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Time For The "weed Eater"

bikingjw, care to give us your name or do you hide behind this one to protect yourself? I didnt think so. So youre still here because???? Lets see money isnt enough, no vacation. noc sick, hours are long? Why are you here. Your motives and especially this posting of your s, speaks volumes. I doubt that you were out sick at all. You like to stir it alll up dont you....My cushy job? I work just as hard, and have gone thru the same transitions that everyone else in this company has. What makes you better than anyof us other that your work ethic. ( or like of it) You dont like it QUIT! Im assuming that if what you say is true, you back up what i have said earlier, that those who called in sick, already have a track record. I hope you dont think your somekind of HERO because of what you said. It shows and speaks of you very very loudly! Id fire you on th e spot dude, if what your saying is true! I feel for your family if this is really who you are, they have to put up with this, oh no wait, blame it on usair.....
Boi, you are a boil on the butt of humanity. Why don't you weed wack your computer and spare us the stupid commentary.
Just like you were proven by myself not to be what you claim to be.

How fast you forget boi!
The truth hurtS! and anyone on here who thinks you have the creditablity to prove anything, I have some hanger space in Tampa!!!!!!
usfliboi said:
The truth hurtS! and anyone on here who thinks you have the creditablity to prove anything, I have some hanger space in Tampa!!!!!!
You not only sound desperate your pathetic. Accept the fact that its over and YOU will soon be pounding the streets looking for another job.
usfliboi said:
bikingjw, care to give us your name or do you hide behind this one to protect yourself? You like to stir it alll up dont you....
Someone named "usfliboi" caling someone else out for using an internet handle? And then accusing them of "stirring it all up?"

So.many.ironies. So little time.
WOW fliboi
Think I hit a nerve!! After reading your post to me I have a few questions. You want to know my name, Why ? Whats yours? I have nothing to hide, email me and we can trade for all that its worth. Have we met before? It would seem so as you talk of my work ethics and how you feel for my family. Sorry, I can't remember ever meeting you, and even if I did I would't come on a board spouting off about a fellow employee (320pilot excluded, I havn't a lot respect for him). And where in my post to you did I ever talk about your "cushy job" or where did I say I was better than any one else? I AM scratching my head just a little over that one.
Did you read my whole post? If you did you would know I no longer work for usairways. I was laid off and now work elsewhere.. Why do I still come to this sight? Well I spent 16 years of my life with this company and still have friends that work for them. Also 16 years of my retirement will be coming from usairways. So I still have an interest and read this board. You say if I don't like it Quit, sort of hard to do as the company already laid me off as I'm sure you read in my post. Do I feel animosity towards usairways ? You bet I do!! I don't paticularly enjoy my company coming in at 4am and closing down our hanger which put us out of work three days before a holiday with no notice whatsoever. How would you feel about it. And yes, it was an illegal job action, the company admitted to it (violation of the w.a.r.n. act). They agreed to a 23 million dollar settlement to affected employees, but then they just happened to go chap 11, and well you know the rest.
Fliboi, please reread my earlier post and show me the errors of my ways.
bikingjw, my handle., not my name, ok??
Still waiting for your reply. You felt it necessary to lamblast me on this board, but quietly ignore any questions asked by me to you. Why??
actually thought u were still here working ,mis read your post, so i could care less, good luck to u
So you could care less. Great return!!! The way you hammered me with your pent up anger i'm glad that you could care less what you say to others on this board. You could care less... :down:
The sickout by employees was wrong. Just plain wrong. It has brought major attention to a problem that has existed now for YEARS. I am guessing you are a pilot. If you job consisted of dealing with customers daily that had a bad experience with PHL you would feel differently. This fiasco may take us out of business. We were brought to the edge of the cliff by our "talented" management. If we stay alive it is safe to say that the problem won't be ignored this time. I think it speaks volumes about out leaders that it took this much to get something done.
jimntx said:
Ah, but bikingjw, you misconstrue. Usfliboi could care less about your job. He's mad because he thinks others have jeopardized his cushy job. Which they have. But, you're right. There is karma, and what goes around, does, in fact, come around.
<_< jimntx! Do you really mean that?????? Signed, You guess it! "just anotherone of a.a.'s redheaded stepchildren!"

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