick on the seq just before and or after their vacation. I have seen several 100 FA’s who call in sick when they cannot commute in to their base because of local weather or a canceled flight. The abuse exists, for most of them, the circumstantial evidence is clear enough for a jury to convict.
Garfield1966 said:
The abuse exists, for most of them, the circumstantial evidence is clear enough for a jury to convict.
Careful Garfield - now you are wading into unfamiliar territory. The term, conviction is only applicable in a criminal setting. Circumstantial evidence, in many situations, is inadmissible.

By the way, I have enjoyed your posts on the issue of alleged sick time abuse.

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